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This repository is for the implementation of our paper accepted in ICSE 2023, "Learning Seed-Adaptive Mutation Strategies for Greybox Fuzzing". Our tool, SeamFuzz, is a grey-box mutation-based fuzzer built on AFL++-v3.15++.

Learning Seed-Adaptive Mutation Strategies for Greybox Fuzzing : Accepted Version


Please refer to for the operating system, hardware, and software requirements.


Please refer to for installation.


Please refer to for SeamFuzz structure description.


We offer all benchmarks used for our experiments and a script file for building each benchmarks in benchmarks directory. Note that, we evaluated all benchmarks on FuzzBench framework. To evaulate those benchmarks on FuzzBench framework, copy all contents in benchmarks directory into the benchmark directory in users' FuzzBench framework.

We also offer a script file which extracts the instrumented target programs and the fuzzer binary file from FuzzBench docker image.

/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ ./scripts/ [FUZZBENCH] [FUZZER] [BENCHMARK]

[FUZZBENCH]: a path to FuzzBench Framework. 
[FUZZER] : any fuzzer in FuzzBench/fuzzers. 
[BENCHMARK] : any benchmark program in FuzzBench/benchmarks.

This script will check whether the benchmark-build Docker image generated by FuzzBench exists, and if not, it generates Docker image of the given [BENCHMARK] and [FUZZER]. After building Docker image is successfully done, it copies the [FUZZER]-instrumented [BENCHMARK] programs in to ./instrument directory.

For example, you can obtain AFL++ and AFL++-instrumented "objdump" on our VM image, run the command as follows:

/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ ./scripts/ ../fuzzbench aflpp objdump
/SeamFuzz-Aritfact$ ls ./instrument/objdump/
afl++.dict  afl-fuzz  cmplog  objdump  objdump_Cov  seeds

Note that [BENCHMARK] with proper Dockerfile and build scripts and [FUZZER] must be in benchmarks and fuzzers directories in users` FuzzBench framework.

How to use

Performing small experiments

We provide an example instruction which conducts a short experiment running AFL++, AFL++_MOpt, and SeamFuzz on a benchmark program libxml2-v2.9.2 with 2 trials during 3 hours. Note that conducting experiments for all benchmarks (Table 2 in our paper) takes at least 20,160 hours (24 hours * 14 benchmarks * 20 trials * 3 fuzzers + N hours for building benchmarks/fuzzers) on a single core.

Once the setup instruction is successfully done(or using our VM image), you can perform the small experiments with the following command:

/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ echo "libxml2-v2.9.2" > ./scripts/bench.txt
/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ echo "aflpp aflppmopt seamfuzz" > ./scripts/fuzzer.txt
/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ source ../fuzzbench/.venv/bin/activate
/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ ./scripts/ -t 2 -s 10800 -p ~/data/ -r ~/report/ -F ../fuzzbench/ -b ./scripts/bench.txt -f ./scripts/fuzzer.txt -e libxml2test

Then, you will see the fuzzing progress, which is from FuzzBench, as follows:

INFO:root:Measuring all trials.
INFO:root:Measuring cycle : 9, Extras: {'fuzzer': 'aflpp', 'benchmark': 'libxml2-v2.9.2', 'trial_id':19', 'cycle':9}
INFO:root:Measuring cycle : 9, Extras: {'fuzzer': 'aflpp', 'benchmark': 'libxml2-v2.9.2', 'trial_id':20, 'cycle':9}
INFO:root:Measuring cycle : 9, Extras: {'fuzzer': 'aflppmopt', 'benchmark': 'libxml2-v2.9.2', 'trial_id':20', 'cycle':9}
INFO:root:Measuring cycle : 9, Extras: {'fuzzer': 'aflppmopt', 'benchmark': 'libxml2-v2.9.2', 'trial_id':21', 'cycle':9}
INFO:root:Measuring cycle : 9, Extras: {'fuzzer': 'seamfuzz', 'benchmark': 'libxml2-v2.9.2', 'trial_id':22', 'cycle':9}
INFO:root:Measuring cycle : 9, Extras: {'fuzzer': 'seamfuzz', 'benchmark': 'libxml2-v2.9.2', 'trial_id':23', 'cycle':9}

When all process termintes, you can see the following output:

Experiment  : libxml2test
Total Time  : 10800 seconds
Total Trials: 2 trials
    program      |        AFL++       |                AFL++_MOpt               |                   SeamFuzz               |
                 |  Cover    Crashes  |  Cover    Crashes    R_Cov    R_Crashes |  Cover    Crashes    R_Cov    R_Crashes  |
libxml2-v2.9.2   |  3986        0     | 3274        0       -17.9%          0%  |  3997       0        0.3%            0%  |    

You can also check the result file in ./results/libxml2test/result_table.txt

You can evaluate other benchmark (e.g., objdump) with the similar commands/script files as below:

/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ echo "objdump" > ./scripts/bench.txt
/SeamFuzz-Artifact$ ./scripts/ -t 2 -s 10800 -p ~/data/ -r ~/report/ -F ./fuzzbench/ -b ./scripts/bench.txt -f ./scripts/fuzzer.txt -e objdumptest

Experiment  : objdumptest
Total Time  : 10800 seconds
Total Trials: 2 trials
    program      |        AFL++       |                AFL++_MOpt               |                   SeamFuzz               |
                 |  Cover    Crashes  |  Cover    Crashes    R_Cov    R_Crashes |  Cover    Crashes    R_Cov    R_Crashes  |
objdump          |   709        0     |   590       0       -16.8%          0%  |   732       0        3.2%            0%  |    
  • Note that the instructions above were performed on our VM image.
  • FuzzBench may report "the given experiment name already exists". In this case, please give different values for "-e" options when using our scripts or FuzzBench itself.

Performing full experiments.

By running script file, users can do all experiments in our paper.


 [TRIALS]: the number of trials of the intended experiments. The default value is 20
 [TIME]: the seconds for the running experiments. The default value is 86400, which is 24 hours
 [EXP_PATH]: the path for storing the running data of FuzzBench. The default path is [the working directory]/data/
 [REPORT]: the path for storing the report of FuzzBench. The default path is [the working directory]/report/
 [EXP_NAME]: the name of the experiments which will be stored in [EXP_PATH]. The default name is maintable
 [FUZZBENCH_PATH] : the path to fuzzbench. The default path is [working directory]/fuzzbench
 [BENCHMARK_PATH] : the path to bench.txt file which contains the benchmark programs to be evaluated. The default is [working_directory]/scripts/bench.txt
 [FUZZER_PATH] : the path to fuzzer.txt file which contains the fuzzers to be evaluated. The default is [working_directory]/scripts/fuzzer.txt
 [TBL_TYPE] : decides the types of the result table... default value is 1 which draws the table similar to Table 2 in our paper

The commands below performs experiments in our paper.

Table 2
 # Set the benchmark programs to evaluate 
 $ echo "arrow_parquet-arrow-fuzz grok_grk_decompress_fuzzer infotocap libarchive_libarchive_fuzzer zstd_stream_decompress libpng libxml2-v2.9.2 objdump openssl_x509 php_php-fuzz-parser podofo poppler_pdf_fuzzer proj4_standard_fuzzer sqlite3_ossfuzz" > ./scripts/bench.txt

 # Set fuzzers to evaluate
 $ echo "aflpp aflppmopt seamfuzz" > ./scripts/fuzzer.txt

 # Running scripts with 20 trials for 24 hours.
 $ ./scripts/ -t 20 -s 86400 -p ~/data/ -r ~/report/ -F ./fuzzbench/ -b ./scripts/bench.txt -f ./scripts/fuzzer.txt -e table2
Table 3
 # Set the benchmark programs to evaluate 
 $ echo "arrow_parquet-arrow-fuzz grok_grk_decompress_fuzzer infotocap libarchive_libarchive_fuzzer zstd_stream_decompress libpng libxml2-v2.9.2 objdump openssl_x509 php_php-fuzz-parser podofo poppler_pdf_fuzzer proj4_standard_fuzzer sqlite3_ossfuzz" > ./scripts/bench.txt

 # Set fuzzers to evaluate
 $ echo "nocluster eachcluster seamfuzz" > ./scripts/fuzzer.txt

 # Running scripts with 20 trials for 24 hours.
 $ ./scripts/ -t 20 -s 86400 -p ~/data/ -r ~/report/ -F ./fuzzbench/ -b ./scripts/bench.txt -f ./scripts/fuzzer.txt -e table3 -T 0
Table 4
 # Set the benchmark programs to evaluate 
 $ echo "arrow_parquet-arrow-fuzz grok_grk_decompress_fuzzer libxml2-v2.9.2 php_php-fuzz-parser objdump openssl_x509 poppler_pdf_fuzzer proj4_standard_fuzzer sqlite3_ossfuzz" > ./scripts/bench.txt

 # Set fuzzers to evaluate
 $ echo "naiveseamfuzz seamfuzz" > ./scripts/fuzzer.txt

 # Running scripts with 20 trials for 24 hours.
 $ ./scripts/ -t 20 -s 86400 -p ~/data/ -r ~/report/ -F ./fuzzbench/ -b ./scripts/bench.txt -f ./scripts/fuzzer.txt -e table4
Table 5
 # Set the benchmark programs to evaluate 
 $ echo "arrow_parquet-arrow-fuzz grok_grk_decompress_fuzzer libxml2-v2.9.2 php_php-fuzz-parser objdump openssl_x509 poppler_pdf_fuzzer proj4_standard_fuzzer sqlite3_ossfuzz" > ./scripts/bench.txt

 # Set fuzzers to evaluate
 $ echo "seamfuzz seamfuzz1 seamfuzz5 seamfuzz20" > ./scripts/fuzzer.txt

 # Running scripts with 20 trials for 24 hours.
 $ ./scripts/ -t 20 -s 86400 -p ~/data/ -r ~/report/ -F ./fuzzbench/ -b ./scripts/bench.txt -f ./scripts/fuzzer.txt -e table5 -T 0
  • Note that running the command above may not work properly due to memory/CPU issues. In this case, please reduce the number of trials (-t options) or evaluate some parts of the benchmarks (reducing the number of benchmarks evaluating at one time).


After running script file, result directory is produced in the current directory. The details are as follows:

└── [EXP_NAME] : contains average coverage of each fuzzer on each benchmark. (follows FuzzBench criteria)
|   └── coverage.csv : contains the average value of coverage for each fuzzer on each benchmark (follows FuzzBench criteria)
|   ├── crashes.csv  : contains the number of crash inputs generated by each fuzzer on each benchmark (follows AFL++ criteria)
|   ├── result_table.txt : contains a table which integrates coverage.csv and crashes.csv
|   └── unique_vul_venn_diagram.png : A Venn diagram for the unique vulnerabilities found by each tool (follows FuzzBench criteria)
└── [EXP_NAME]

Without running the given script file

On FuzzBench

You may want to run FuzzBench with your own flavors in usage.

 # Set local configuration 

 $ source [FUZZBENCH_PATH]/.venv/bin/activate
 $ python3 [FUZZBENCH]/experiment/ -cb [N] -a -c [FUZZBENCH]/local-experiment-config.yaml -b [BENCHMARKS] -f [FUZZERS] -e [EXP_NAME]
-cb [N]: cuncurrent building options. Higher the value, faster the building process (may output EOF error if the value is too high for Hardware)
[BENCHMARKS] : give the full name of the the programs which will be used for experiments. The benchmark programs are in ./fuzzbench/benchmarks directory. ex) "-b arrow_parquet-arrow-fuzz grok_grk_decompress_fuzzer"
[FUZZERS] : give the full name of the fuzzers which will be used for experiments. The fuzzers are in ./fuzzbench/fuzzers directory. ex) "-f aflpp aflppmopt seamfuzz"

Not on FuzzBench

As SeamFuzz is built on AFL++, the usage is exactly the same as AFL++. Please refer to AFL++. You can check the options of SeamFuzz and their meanings with the following command:

 # Complete build SeamFuzz from fuzzers/seamfuzz/afl/
 $ ./afl-fuzz -h 
 SeamFuzz settings:
  -K [1, 2]     - enable SeamFuzz
                  1: use the original SeamFuzz which utilizes SeamFuzz data classification
                  2: does not use SeamFuzz data classification (follows AFL++ criteria)
  -A path       - a path to and enables using thompson sampling algorithm 
  -a float      - Set the value for alpha (syntactic similarity), default value is 0.1 [0 ... 1.0]
  -g float      - Set the value for gamma (cluster), default value is 0.8 [0 ... 1.0]
  -X [0, 100]   - Set the probability for exploration
  -u            - Set the updating value for rewards

Running AFL++ with SeamFuzz options to test objdump (assume that objdump is AFL++-instrumented) is as follows:

 # Assume that objdump is AFL++-implemented. 
 $ ./afl-fuzz -K 1 -A [] -i [path_to_seeds] -o ./output -- ./objdump --dwarf-check -C -g -f --dwarf -x @@
 # Test objdump with setting alpha value to 0.5. 
 $ ./afl-fuzz -K 1 -A [] -a 0.5 -i [path_to_seeds] -o ./output -- ./objdump --dwarf-check -C -g -f --dwarf -x @@

You may need to setup certain environment variable to properly run AFL++ as follows:

 # Please enter the command below when your system is configured to send core dump notifications to an external utility, which is a default setting.
 # Please enter the command below when your system uses on-demand CPU frequency scaling, which is a default setting. 
 $ export AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ=1


Myungho Lee (e-mail: [email protected])