Implementation of "MORPHEUS-1" from Prophetic AI and "The world’s first multi-modal generative ultrasonic transformer designed to induce and stabilize lucid dreams. "
pip install morpheus-torch
The input is FRMI and EEG tensors.
FRMI shape is (batch_size, in_channels, D, H, W)
EEG Embedding is [batch_size, channels, time_samples]
# Importing the torch library
import torch
# Importing the Morpheus model from the morpheus_torch package
from morpheus_torch.model import Morpheus
# Creating an instance of the Morpheus model with specified parameters
model = Morpheus(
dim=128, # Dimension of the model
heads=4, # Number of attention heads
depth=2, # Number of transformer layers
dim_head=32, # Dimension of each attention head
dropout=0.1, # Dropout rate
num_channels=32, # Number of input channels
conv_channels=32, # Number of channels in convolutional layers
kernel_size=3, # Kernel size for convolutional layers
in_channels=1, # Number of input channels for convolutional layers
out_channels=32, # Number of output channels for convolutional layers
stride=1, # Stride for convolutional layers
padding=1, # Padding for convolutional layers
ff_mult=4, # Multiplier for feed-forward layer dimension
scatter = False, # Whether to scatter to 4d representing spatial dimensions
# Creating random tensors for input data
frmi = torch.randn(1, 1, 32, 32, 32) # Random tensor for FRMI data
eeg = torch.randn(1, 32, 128) # Random tensor for EEG data
# Passing the input data through the model to get the output
output = model(frmi, eeg)
# Printing the shape of the output tensor
make style
to format the codemake check_code_quality
to check code quality (PEP8 basically)black .
ruff . --fix
Implement the scatter in the end of the decoder to output spatial outputs which are 4d?
Implement a full model with the depth of the decoder layers
Change all the MHAs to Multi Query Attentions
Double check popular brain scan EEG and FRMI AI papers to double check tensor shape