🍺 Homebrew 🐟 Fish shell completions
Fish shell completions for Homebrew.
STATUS this plugin has been merged upstream, so the repository is archived.
Fish includes some basic completions for brew, but a lot of commands and options are missing/outdated. So this work is aiming to fill the gap and provide a comprehensive Homebrew completions plugin. It supports
- all 75 core brew commands (85 with aliases) and all their options
- official external commands with their subcommands and options:
- besides basic options completion, it also takes into account when some options are mutually exclusive or depend on other options
It is mostly based on the Homebrew documentation: manpage + brew help
, but it also includes several "undocumented" commands, supported by Homebrew.
Using fisher:
fisher add laughedelic/brew-completions
Using oh-my-fish:
omf install https://github.com/laughedelic/brew-completions
Using fin:
echo laughedelic/brew-completions >> ~/.config/fish/fishfile; and fin