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Format documentation #655

Format documentation

Format documentation #655

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- '*'
- '*'
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
name: test PPanGGOLiN on ${{ matrix.os }} with python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: ['ubuntu-latest', 'macos-latest']
python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10']
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Setting up miniconda
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
condarc-file: .condarc.yml
activate-environment: test
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
# Install the dependencies
- name: Set up test environment
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
conda install -y --file requirements.txt
pip install .[test]
# Check that it is installed and displays help without error
- name: Check that PPanGGOLiN is installed
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
ppanggolin --version
ppanggolin --help
# Check that unit tests are all passing
- name: Unit tests
shell: bash -l {0}
run: pytest
# Test the complete workflow
- name: Complete workflow
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin all --cpu 1 --fasta organisms.fasta.list --output mybasicpangenome
ppanggolin info --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --content --parameters --status
cd -
# test most options calls. If there is a change in the API somewhere that was not taken into account (whether in the options for the users, or the classes for the devs), this should fail, otherwise everything is probably good.
#--draw_hotspots option is problematic on macOS.
- name: Step by Step workflow with most options calls
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin annotate --fasta organisms.fasta.list --output stepbystep --kingdom bacteria
ppanggolin cluster -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --coverage 0.8 --identity 0.8
ppanggolin graph -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 -r 10
ppanggolin partition --output stepbystep -f -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --cpu 1 -b 2.6 -ms 10 -fd -ck 500 -Kmm 3 12 -im 0.04 --draw_ICL -se $RANDOM
ppanggolin rarefaction --output stepbystep -f -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --depth 5 --min 1 --max 50 -ms 10 -fd -ck 30 -K 3 --soft_core 0.9 -se $RANDOM
ppanggolin draw -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --tile_plot --nocloud --soft_core 0.92 --ucurve --output stepbystep -f
ppanggolin rgp -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --persistent_penalty 2 --variable_gain 1 --min_score 3 --dup_margin 0.05
ppanggolin spot -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --spot_graph --overlapping_match 2 --set_size 3 --exact_match_size 1
ppanggolin draw -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --draw_spots -o stepbystep -f
ppanggolin module -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --transitive 4 --size 3 --jaccard 0.86 --dup_margin 0.05
ppanggolin write -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --soft_core 0.9 --dup_margin 0.06 --gexf --light_gexf --csv --Rtab --projection --stats --partitions --compress --json --regions --spots --borders --families_tsv --cpu 1
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --prot_families all --gene_families shell --regions all --fasta organisms.fasta.list
ppanggolin draw -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --draw_spots --spots all -o stepbystep -f
ppanggolin metrics -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --genome_fluidity --info_modules --no_print_info -f --log metrics.log
cd -
- name: gbff parsing and MSA computing
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin workflow --cpu 1 --anno organisms.gbff.list --output myannopang
ppanggolin msa --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --source dna --partition core -o myannopang/ -f --use_gene_id --phylo --single_copy
cd -
- name: clusters reading from external file
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin panrgp --anno organisms.gbff.list --cluster clusters.tsv --output readclusterpang
ppanggolin annotate --anno organisms.gbff.list --output readclusters
ppanggolin cluster --clusters clusters.tsv -p readclusters/pangenome.h5
ppanggolin msa --pangenome readclusterpang/pangenome.h5 --partition persistent --phylo -o readclusterpang/msa/ -f
cd -
- name: testing rgp_cluster command
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin rgp_cluster --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5
ppanggolin rgp_cluster --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --ignore_incomplete_rgp --grr_metric max_grr -f --graph_formats graphml gexf
ppanggolin rgp_cluster --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --no_identical_rgp_merging -o rgp_clustering_no_identical_rgp_merging --graph_formats graphml
cd -
- name: testing align command
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin align --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --sequences some_chlam_proteins.fasta --output test_align --draw_related --getinfo
cd -
- name: testing context command
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin context --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --sequences some_chlam_proteins.fasta --output test_context
ppanggolin context --pangenome readclusterpang/pangenome.h5 --family some_chlam_families.txt --output test_context -f
cd -
- name: testing metadata command
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin metadata -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -s test -m metadata/metadata_genes.tsv -a genes
ppanggolin metadata -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -s test -m metadata/metadata_genomes.tsv -a genomes
ppanggolin metadata -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -s test -m metadata/metadata_families.tsv -a families --omit
ppanggolin write -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --output mybasicpangenome -f --gexf --light_gexf --cpu 1
cd -
- name: testing config file
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin utils --default_config panrgp -o panrgp_default_config.yaml
ppanggolin panrgp --anno organisms.gbff.list --cluster clusters.tsv -o test_config --config panrgp_default_config.yaml