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better rust logo
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lawandothman committed Oct 6, 2024
1 parent 276bfc3 commit 978f242
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Showing 2 changed files with 2 additions and 75 deletions.
75 changes: 1 addition & 74 deletions components/Icons/index.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,80 +60,7 @@ export const Typescript = (props: IconProps) => {
export const Rust = (props: IconProps, fill: string) => {
return (
<Icon {...props}>
<g id='logo' transform='translate(53, 53)'>
transform='translate(0.5, 0.5)'
d=' M -9,-15 H 4 C 12,-15 12,-7 4,-7 H -9 Z M -40,22 H 0 V 11 H -9 V 3 H 1 C 12,3 6,22 15,22 H 40 V 3 H 34 V 5 C 34,13 25,12 24,7 C 23,2 19,-2 18,-2 C 33,-10 24,-26 12,-26 H -35 V -15 H -25 V 11 H -40 Z'
<g id='gear' mask='url(#holes)'>
<circle r='43' fill='none' stroke='black' strokeWidth='9' />
<g id='cogs'>
points='46,3 51,0 46,-3'
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(11.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(22.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(33.75)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(45.00)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(56.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(67.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(78.75)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(90.00)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(101.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(112.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(123.75)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(135.00)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(146.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(157.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(168.75)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(180.00)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(191.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(202.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(213.75)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(225.00)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(236.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(247.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(258.75)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(270.00)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(281.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(292.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(303.75)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(315.00)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(326.25)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(337.50)' />
<use xlinkHref='#cog' transform='rotate(348.75)' />
<g id='mounts'>
points='-7,-42 0,-35 7,-42'
<use xlinkHref='#mount' transform='rotate(72)' />
<use xlinkHref='#mount' transform='rotate(144)' />
<use xlinkHref='#mount' transform='rotate(216)' />
<use xlinkHref='#mount' transform='rotate(288)' />
<mask id='holes'>
<rect x='-60' y='-60' width='120' height='120' fill='white' />
<circle id='hole' cy='-40' r='3' />
<use xlinkHref='#hole' transform='rotate(72)' />
<use xlinkHref='#hole' transform='rotate(144)' />
<use xlinkHref='#hole' transform='rotate(216)' />
<use xlinkHref='#hole' transform='rotate(288)' />
<path fill={fill} d="M15 3.77a.951.951 0 1 1 1.902 0 .951.951 0 0 1-1.902 0M3.654 12.38a.951.951 0 1 1 1.902 0 .951.951 0 0 1-1.902 0m22.692.044a.951.951 0 0 1 1.902 0 .951.951 0 0 1-1.902 0M6.406 13.73a.87.87 0 0 0 .441-1.146l-.422-.954h1.66v7.48H4.736a11.7 11.7 0 0 1-.379-4.47zm6.942.184v-2.205H17.3c.204 0 1.44.236 1.44 1.16 0 .768-.95 1.044-1.73 1.044zM7.952 25.785a.951.951 0 1 1 1.902 0 .951.951 0 0 1-1.902 0m14.093.044a.951.951 0 0 1 1.902 0 .951.951 0 0 1-1.902 0m.294-2.157a.867.867 0 0 0-1.03.667l-.477 2.228a11.71 11.71 0 0 1-9.765-.047l-.477-2.228a.865.865 0 0 0-1.03-.667l-1.967.422a12 12 0 0 1-1.017-1.199h9.57c.108 0 .18-.02.18-.118v-3.385c0-.1-.072-.118-.18-.118h-2.8v-2.146h3.027c.276 0 1.477.08 1.862 1.614l.565 2.5c.18.55.913 1.653 1.693 1.653h4.94a12 12 0 0 1-1.085 1.255zm5.314-8.938a11.7 11.7 0 0 1 .025 2.033h-1.2c-.12 0-.17.08-.17.197v.552c0 1.3-.732 1.58-1.374 1.653-.61.07-1.29-.256-1.372-.63-.36-2.028-.96-2.46-1.9-3.21 1.177-.748 2.402-1.85 2.402-3.327 0-1.594-1.093-2.598-1.838-3.09-1.045-.69-2.202-.827-2.514-.827H7.277a11.7 11.7 0 0 1 6.551-3.697l1.465 1.537c.33.347.88.36 1.226.028l1.64-1.567a11.71 11.71 0 0 1 8.017 5.709l-1.122 2.534a.87.87 0 0 0 .441 1.146zm2.798.04-.038-.392 1.156-1.078c.235-.22.147-.66-.153-.772l-1.477-.552-.116-.38.92-1.28c.188-.26.015-.675-.3-.727l-1.558-.253-.187-.35.655-1.437c.134-.293-.115-.667-.437-.655l-1.58.055-.25-.303.363-1.54c.073-.313-.244-.63-.557-.557l-1.54.363-.304-.25.055-1.58c.012-.32-.362-.57-.654-.437l-1.436.655-.35-.188-.254-1.558c-.05-.316-.467-.488-.727-.3l-1.28.92-.38-.115L19.47.586c-.112-.3-.553-.388-.772-.154L17.62 1.588l-.392-.038-.832-1.345c-.168-.272-.62-.272-.787 0l-.832 1.345-.392.038L13.305.43c-.22-.234-.66-.147-.772.154l-.552 1.477-.38.115-1.28-.92c-.26-.188-.676-.015-.727.3L9.34 3.114l-.35.188-1.436-.655c-.292-.133-.667.117-.654.437l.055 1.58-.304.25-1.54-.363c-.313-.073-.63.244-.557.557l.363 1.54-.25.303-1.58-.055c-.32-.01-.57.362-.437.655l.655 1.437-.188.35-1.558.253c-.316.05-.488.467-.3.727l.92 1.28-.116.38-1.477.552c-.3.112-.388.553-.153.772l1.156 1.078-.038.392-1.345.832c-.272.168-.272.62 0 .787l1.345.832.038.392L.43 18.697c-.234.22-. 1.28c-.187.26-.015.676.3.727l1.557.253.188.35-.655 1.436c-. 1.54c-.073.312.244.63.557.556l1.54-.363.304.25-.055 1.58c-.012.32.362.57.654.437l1.436-.655.35.188.254 1.557c.05.317.467.488.727.302l1.28-.922.38.116.552 1.477c.112.3.553.388.772.153l1.078-1.156.392.04.832 1.345c.168.27.618.272.787 0l.832-1.345.392-.04 1.078 1.156c. 1.28.922c.26.187.676.015.727-.302l.254-1.557.35-.188 1.436.655c.292.133.666-.116.654-.437l-.055-1.58.303-.25 1.54.363c.313.073.63-.244.557-.556l-.363-1.54.25-.304 1.58.055c.32.013.57-.363.437-.655l-.655-1.436.187-.35 1.558-.253c.317-.05.49-.466.3-.727l-.92-1.28.116-.38 1.477-.552c.3-.113.388-.553.153-.772l-1.156-1.078.038-.392 1.345-.832c.272-.168.273-.618 0-.787z" />
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion data/stack.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const stack: IStack[] = [
name: 'Rust',
description: 'Blazingly fast',
url: '',
icon: <Rust viewBox='3 3 100 100' width='58' height='58' fill='icon' />,
icon: <Rust viewBox='0 0 32 32' width='58' height='58' fill='icon' />,
name: 'TypeScript',
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