This project is a REST API that generates language statistics for organizations using the GitHub API v3.
- Unix shell
- Ruby 2.6.3p62
- Ruby on Rails
- Bundler 1.17.3
- cURL 7.64.1
- GitHub account with a valid token (see
$ cd to/project/dir
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle # install dependencies
$ bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development # migrate db
$ bin/rails s # start the server
$ cd to/project/dir
$ bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/languages_controller_spec.rb # run all tests for this controller
$ export ORGANIZATION='replace_with_organization_name'
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN='replace_with_token'
$ curl -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN"\?format\=json\&organization\=$ORGANIZATION
"Ruby": "20.56%",
"JavaScript": "16.38%",
"CoffeeScript": "16.21%",
"HTML": "16.08%",
"Java": "15.36%",
"CSS": "4.75%",
"PHP": "4.62%",
"Go": "2.26%",
"Elixir": "2.11%",
"Clojure": "1.06%",
"C": "0.43%",
"Makefile": "0.1%",
"Shell": "0.01%"
$ cd to/project/dir/command_line_tool/
$ export ORGANIZATION='replace_with_organization_name'
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN='replace_with_token'
$ cat $ORGANIZATION-stats.json
"Ruby": "39.19%",
"TypeScript": "19.27%",
"JavaScript": "17.43%",
"C++": "13.24%",
"Python": "5.12%",
"Java": "2.11%",
"C": "1.28%",
"HTML": "1.05%",
"CSS": "0.94%",
"Shell": "0.09%",
"Ragel": "0.04%",
"Makefile": "0.04%",
"Protocol Buffer": "0.04%",
"Dart": "0.03%",
"Lua": "0.02%",
"Go": "0.01%",
"PHP": "0.0%",
"Mako": "0.0%",
"LiveScript": "0.0%",
"M4": "0.0%",
"Batchfile": "0.0%",
"XSLT": "0.0%"