This is the hardware layer of the project, it currently needs an arduino board plugged in to run.
The front end of hifisparks. It's mobile-first, targeted at newer browers.
The shared component and utility library of hifisparks, and the place to go for doing component development without having to run this whole shebang. It has Storybook configured.
Recommended node version is 10.5.0
This is a project built using yarn workspaces, to initialize everything just run yarn
form the project root.
There should be no global dependencies! Except for a working node.js setup and globally installed yarn.
Using nvm or an equivalent is recommended.
To run any of the sub-projects, just switch to their directories and run yarn dev
. Make sure to keep this consistent in the future with build commands and so on.
Parcel is used for bundling and transpiling, except when it isn't, specifically in Storybook. That is a bummer and will probably lead to incosistencies.
Using Visual Studio Code is highly recommended, as the project will have many specific configurations, and was built to Just Work in that environment.
Absolutely no JS. No ifs, no buts. Prefer types to interfaces, keep it functional.
TSLint is there instead of a written style guide, and it should watch your every move. Make sure you have it working!
Use styled-components, use hooks (srsly, no classes).