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Lauren Saunders [email protected]

Original: February 20, 2017 Revised: June 8, 2017

This repository contains various Python scripts and tools for running the He10 cryostat at Argonne National Laboratory.

The repository is divided into three directories: control, measurement, and analysis. The control directory contains important codes for working directly with the cryostat to change temperatures. The measurement directory contains codes that can be used to make specific measurements of SPT-3G detectors. The analysis directory contains some codes that can be used to interpret and plot these measurements.

The control codes contained in this repository are intended for use only with the He10 system; it is not designed to be used with the ADR cryostat housed in Building 360, although certain parts of the codes are intended to be universally applicable to certain types of hardware (these cases are noted in the following sections). The measurement and analysis codes are inteded for use with the SPT-3G detectors and readout electronics, and work with algorithms stored in other repositories, such as pydfmux.


Room Temperature Hardware

Before we start on the codes that can be used to control the cryostat temperature and take data, we need to make sure that all of the correct hardware is in place. You will need 3-4 power supplies, 1 Lakeshore 340 temperature controller, 1 Lakeshore diode reader, a MOXA box with a connection to the computer and correct cables, and cables connecting the thermometry to the cryostat.

Before you begin, ensure that all of the hardware is plugged in correctly. You should connect the power supplies and Lakeshore boxes to the MOXA box using the cables that came with the box (one side of the cable looks like an ethernet connector, while the other connects to the port underneath the power cord on the power supplies and Lakeshore boxes). The thermometry cables should be connected at the top of the cryostat.

Turn on the power supplies and Lakeshore boxes. The power supplies and Lakeshore boxes can have two types of connections: RS-232 and GPIB. The system that we have in place uses the RS-232 setting, as it allows for our connection with the MOXA box and also reduces noise in the system.

To check that the power supplies are in RS-232 mode, press the I/O Config button and turn the knob until RS-232 is displayed. Press the I/O Config button again. Now the power supply will display the baud rate. The factory setting for baud rate is 9600, and this is the setting that we commonly use; however, if you wish to change the baud rate, you can do so by turning the knobs. Pressing the I/O Config button again will display the parity and number of data bits. The setting that we commonly use is NONE 8 BITS, but turning the dial will allow you to change to ODD 7 BITS or EVEN 7 BITS. Pressing the I/O Config button again will save the configuration.

To check the connection settings for the Lakeshore boxes, you can press the Interface button. This will display the serial interface settings, including baud rate, parity, and number of data bits. The Next Setting button allows you to move to the next listed parameter. The up and down buttons allow you to change to the desired setting.

If you are installing a new Lakeshore box or power supply, you will need to make note of the baud rate, parity, number of data bits, byte size, and MOXA port for the new box. This information is important for setting up the interface software, which will be covered in the next section.

Cold Hardware

It is important to check all of the hardware that will go inside of the cryostat before you close up, as it will be impossible to fix any problems once you are cold.

First, check your on-wafer hardware. Ensure that the connections between LC boards and the connectors that will plug into the SQUID boards are not damaged by checking them with a multimeter. Additionally, make sure that the flex cables connecting your LC boards to either resistors or detectors are oriented correctly. The flex cables should sit flat in the zif connectors, and should be oriented so that left handed cables go to the left-most zif, and right-handed cables go to the right-most zif. You should also make sure that all screws and washers are secured.

The next step is installation in the cryostat. Once you connect the wafer holder to the stage and are satisfied with the direction that the cables are coming out of the stage, you should carefully connect the connectors to the SQUID boards and tighten the screws. You should then make sure that the cables do not come in contact with any part of the milliKelvin stage or the 4K stage.

Before closing up you should also take a moment to check your thermometry. Ensure that the resistor heater that is thermally connected to the ultracold stage is properly connected and that the wires are not broken.

Cooling Down

Once the cryostat is closed and flipped over, you can connect the pulse tube and then begin pumping down to vacuum. Plug the power cord into the pressure gauge, and connect the hose of the vacuum pump to the valve at the top of the cryostat. You should begin with the valve closed, and just pump down the hose with the roughing pump. Once that is done, you can slowly open the valve, keeping the pressure reading on the pump around 100 mTorr. You should not open the valve quickly or begin pumping with the valve open because this may cause damage to the wafer. Eventually, the valve will be open completely, which will be evident by a lack of quick change in the pressure reading on the pump when you turn the valve.

After you have pumped down to _? mTorr, you can turn on the _? pump and allow the pressure to come down to 1e-4 mTorr on the cryostat's pressure gauge. Once you are done pumping down, you can close the cryostat's valve and turn off the vacuum pumps, allowing the fans to slowly spin down. Once this is done, you can remove the vacuum pump. To turn on the pulse tube, go into the inner hallway and turn on the water. Then, you can power on the pulse tube (in that hallway) and turn on the linear driver (a switch on the power strip in the cabinet with the IceBoards). You should hear the pulse tube start pumping.

At this point, you should start logging the temperature. To learn how to start the fridge logger, see the Fridge Logging section of this file. Once the main plate temperature reading is below 3.5 K, you can start the first_cycle script, which will cool the stages down to base temperature (see the Cryostat Control section for more information).

Remote Sessions

It is frequently useful to run certain codes in detachable windows, so that if you are running something remotely, it will not crash should you lose your internet connection. This is sometimes done with tmux sessions.

To open a tmux session, type into a terminal

where session_name is the name of your new session (i.e. fridge_logger, measurement, etc.) You will automatically attach to your session. To detach, type Ctrl+B, then D. To re-attach, you can type

The tmux session usually prevents you from scrolling up to see earlier things in the terminal. If you wish to do this, you can type Ctrl+B, then [. You can then scroll up and down with your arrow keys, but cannot type anything. To get back to the current line and begin typing again, you can type Ctrl+B, Q, Esc.

You can also use screen or a non-detachable terminal to run tests, but should be sure that if anyone else might be running something in the cryostat remotely, they know not to run anything simultaneously with you.

Fridge Logging

The code ( reads in data from Lakeshore340 and Lakeshore218 boxes. It then outputs data to a .h5 file and a _read.h5 file, which are used to create plots and current temperature readings on the website.

The fridge logger, as well as the web server that services it, are usually run in detachable sessions. To start the logger, attach to your detachable session (screen or tmux). Before you begin the logger, make sure that any computer that might be attached your session has a connection with X windows available (either ssh -X, or from the desktop in the lab). Then, in the terminal, type

You will then be prompted for a filename, which should be inputted as

Once you have started the logger, you can create the webserver so that you can monitor the temperatures. To do so, open another detachable session (screen or tmux) and type in the terminal

The fridge logger will now publish its read information to a local website, which provides the most current measurements (a table that refreshes every few seconds) and a plot of recent measurements (this needs to be refreshed in order to show changes). The web page can be accessed at address localhost:8100.

Sometimes, the fridge logger encounters errors in reading the temperatures in from the Lakeshore boxes. If this happens, the logger will print what the error is, and will try 10 times to read back a valid response from the electronics. This is done to prevent the code from crashing if a Lakeshore box sends an invalid signal, which sometimes occurs.

Cryostat Control

This section will go through the files contained in the control directory, as well as some specific directions on how to perform certain tasks.

Driver files

Driver files are text documents that contain the keys for communicating with the power supplies that control the pumps and switches for heating and cooling the stages in the cryostat. There are seven driver files, most of which refer to a particular part of the fridge and either a pump or a switch (He4p.txt refers to the Helium-4 pump; He4s.txt to the He-4 switch; He3ICp.txt to the He-3 Interstage pump; He3ICs.txt to the He-3 Interstage switch; He3UCp.txt to the Ultrastage pump; He3UCs.txt to the He-3 Ultrastage switch; and Helmholtz.txt refers to the power supply used in Helmholtz coil testing (see Each driver file must only refer to one output of a power supply, and must give a list of keys, as follows.

  • port: the serial address of the power supply you are trying to access
  • baudrate: the baud rate for the serial connection
  • parity: parity for the serial connection
  • stopbits: the stop bits for the serial connection
  • bytesize: the number of bits for the serial connection
  • timeout: a timeout for the serial connection
  • term: termination character needed to end a command
  • v_ask: statement to query the voltage output
  • v_apply: statement to apply a voltage
  • select: statement to select the desired output
  • idn: statement to query the identification of the power supply
  • output_on: statement to turn on the output
  • remote: statement to set the power supply in remote mode
  • error_ask: statement to query errors
  • sep: separation character (for power supplies that require an output selection)
  • vmin: the output's minimum allowable voltage
  • vmax: the output's maximum allowable voltage

In order to add a new power supply or change a current power supply to a different one, you need to create or edit a driver file to include the commands that the power supply needs to read in order to execute what you want. Certain keys (select, output_on, remote, and sep) may not be applicable to your power supply; in this case, they can simply be set to None. An example driver file can be seen below.

PowerSupply class

Simply writing a driver file does not provide any connection with the device you are trying to communicate with; it is just a template for things that you should be able to write to the power supply. The PowerSupply class, which is contained in, is the Python class which allows you to set up connections.

PowerSupply requires you to supply a driver file, which it uses to write to the power supplies. Currently, PowerSupply assumes that your driver file is stored in anl_fridge_control/control. An example of setting up one of these class objects is shown below.

import anl_fridge_control.control.powersupply as PS

# set He4p as the connection dictated by driver file He4p.txt
He4p = PS.PowerSupply('He4p.txt')

PowerSupply provides functions for connecting with the power supplies and troubleshooting issues. The callable functions are listed below.

  • who_am_i: asks the power supply to send its identification, and reads out

this signal

  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: string of the power supply's identification
  • error: asks the power supply to send all errors in queue, and reads this out
    • Parameters: None
    • Returns: list of strings of errors
  • remote_set: sets the power supply to remote mode
    • Parameters: None
    • Returns: None
  • read_voltage: queries the power supply for the current voltage output, and

reads back this message

  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: string of voltage output
  • set_voltage: sets the voltage to a specified number
    • Parameters: voltage (float)
    • Returns: None
  • set_vi: sets the voltage and current to specified numbers
    • Parameters: current (float), voltage (float)
    • Returns: None

This is not a comprehensive list of every query and command you can possibly send to the power supply, simply a group of commands that are commonly needed for our purposes. It is possible to send a command outside of this list. To do so, you will need to know the exact message required to get the result you are looking for, which can be found in the manual for the power supply. Then, to send the message, you can use the serial_connex.write() and serial_connex.readline() functions, as shown below.

# ask the power supply what voltage the output is set to
# read back the response from the power supply

The PowerSupply class is intended to be general enough to be used with any power supply, so long as it is provided a driver file that includes all of the correct statements for your power supply. At present, the class can only be used with a serial connection; however, it can be amended to include other types of connections, such as IEEE-488 or ethernet.

TempControl class

The TempControl class, which is contained in, also uses a serial connection to communicate with the Lakeshore340 Temperature Controller. It does not require a driver file, and does not attempt to be general to all temperature controllers. It does, however, require a serial address and a list of four channel names. An example of creating this connection is shown below.

import anl_fridge_control.control.lakeshore as LS

ChaseLS = LS.TempControl('/dev/ttyr18', ['A','B','C1','C2'])

TempControl provides a few functions for connecting with the Lakeshore340 box. These functions are listed below.

  • set_PID_temp: sets the temperature of the heater for the UC Head

    • Parameters: loop (1), temperature (float, in Kelvin)
    • Returns: None
  • set_heater_range: sets the heater range, which controls power to the PID

    • Parameters: heater range (integer 0-5)

    -Returns: None

  • get_temps: reads out the temperatures directly from the Lakeshore340

    • Parameters: None
    • Returns: dictionary of channel names and corresponding temperatures

If you want to send a query or command that is not one of the preset functions, you can do so with the connex function. Once you look up the necessary commands from the manual, you can send a message with the connex.write() function and can read back a message with the connex.readline() function. An example is shown below.

# ask the Lakeshore340 what the Celsius temperature of Channel A is
ChaseLS.connex.write('CRDG? A\r\n')
# read back the message from the Lakeshore340

Serial connections

While the TempControl and PowerSupply classes are made to work with any number of power supplies and Lakeshore340 boxes, our present setup only has 3 power supplies and 1 Lakeshore340. Because these same connections need to be called in order to make any temperature adjustment, the connections can all be set up by importing This short python code establishes connections and configures the Lakeshore340. If you wish to modify the connections by adding or removing temperature controllers or power supplies, you should ensure that you modify in order to match the setup you want. Many other scripts also import this one and use the connections to change temperatures, so it is important to ensure that this script is accurate to your setup. The current setup and definitions are listed below.

  • He4p: Helium-4 pump
  • He4s: Helium-4 switch
  • He3ICp: Helium-3 Interstage pump
  • He3ICs: Helium-3 Interstage switch
  • He3UCp: Helium-3 Ultracold pump
  • He3UCs: Helium-3 Ultracold switch
  • ChaseLS: Lakeshore340, with PID channel set to A (UC Stage)

Basic temperature control

Once you have imported serial_connections, it is relatively easy to change the UC and IC stage temperatures. Some basic guidelines to changing temperature are provided here; however, if you need more specific help, you should ask Gensheng, who is very well-versed in the operation of this cryostat.

Generally, the temperature that is most relevant to our measurements is that of the UC Stage. Currently, this is read by Channel A on the Lakeshore340, and can usually be seen by looking at the display on this box. However, because of the structure of the stage, a change in temperature of the UC Stage is also influenced by a change in temperature of the IC Stage. Although the IC Stage will usually be warmer than the UC Stage, it is important that when you change the temperature of the UC Stage, you also similarly change that of the IC Stage.

The first, and most easily-explained, way of changing the UC Stage temperature is by setting temperatures on the PID heater, which is done through the connection with the Lakeshore340. When you set the PID heater to a certain temperature, you run a current through a resistor heater that is mounted in thermal contact with the UC Stage. The heater can help you to settle at and hold a particular temperature stably. In order to do this, you need to set both the temperature that you want the UC Stage to reach, as well as a power level for the heater (an integer between 0 and 5, inclusive). It is generally advisable to leave at least one second between sending the commands for setting these levels, as simultaneous signals to the Lakeshore340 are not always interpreted well. To set a temperature with the PID heater, you can use the set_PID_temp() function of TempControl, and to set a power level, you can use set_heater_range(). Keep in mind that set_PID_temp requires two inputs: the loop (almost always 1) and the temperature in Kelvin (not milliKelvin). An example is shown below.

import anl_fridge_control.control.serial_connections as sc

# set the heater temperature for the UC Stage to 500 mK
sc.ChaseLS.set_PID_temp(1, 0.500)
# set the heater power level to 2 (1.5 mW)

When choosing a heater range, you should check the percentage of the heater's power range that is being used. It is generally not a good idea to run the heater at 100%, and when you are trying to heat the UC Stage, you should start by heating the pumps (see next paragraph) so that the entire power burden is not on the PID heater.

The heater is not the only way to change the temperature of the stage, and is not always the best option (for example, while this is being written, the PID heater is not currently functional due to a disconnection inside of the cryostat). The other method of changing the temperature relies on the pumps and switches, which refer to circuitry in the He-10 fridge itself. When you change the voltage on the pumps, you are sending current through a resistor that will heat up the charcoal inside of the corresponding refrigerator "head". This ultimately causes the stage to heat. When you change the voltage on the switches, you are sending a current through a gas-gap switch, which ultimately causes the stage to cool. Keep in mind that you are not directly heating or cooling the stage -- you are heating an element of the fridge, which causes a change in temperature on the stage because of the thermal connection between the fridge head and the stage. Because of this, it can take a few minutes for a change in voltage to a pump or switch to cause a change in stage temperature (usually, your pump will need to heat above 18 K to cause the stage to heat, and a switch will need to heat above 13 K to start cooling the stage).

The pumps and switches are controlled by the three power supplies. Currently, the pumps are Output 1 or the 25V output of each power supply, and the switches are Output 2 or the 6V output of each power supply. Each power supply output has a maximum voltage, which is established in the driver file, and most of the current power supplies do not allow negative voltages. While you have the IceBoard mezzanines turned on, it is not advisable to set a power supply voltage greater than 4.00 V.

Because of the relationship between the pumps and switches, you should never set a voltage for both a pump and a switch on the same head of the fridge. Doing so will cause you to lose the ability to condense the liquid helium in the head, and you will no longer be able to control the temperature. Always ensure that the pump voltage is off before you turn on a switch voltage, and ensure that the switch temperature is below 5.00 K and the switch voltage is set to 0 before turning on a pump voltage.

For normal testing, you should usually leave the He-4 switch set to 4.00 V. This helps the stages to stay cool enough to bring temperatures back down to base if you need to. Other than that, it is usually advisable to use the He-3 Ultracold and Interstage pumps and switches together. An example of how to set a voltage is shown below.

import anl_fridge_control.control.serial_connections as sc

# set the He-3 Ultracold pump to 2.00 V
# set the He-3 Interstage pump to 2.00 V

Usually, turning on a voltage to the pumps will raise the stage temperature, and turning on a voltage to the switches will lower the stage temperature.

Automated cycling

One of the most frequently useful control scripts is This code runs an automatic cycle of the fridge, which allows the liquid helium to recondense and bring the stages back down to base temperature.

You should always make sure that the IceBoard mezzanines are powered off before you run a cycle! It is generally a good idea to run a cycle at least every other day, and every day that you are changing temperatures or using the pumps and switches frequently. The cycle takes between 8 and 9 hours, so it should be started at the end of a work day and left to run overnight. If you have been using another connection via the MOXA box, you should make sure that all of your MOXA cables are connected to the correct power supplies and Lakeshore boxes, or the cycle will not run properly.

To run the automated cycle, you can type from the command line:

or, from an interactive Python session:


The script will then prompt you with a raw_input to give the file name for the fridge log (see the Fridge logging section). It will automatically fill in the initial part of the file location (/home/spt3g/he10_logs/), and you should type only the file name. Should you want to change the location of a log file, you will need to edit this part of the script. Once you give the log file, the script will automatically turn all switches, pumps, the PID heater, and heater power setting to 0. After the cycle runs, it will return the stages to base temperature, and the switches will be turned on (He4 switch to 4.00 V, He3 IC switch to 4.00 V, and He3 UC switch to 3.00 V).

First cycle

While you will normally use to run a cycle, the first cycle of a cooldown is slightly different (and takes longer). Therefore, there is a separate code which runs an automated cycle at the beginning of the cooldown. Like autocycle, can be called from either the command line or an interactive Python sessions, and asks you for a log file location, which you should type in at the start of the cycle. For more information about cooldown procedures, see the Cooldown Procedures section.

The last code in the control directory that is meant for temperature control is This code contains a few functions that are either called by other scripts or that are useful for day-to-day endeavors. These functions are outlined below.

  • zero_everything: This is usually a safety function, which turns off all of

the pumps, switches, and the PID heater, and sets the heater power to 0. It is often called by other scripts in the case of a failure that would otherwise allow the fridge to overheat, and is also called by autocycle at the beginning of the script.

  • finish_cycle: This function is run at the end of autocycle and first_cycle,

and waits for the heat exchanger temperature to rise slightly above its minimum before turning off pumps and turning on switches. It is generally not useful for calling on its own.

  • start_of_day: This function is meant to run the first few procedural tasks

that need to be done at the beginning of a day, before other measurements are made. It heats the UC Stage temperature to 650 mK, initializes the IceBoard, heats and tunes squids, and takes a rawdump (see Testing Procedures). The function is intended to help save time while you are waiting for all of these things to happen, so that you can do other things. You need to specify whether you will use the PID heater or only the pumps to heat the stage. You also should ensure that the hardware map you are using in pydfmux/spt3g/northern_tuning_params is correct.


This section will go through different types of measurements for which there is code in this directory. It is not an exhaustive list of all of the tests you could possibly perform. These are simply tests that have previously been set up for detector characterization and magnetic field testing.

First Steps

Before you begin doing any testing, you will need an accurate hardware map. A hardware map is a group of files that specifies the frequency schedule of the channels read out by each LC board, the mappings of channel numbers and LC boards to mezzanines and modules on the IceBoard, and the list of hardware objects that should be recognized by the computer. Hardware maps are contained in the hardware_maps directory, and must be remade every time you cool down, especially if you changed anything about your setup between cooldowns.

To make a hardware map, you need to start by heating and tuning SQUIDs and taking a network analysis at low temperature (300 mK). Counterintuitively, you will need to reference an existing hardware map in order to do these things; however, the hardware map that you are referencing only needs to list the correct IceBoard(s), mezzanines, SQUID Controllers, and SQUIDs, so you can either generate this by hand or simply use an old hardware map that has these elements listed correctly.

Once you have your reference hardware map, you should edit the parameter file to list this hardware map. To do so, open pydfmux/spt3g/northern_tuning_params.yaml in a text editor, and specify your reference map as hwm_location at the beginning of the document. You can also specify in this document whether you want to run a mesh netanal. A mesh netanal takes a quick network analysis, then takes more data points around the peaks in order to determine the exact frequencies of the peaks. If you do not run a mesh network analysis, you will need to run a separate algorithm to fit a function to the peaks.

After you have set your reference hardware map, you can open an interactive Python session (it is usually preferable to do so in a detachable session) and run your tests. To do so, type

# import the script
import pydfmux.spt3g.northern_tuning_script as nts

# heat squids
# wait for this to run (about 30 minutes)

# tune squids
# wait for this to run (about 5 minutes)

# take a rawdump to get a sense of noise
# wait for this to run (about 1 minute)

# run the network analysis
# wait for this to run (30-90 minutes)

After you have run the network analysis, you can make your hardware map. This can be done by hand, by using the peaks outputted from the network analysis as the channel frequencies, but doing so is arduous. You can more easily make the hardware map using a premade code.

To make the hardware map using the code, you will first need to create a directory for your hardware map, and then write a metaHWM.csv file. This lists the aspects of the hardware map elements for each LC board. You will need to include the year, wafer, iceboard, squid_board, squid, lc_chip, side, and flex_cable (a pair). You will then need to make a build directory in the hardware map directory, and include a make_hwm_anl_template file (you can find a sample file in pydfmux/spt3g). Once you execute functions to make the hardware map, you will be able to see the hardware map .yaml file, along with directories lcboards, mappings, and wafer.

The lcboards directory contains a .csv file for each LC board that you provided in the hardware map. Each of these files contains a list of channel numbers and a frequency for each channel number. These frequencies are the same as the peak frequencies outputted by the network analysis.

The wafers directory contains a .csv file for each wafer you have provided in your hardware map (frequently only one, but multiple can be present in the directory if you have a need for that). If you have generated the hardware map using the code procedure, then the wafer file has, for each channel, a physical_name (, name (year.side.flex_pair.squid.frequency), observing_band (90, 150, or 220), overbias (True or False), pixel, pol_xy (polarization), and tune (True or False).

The mappings directory contains at least one .csv file, which can contain mappings for any or all channels in the wafer file. For each channel, the file lists the lc_path (LC name as in the file name in lcboards/channel number in that file), bolometer (wafer name/physical_name from the wafer file), and channel (in the form iceboard/mezzanine/module/channel).

Once you have your hardware map, you should be able to perform whatever tasks you need for testing. Note that you may need to set the overbias and tune settings in the wafer file to false for particular channels if they prevent the other channels from overbiasing or dropping into the transition, as is sometimes the case.

Resistance vs. Temperature Measurement

One of the primary tests that we run to characterize detectors is one of resistance vs. temperature, or R(T). The purpose of this test is to measure normal and parasitic resistances, and to get an idea of what the detectors' critical temperature is. The steps for taking this measurement are fairly simple.

1. With the UC Stage at 650 mK, overbias channels with a small amplitude (usually amp=0.0002).

  1. Start taking timestreamed data and record the time that you started.
  2. Lower the temperature slowly from 650 mK to 350 mK.
  3. End your data-taking and record the end time.
  4. Begin taking data again, and record your start time.
  5. Raise the temperature back up to 650 mK.
  6. End your data-taking and record the end time.

Unfortunately, this process does take a few hours, so you should be prepared to run it for that long. However, in order to make it easier to run this test at a rate slow enough to make the temperature readings as close to accurate to the temperatures of the detectors, there is a script that allows you to run downward and upward temperature sweeps while recording data and the start and end times. This script is, and is contained in the measurement directory.

The measure_RofT script allows you to start the R(T) measurement protocol from any temperature below 650 mK. Before you begin, you should change the overbias amplitude in northern_tuning_params.yaml to 0.0002. You should also check the user parameters at the beginning of measure_RofT before you begin taking data. These parameters are listed below.

  • logfile: the temperature log file
  • hwm_file: the full path to the hardware map yaml file (this is needed for ledgerman)
  • ledgerman_path: the full path to (you should not need to change this)
  • R_down_path: the full path to the ledgerman file that you will be outputting for

the downward sweep. This must be changed every time you run this program

  • down_times: the full path to the pickle file of times for the downward sweep.

This must be changed every time you run this program

  • R_up_path: the full path to the ledgerman file that you will be outputting for

the upward sweep. This must be changed every time you run this program

  • up_times: the full path to the pickle file of times for the upward sweep. This

must be changed every time you run this program

  • wafer_high_temp: the high temperature that you want to heat the stage to and

overbias at, in K (usually 0.650)

  • wafer_low_temp: the low temperature that you want to cool the stage to, in K

(usually 0.400 or 0.350)

  • K_per_sec: the rate at which you want to change the temperature that is set, in

K per second (1e-4 is usually a good setting)

  • update_time: the time that the code will wait before changing the temperature on

the heater, in seconds

Then, you should be able to start running the script. The script first turns off switches, in case they were on, then heats the stage up to 650 mK using both the pumps and the PID heater, overbiases the bolometers, and starts running ledgerman. It then steps down the temperature until it reaches 400 mK, waits for the UC Stage to reach 400 mK, then saves the start and end times for the downward sweep and terminates ledgerman. It then restarts ledgerman with a new file name, and raises the temperature slowly until it reaches 650 mK, waits for the UC Stage to reach this temperature, records the start and end times for this sweep, and terminates ledgerman again. At the end of the script, you will have four files outputted: one ledgerman file for the downward sweep, one ledgerman file for the upward sweep, one pickle file for the start and end times of the downward sweep, and one pickle file for the start and end times of the upward sweep.

In addition to measure_RofT, another similar script,, can also be used for this measurement. take_rt_mini is useful for R(T) measurements that require more manual changes, such as measurements that use multiple IceBoards and measurements that do not use the PID heater to change the temperature.

Resistance vs. Temperature Analysis

After you've taken the R(T) data, you will need to go through a few more steps to produce plots and important data. A group of functions for this are contained in analysis/

Before you start working with rt_data_reader, you should make a correct flex_to_mezzmods dictionary. The structure of the dictionary is

flex_to_mezzmods = {'iceboard':{'lc_1':'mezzmod1', 'lc_2':'mezzmod2', ...}}

where mezzmod1 and mezzmod2 are the mezzanine and module numbers, combined into one string (i.e. '11', '12', '13', '14', '21', '22', '23', '24'). This dictionary is used in a couple of the the other functions to cycle through all of the overbias files, so it is important to ensure that it is correct.

The first function in rt_data_reader is make_cfp_dict, which makes a dictionary of conversion factors for each overbiased bolometer. The one input necessary is the overbias directory, which was produced just before you started taking the timestream. The function returns a dictionary mapping bolometer names to the correct conversion factor.

Once you have the dictionary of conversion factors, you can run read_netcdf_fast, which reads in the ledgerman output file. The required variables for this function are the name of the file produced by ledgerman that you want to look at, and the dictionary of conversion factors. This function returns three components: data_i, which is a dictionary of the timestreamed I data indexed by bolometer name; data_q, which is a dictionary of the timestreamed Q data indexed by bolometer name' and time_sec, which is simply the time values recorded at every moment of datataking.

The ledgerman data, however, does not record the UC Stage temperature. For that, you will need to reference the fridge logger file. Start by using the load_times function in rt_data_reader, which takes an input of the pkl file for the times outputted by measure_RofT, and returns the start and end times. Using these start and end times, you can use the read_temps function to return corresponding lists of temperature and time values. The inputs for that function are the temperature log file, the start time, and the end time.

Unfortunately, the times in the temperature log file do not match up exactly with those in the ledgerman data: ledgerman takes data at a much faster rate. The model_temps function attempts to help with this discrepancy by making a fit of the temperature and time data. The function requires you to input the temperature values and time values from read_temps, and returns a function labeled tempfit. Next, you can use downsample_data to return ds_temps, which uses tempfit to interpolate temperatures based on time_sec, and ds_data, which is a dictionary indexed by bolometer of the I data and Q data for each bolometer added in quadrature. While it is very easy to modify downsample_data to only return a portion of the data, it currently does not downsample in that way. However, this data is still in units of current: it does not yet give us all of the information that we are looking for. The final step for data conversion is convert_i2r, which takes the I data (ds_data), IceBoard number, and overbias directory, divides the voltage supplied in the overbias file by each datapoint in ds_data, and returns data_r, a dictionary indexed by bolometer of the resistance data at each point.

A function called pickle_data, which takes ds_temps, data_r, and a new file name, exists to help if you want to pickle the data that you have already interpreted, in the event that you want to save it at that point. The purpose of this function is to provide some consistency in producing these pickle files; it is not a strictly necessary step in the analysis.

Once you have gotten arrays of resistance data that match with the temperature values, you are ready to start making plots and finding detector characteristics. make_data_dict is the first function for this purpose. make_data_dict takes data_r and returns a dictionary of bolometers, which are matched to empty dictionaries. To start filling the dictionary, you can go through the next two functions, find_r_total and find_r_parasitic. The first of these requires inputs of data_r, ds_temps, a minimum temperature, and the original data dictionary. It returns a dictionary with a total resistance listed for each bolometer. Similarly, find_r_parasitic requires inputs of data_r, ds_temps, a range of temperature values to look at, and the data dictionary. It returns the same dictionary, this time adding a parasitic resistance for each bolometer.

Of course, this program is not perfect in its ability to catch bolometers that do not behave as they should. The function plot_each_bolo allows you to make a plot of the resistance data for each bolometer individually, and also plots with this the total and parasitic resistances. Should you find a bolometer that does not transition, it should be added to the list bad_bolos. Once you have examined each bolometer, you can move on to finding the transition temperature.

You can find transition temperatures by running find_tc, which requires inputs of data_r, ds_temps, a range in temperature over which to look for a transition, and the data dictionary with parasitic and total resistance for each bolometer. It will then attempt to find the transition temperature by searching in the temperature range given. If the function is unable to find a transition temperature, it will set the transition temperature in the dictionary to None. You can then plot the resistance data, parasitic resistance line, total resistance line, and, if it is not None, a line for the transition temperature for each bolometer individually to ensure that the function has found a real transition. You now have a dictionary of the information you needed to find to describe the characteristics of the detectors that are evident from R(T). You will also need some of this information (particularly the parasitic resistances) for future reference (i.e. when looking at G(T)).

An example of the usage of this code is shown below, although the data files are not real ones.

cd output/20170603

# before importing, set flex_to_mezzmods to the correct dictionary

from anl_fridge_control.analysis.rt_data_reader import *

# read in and convert the data

overbias_dir = '20170603_182404_overbias_and_null'

cfp_dict = make_cfp_dict(overbias_dir)

starttime, endtime = load_times('down_times.pkl')

temp_vals, time_vals = read_temps('/home/spt3g/he10_logs/log03302017b_read.h5', starttime, endtime)

data_i, data_q, time_sec = read_netcdf_fast('', cfp_dict)

tempfit = model_temps(temp_vals, time_vals)

ds_temps, ds_data = downsample_data(time_sec, data_i, data_q, tempfit, 'quadrature')

data_r = convert_i2r(ds_data, 0137, overbias_dir)

pickle_data(ds_temps, data_r, 'rt_down_data.pkl')

# pull the data from the pickle file
data = pickle.load(open('rt_down_data.pkl'))

# make an overplot of all of the channels
for key in data['data']:
  plt.plot(data['temps'], data['data'][key])

# start finding important parameters
data_dict = make_data_dict(data['data'])

data_dict = find_r_total(data['data'], data['temps'], 0.570, data_dict)

data_dict = find_r_parasitic(data['data'], data['temps'], (0.450, 0.500), data_dict)

plot_each_boo(data['temps'], data['data'], data_dict)

# look at plots and find bad bolos


data_dict = find_tc(data['data'], data['temps'], (0.545, 0.565), data_dict)

tc_plots(data['temps'], data['data'], data_dict)

# set aside a dictionary of parasitic resistance for G(T)
rpar_dict = {}
for key in data_dict:

pickle.dump(rpar_dict, f)

G(T) Measurement

A second test that is usually used in characerizing detectors involves dropping the bolometers into the transition at different temperatures. Using this measurement, we can look at the relationships between saturation power and temperature as well as mathematically find what the critical temperature should be. The steps for taking this measurement are:

  1. Overbias bolometers at 650 mK

2. Lower the UC stage temperature to a desired temperature (usually below where you expect the critical temperature to be)

  1. Drop the bolometers into the transition
  2. Zero combs
  3. Raise the temperature back up to 650 mK

6. Repeat this process until you have dropped bolometers into the transition at every desired temperature

This process is obviously tedious and time-consuming, which is why the measure_GofT script is designed to run the entire process for you. measure_GofT can be found in the measurement directory of anl_fridge_control.

The measure_GofT script is intended to be run only with a working PID heater. If this part of you system is not functional, then the program will not run properly. Also keep in mind that measure_GofT takes several hours to run, and can very easily be the only test that you are able to run in a day.

The measure_GofT script starts out with a few user parameters that you should check before running the program. They are:

  • logfile: this is the path to the temperature log file
  • setpoints: this is the array of temperatures at which you will be dropping bolometers

into the transition. The script uses a numpy linspace to set up this array, so the first number should be the lowest temperature, the second number the highest temperature, and the third number the number of points you want between these extrema (inclusive).

  • wafertemps_filename: this is the full path to the pickle file that will be written

to record the temperatures at which the bolometers are put in the transition. You will need to change this every time you run the script.

Once you have run the program, you will have a pickle file for the temperatures, as well as several overbias_and_null and drop_bolos directories within the day's output directory.

G(T) Analysis

Once you have taken the G(T) data, you will want to make plots and histograms of the parameters (G, n, k, and Tc), as well as a histogram of saturation power at base temperature and plots of power vs. temperature for each bolometer. To make this at all possible, there are a couple of codes that are used to organize the data in a helpful way and make these plots.

The first step is going to be getting the data you need out of the overbias_and_null and drop_bolos directories. There are several functions for this process in pydfmux/analysis/, but that script requires some extra steps in order to appropriately match the data files to the temperatures. The necessary functions are used in anl_fridge_control/analysis/ The first function, match_temps_drops, allows you to match a list or numpy array of temperatures with a list or numpy array of drop_bolos directories. The inputs are:

  • date: the date that you took the data (ex. 20170530)
  • temps: a list or numpy array of temperatures (such as is found in the temperature


  • drop_dirs: a list or numpy array of directory names
  • mezzmods: a list of mezzanines and modules, where the number of each is put together

in a single string (Mezz 1 Mod 1 = '11', Mezz 1 Mod 2 = '12', and so on).

This function returns a dictionary indexed by the mezzanine and module string. The dictionary matches each temperature to an output pickle file, which will be needed for the next step of the analysis.

The next step, also a function in analysis/, is make_gparams, a function which allows you to make a dictionary of parameters from the fit of the datapoints to the G(T) function (see pydfmux/analysis/analyze_GofT for the function's form). make_gparams takes three inputs:

  • datafiles: the dictionary output from match_temps_drops
  • rpars: a dictionary of parasitic resistances, which matches bolometer name to

parasitic resistance. This can be found from the R(T) analysis, but you should be careful about the precise name of the bolometer (watch your slashes and underscores).

  • mezzmods: this is the same as in match_temps_drops

The dictionary returned by this function matches each bolometer to fit parameters, fit errors, and a dictionary called PsatVtemp, which has arrays for both saturation power and temperature. The returned dictionary is indexed by the mezzanine/module string.

The output dictionary from make_gparams is all you need to make a variety of plots that are important for showing the detector characteristics. Each plot can be made with a function from analysis/ Those functions are outlined below.

  • make_param_dict: makes a dictionary of parameters k, tc, n, and G, as well as

the saturation power at 300 mK and the frequency band of the detector, indexed by bolometer name

  • Parameters
    • gparams: the output dictionary of make_gparams
  • param_triangle: makes plots and histograms of all of the parameters, with

frequency band differentiated by color

  • Parameters
    • params: the output dictionary of make_param_dict
    • wafernumber: the integer number of the wafer you are testing
  • psat_hist: makes a histogram of the saturation power at 300 mK, with frequency

band differentiated by color

  • Parameters

    • params: the output dictionary of make_param_dict

    -wafernumber: the integer number of the wafer you are testing

  • psat_of_t: makes a fit of power based on the bolometer's parameters at a specific

temperature. This function is called by others, and should generally not be used on its own

  • GofT_fitplots: makes plots of fit functions for each bolometer
    • Parameters:
      • mezzmod: a single string for the mezzanine/module you want to plot (ex. '12')
      • gparams: the output of make_gparams
      • params: the output of make_param_dict

An example of using these codes to produce plots is shown below, although the directories and temperatures are not ones that were used in any real data-taking.

from anl_fridge_control.analysis.match_temps_drops import *
from anl_fridge_control.analysis.GofT_postanalysis import *

temps = [0.300, 0.400, 0.500, 0.600]

drop_dirs = ['20170530_195423_drop_bolos', '20170530_202320_drop_bolos', '20170530_205643_drop_bolos', '20170530_220137_drop_bolos']

mezzmods = ['14','23','24']

datafiles = match_temps_drops(20170530, temps=temps, drop_dirs=drop_dirs, mezzmods=mezzmods)

# using rpars from R(T) analysis
gparams = make_gparams(datafiles, rpars=rpar_dict, mezzmods=mezzmods)

params = make_param_dict(gparams)

param_triangle(params, 169)

# save the figure

psat_hist(params, 169)

# save the figure

GofT_fitplots('14', gparams, params)
# save the figure
GofT_fitplots('23', gparams, params)
# save the figure
GofT_fitplots('24', gparams, params)
# save the figure

Magnetic Field Testing

It is sometimes useful to run tests that look at the behavior of detectors in the presence of an outside magnetic field. In order to do this, you will need a little more hardware than is usually present.

First, you will need wire coils. A pair of coils with 14 turns each and radii of 34 cm are already in the lab. You can use these individually if you do not necessarily need a uniform field, or together as a pair. Second, you will need another power supply to generate a current in the coil(s), and any electronics equipment that might be necessary to safely connect the power supply and coils. Finally, you will need a power resistor, which normally resides in the electronics drawer in the lab. To hang your coil(s) close to the cryostat, it is usually easiest to use either velcro or duct tape.

!! warnings

Once you have installed the coil(s) and connected your circuit, you will need to connect the power supply to the MOXA box. You can do this with an extra MOXA cable, or, if one does not exist, you can use the MOXA cable from the He-4 power supply. If you decide to do this, be sure not to change any of the settings on the He-4 power supply and keep in mind that you can no longer remotely control that power supply. You will need to reconnect it before you run a cycle.

The driver file for the power supply used in this setup is Helmholtz.txt, which can be found in the control directory of anl_fridge_control. Make sure that you edit this file to match your power supply and MOXA connection before you start testing.

The functions that are useful for controlling the power supply to the coils can be found in, which is in the control directory of anl_fridge_control. This Python script contains two functions:

  • sinuvolt: sets current and voltage of the power supply that vary sinusoidally.

    • Parameters:

      • driverfile: the driver file ('Helmholtz.txt')
      • A: the amplitude, or maximum voltage, that you want to reach
      • tint: the time interval that the code will wait before setting a new voltage

      and current

      • tf: the final time, at which the power supply will be reset to 0.0 V and 0.0 A
      • R: the resistance of the power resistor, used to calculate the correct current
      • freq: the frequency in radians/sec of the oscillation. Preset to 0.01
      • y: the offset of the initial voltage value from 0. Preset to 0
      • t0: the wait time at the beginning of the code before the voltage starts

      varying. Preset to 0

    • Returns: None

  • helmholtz_test: collects a timestream while the voltage is varying. Parameters

match those of sinuvolt.

TODO: save what is output from power supply

Before running helmholtz_test, you should ensure that the correct hardware map(s) and output filenames are listed at the beginning of the script. As a note, if you are using two or more IceBoards, you should have a separate hardware map and ledgerman process running for each IceBoard. This is because the IceBoard clocks are not synced, and therefore trying to run ledgerman with multiple IceBoards causes an error. Both functions in this script should be run from an interactive Python session.


Some functions for measuring and analyzing R(T) and G(T) are included.

  • measure_GofT overbiases the bolometers at 650 mK, then drops temperature and

takes an I-V curve. It repeats this process for several temperatures in a np.linspace that is specified at the start of the script. Things to change before you run:

  1. hwm_dir should be set to your current hardware map (hwm_anl_complete.yml)

2. Currently, the overbias is done by executing the file. This will be changed very soon.

  • Until it is fixed, anl_master_script should have zero_combs=True,

overbias_bolos=True, and everything else set to False

3. setpoints should be set to whatever you intend it to be (np.linspace with correct parameters)

  • analyze_GofT is a file that has not been changed significantly from Adam's

original code. It includes some functions to measure and plot G(T) for the bolometers.

  • measure_RofT overbiases bolometers at 650 mK, turns on ledgerman, and sweeps

from high temperature to low temperature.

  • rt_analysis_ledgerman parses the ledgerman information and provides the ability

to plot R(T) curves for each of the bolometers and find R_normal, R_parasitic, and T_c for each bolometer. At present, it is best to be copied and pasted into an ipython session, as it does not yet run straight through (it will break).


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