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grant-strayvoltage edited this page Nov 7, 2018 · 1 revision

Room Art

Main Room Art

  1. Room background 2880x1620
  2. Doors - 2 layers, can be placed over walls - standard open and closed

In Room Objects

  1. Solid Objects that cannot be destroyed - used to make paths/obstacles in rooms - something that would look good if repeated. Some kind of hellish rocks or rubble. Bones/Skeletons - burning things with a simple burning animation. Real art direction here is it will get repeated and used often, and placed in a grid, so sizing wise make it either 32x32 or 64x64 in size roughly so it can be placed in room in a grid in a sensible way. Angel can fly over these though.
  2. Destroyable Objects in Demon Form- static things that block your path but that a demon can crush with punch/melee attack - same sizing as above - thinking these maybe should be heavenly in nature, hence why only demon weapon can destroy
  3. Destroyable Objects in Angel Form - static things that block your path on the ground, that only the angel shooting can destroy.
  4. Destroyable Objects in either form - static things that block your path that you can destroy in either form
  5. Static things that hurt you in demon form when touching - spikes/etc.
  6. Pit - 9 slice (32x32 tiles) - allows us to have pieces of the floor blacked out like a pit- that only the angel can fly over
  7. Wall -9slice - but doesn't have to be gridded the same- we really just need ability to make some inner walls by adding objects to the map- idea is angel can't fly over these. So we could build like an inner room or two within the map, etc. Let's decide if this will work or not. Not 100% necessary.


  1. Item that gets dropped (killing certain enemies, etc) that you pick up and it increases your max health - heart is common theme - so increases your maximum health allowed.
  2. Item that gets dropped and you pick up that increases your health by 1, up to your maximum. So if you're health is already at max, you just walk over it/can't pick it up.


  1. Will need mini-map art- I'll define this in more detail shortly
  2. Health meter - each hit takes off a 'half' if in demon, or 'full' in angel form.
  3. Weapon power meter - as you level up weapon, thinking level 1 to 3, you collect pts along the way to level up, then pts refresh. We can explain this in more detail.

For now, we really only need one of each of the above objects, then we can build out room templates and game play, and decide how much more art we have an appetite for based on how it's looking.

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