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MATLAB toolbox for risk-averse optimization

This is still work in progress.

NOTE: Add matlab/ to your path to be able to use this toolbox.

Scenario trees

Scenario trees are finite-horizon representations of random processes on probability spaces with finitely many events.

Scenario trees are described by the class marietta.ScenarioTree.

Methods in this class allow us to access the nodes of a tree, traverse them, get their ancestor or children and much more.

For more information type:

doc marietta.ScenarioTree

Let us now see how to construct a scenario tree

IID Process

We may generate a scenario tree from a (stopped) IID process

probDist = [0.6 0.4];      % probability distribution
ops.horizonLength = 15;    % horizon length
ops.branchingHorizon = 5;  % stopping time
tree = marietta.ScenarioTreeFactory.generateTreeFromIid(probDist, ops);

This will print

Scenario tree
+ Horizon....................    15
+ Number of nodes............   383
+ Number of scenarios........    32
+ Value dimension............     1

and will plot


Markov Process

or from a Markov chain with a given initial distribution and given probability transition matrix

initialDistr = [0.2; 0.1; 0.0; 0.7];
probTransitionMatrix = [
    0.7  0.2  0.0  0.1;
    0.25 0.6  0.05 0.1;
    0.4  0.1  0.5  0.0;
    0.0  0.0  0.3  0.7];
ops.horizonLength = 4;
tree = marietta.ScenarioTreeFactory.generateTreeFromMarkovChain(...
    probTransitionMatrix, initialDistr, ops);

This will print

Scenario tree
+ Horizon....................     4
+ Number of nodes............   116
+ Number of scenarios........    77
+ Value dimension............     1

From Data

A tree can be constructed from available data = [2*ones(1,6) ones(1,10)];
tree = marietta.ScenarioTreeFactory.generateTreeFromData(data, options);

Iterators: traversing the nodes

Iterators allow us to traverse certain nodes of the tree easily and efficiently, without having to write lots of for loops.

This is how we can traverse all nodes of a tree at stage k=3

iter = tree.getIteratorNodesAtStage(3)
while iter.hasNext
  nodeId =;

Likewise, to iterate over all non-leaf nodes, we may use the iterator iter = tree.getIteratorNonleafNodes.

An iterator can be restarted using iter.restart().

For details checkout help marietta.util.Iterator.

Construct risk measures

We may use marietta.ConicRiskFactory to construct risk measures.

For example, to create a ConicRiskMeasure object which corresponds to the average value-at-risk over a probability space with a given probability vector p at level alpha, use:

avar = marietta.ConicRiskFactory.createAvar(p, alpha);

We may then use this object to compute the risk of a random variable Z using avar.risk(Z).

Here is a complete example in which we compute the average value-at-risk and entropic value-at-risk of a random variable Z at different levels alpha

n = 10; Z = exp(linspace(0,5,n))';
p = exp(-0.5*(1:n))'; xd = [];
for alpha = [0.001:0.01:0.1 0.2:0.1:0.9 0.94:0.02:1.0]
    avar = marietta.ConicRiskFactory.createAvar(p, alpha);
    evar = marietta.ConicRiskFactory.createEvar(p, alpha);
    avarZ = avar.risk(Z); evarZ = evar.risk(Z);
    xd = [xd; alpha avarZ evarZ];

plot(xd(:,1), xd(:,2),'-o','linewidth', 2); hold on;
plot(xd(:,1), xd(:,3),'-x','linewidth', 2);
legend('AVaR', 'EVaR'); grid on;
xlabel('alpha'); ylabel('risk')

This will plot:


Parametric risk measures

Risk measures are defined relative to a probability space

Often they are parametrized with additional parameters alpha (e.g., the average value-at-risk and the entropic value-at-risk have such a scalar parameter).

A parametric risk measure is one which depends on the underlying distribution p and a parameter alpha

In marietta, parametric risks are functions which follow the template @(p, alpha) parametricRisk

The factory class ParametricRiskFactory can be used to generate such parametric risks

Here is an example of use

p_avar = marietta.ParametricRiskFactory.createParametricAvar();

p = [0.1 0.2 0.7];             % probability vector
Z = [100 10 1];                % random variable
alpha = 0.5;                   % parameter of AVaR
risk_obj = p_avar(p, alpha);   % make risk object
risk_value = risk_obj.risk(Z); % use risk object

p_avar_05 = marietta.ParametricRiskFactory.createParametricAvarAlpha(0.5);
risk_obj_05 = p_avar_05(p);
risk_value_05 = risk_obj_05.risk(Z);

Costs, constraints and dynamics

Costs, constraints and dynamics are functions of the system state, x, input u and uncertain parameter w, at stage t.

Terminal costs and constraints are functions of the terminal stage, x_N alone.

These are supported by:

  • marietta.functions.StageFunction and
  • marietta.functions.TerminalFunction


For example, say we way to define a Markov jump affine system with 2 states, 1 input and 3 modes described by x(t+1) = A(w(t)) x(t) + B(w(t)) u(t) + p(w(t)), where w(t) takes the values 1, 2 and 3.

Here is an example of such a construction

A{1} = [1 2; 3 4];
A{2} = [3 1; 5 0];
A{3} = [1 1; 0 1];

B{1} = [1; 1];
B{2} = [0; 1];
B{3} = [1; 0];

p{1} = [3; 2];
p{2} = [3; 1];
p{3} = [1; 2];

mjas = marietta.functions.MarkovianLinearStateInputFunction(A, B, p);

Say now we want to construct a stage cost function of the form ell(x,u,w) = x'*Q(w)*x + u'*R(w)*u; here is an example

Q{1} = eye(2); Q{2} = 10*eye(2);
R{1} = 1; R{2} = 1.3;
quad_cost = marietta.functions.MarkovianQuadStateInputFunction(Q, R);

Risk-averse optimal control problems

This is a step-by-step guide to constructing and solving a risk-averse optimal control problem.

Problem definition

Let us first define some parameters:

alpha = 0.8;                    % alpha
cAlpha = 0;                     % alpha used for risk constraints 
lambda_poisson = 2;             % Poisson parameter
num_modes = 3;                  % number of modes of Markov chain
horizon_length = 12;            % prediction horizon
branching_horizon = 3;          % branching horizon
umin = -10; umax = 10;          % input bounds

Then, we construct the scenario tree:

pmf_poisson = truncated_poisson_pmf(lambda_poisson, num_modes);

% Define the scenario tree
initialDistr = pmf_poisson;

% Make sparse transition matrix
probTransitionMatrix = rand(num_modes, num_modes);
rowSumPTM = sum(probTransitionMatrix, 2)';
probTransitionMatrix = probTransitionMatrix ./ kron(ones(1, num_modes), rowSumPTM');

% Make the scenario tree
tree_options.horizonLength = horizon_length;
tree_options.branchingHorizon = branching_horizon;
tree = marietta.ScenarioTreeFactory.generateTreeFromMarkovChain(...
    probTransitionMatrix, initialDistr, tree_options);

The system is an MJLS and the stage cost is quadratic given by ell(x,u,w) = x'*Q(w)*x + u'*R(w)*u.

Let us define such matrices...

% Define the data (system parameters and more)
A = cell(num_modes, 1);
B = cell(num_modes, 1);
Q = cell(num_modes, 1);
R = cell(num_modes, 1);
for i=1:num_modes
    re_ = 0.95 + 0.1 * randn;
    im_ = 0.3 + i * 0.05 * randn;
    u = orth(randn(2));
    A{i} = u*[re_ im_; -im_ re_]*u';
    B{i} = u*[1; 0.1*randn];
    Q{i} = (1+0.05*randn)*eye(2);
    R{i} = 1 + 0.01*randn;
Q{num_modes} = 10*Q{num_modes};

We now define the stage cost function and the system dynamics:

dynamics = marietta.functions.MarkovianLinearStateInputFunction(A, B);
stageCost = marietta.functions.MarkovianQuadStateInputFunction(Q, R);

Similarly, we define the terminal cost function ell_N(x) = x'*QN*x:

QN = 70*eye(2);
terminalCost = marietta.functions.QuadTerminalFunction(QN);

We need to impose that r_t[phi(x_t,u_t,w_t)] <= 0, where r_t is a risk measure at stage t.

Here is an example of such a function phi(x,u,w) = x'*x - c:

c = 0.5;
stateNorm = marietta.functions.SimpleQuadStateInputFunction(eye(2), 0); 
stageConstraint = stateNorm - c; % using operator overloading

Risk-averse optimizers

Let us now construct a risk averse optimizer (using the Builder pattern)...

pAvar = marietta.ParametricRiskFactory.createParametricAvarAlpha(alpha);
pAvarConstr = marietta.ParametricRiskFactory.createParametricAvarAlpha(cAlpha);
rao = marietta.RiskAverseOptimalController();

    .addStageWiseRiskConstraints(stageConstraint, pAvarConstr, horizon_length-6:horizon_length-1);


We can now use the above controller/optimizer to solve a problem given an initial state x0...

x0 = [-3;3.5];
solution = rao.control(x0);

The solution is a marietta.Solution object:

Risk-averse Optimal Controller
Numer of decision variables :    1943
Number of constraints       :    4341
Elapsed time is 0.175558 seconds.
Solution ( Successfully solved )
State dimension    :     2
Input dimension    :     1
Prediction horizon :    12
Number of nodes    :   283
Status code        :     0


We may now plot the solution using

subplot(121); solution.plotStateCoordinate(1);
subplot(122); solution.plotStateCoordinate(2);

this produces...

State vs time

Similarly, we may plot the control actions on the tree:


Input vs time

We may also plot an error bar that gives information about the distribution of the stage costs

solution.plotCostErrorBar(1-alpha, tree.getHorizon)

Constraint error bar


In MATLAB, type

doc marietta

to access the documentation of this toolbox.

UML of marietta


(*) the UML needs to be updated.