In case anyone reads this, this guide is mainly for my reference during development.
In the root project directory, you can run:
npm install --prefix client
Next, you can change to the 'client' directory and run:
npm start
To kill all PID's in client directory run:
sudo lsof -ti:4000 | xargs sudo kill -9
From the chit-chat project directory run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Check if dependencies are outdated:
pip list --outdated
Upgrade dependencies with:
pip install --upgrade package-name
Uninstall dependencies with:
pip uninstall package-name
Change to the server directory: Check if the PostgreSQL server is online by running:
sudo service postgresql status
If it's offline, start the server with:
sudo service postgresql start
Set up/create environment variables, largely for endpoints:
Set environment variables to development:
source development
Set environment variables to production:
source production
Check PostgreSQL database connection:
Change into the 'server directory' then
Test password hashing:
The alembic directory and alembic.ini file should be in the server directory. In the file, change the import from import server.models as models to import models as models. Next generate alembic.ini file if needed using script, make sure this alembic.ini is in .gitignore. Run migratiions and check if they run correctly using psql. May have to manually do it using psql commands.
For production development, the alembic directory and alembic.ini file should be in the root project directory. Alembic.ini can be generated using script, does not need to be hidden in .gitignore as no sensitive information is in it. Change import in file to import server.models as models. Run migrations using heroku commands, doing it manually if needed as well.
Navigate to 'server' directory:
For local database migrations:
For heroku database migrations:
Run migrations:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Your migration message here"
alembic upgrade head
With Heroku:
heroku run alembic upgrade head --app chit-chat-backend
Check Heroku database:
heroku pg:psql --app chit-chat-backend
Enter postgres shell:
sudo -u postgres psql
Check database and roles:
Check users table:
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'users';
List tables:
psql -U db-username -d db-name -h localhost -W
Enter password for db-username, then:
Spin up the backend server in the 'chit-chat' directory with:
gunicorn -w 4 -b
If it won't spin up, see if it's already running with:
pgrep gunicorn
Kill these PIDs with:
pkill -9 gunicorn
Then re-run the gunicorn command:
gunicorn -w 4 -b
Check heroku logs:
heroku logs --tail --app chit-chat-backend
Scale/run dyno:
heroku ps:scale web=1 --app chit-chat-backend
Stop dyno
heroku ps:scale web=0 --app chit-chat-backend
Restart dyno:
heroku ps:restart --app chit-chat-backend
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$HOME/Development/code/bag-talk/chit-chat:$PATH"