It's a very useful tool when your CNC controller can't output more than 20-50 KHz of step pulses. With this mupltiplier you can encrease the output frequency from 20-50 KHz up to 2-4 MHz. Such frequencies can be used for servo drivers or for step motor drivers (for the extra small microstep). Steps frequency multiplier it's a good solution when you are using Mach3 or LinuxCNC soft with LPT (parallel) port output. Or when you are using a cheap USB controller like Arduino with GRBL firmware.
- Up to 5 input/output axis count
- Up to 4 MHz of output pulse frequency
- Uses STM32CubeMX to initialize all options of MCU
- Uses latest HAL drivers
- Uses SW4STM32 IDE to build the project
- Uses EXTI to capture input pulses
- Uses timer's OC mode with DMA for the output
- Uses SysTick timer to catch the timestamp (in us) of each input step
- F407VETx_OC_DMA_3: The most stable method of output using timer's OC mode + DMA (for the F407VETx)
- F103C8Tx_OC_DMA_3: The most stable method of output using timer's OC mode + DMA (for the F103C8Tx)
- STM32F407VETx_old: Old and slow method of output for the STM32F407VETx
- STM32F407VETx_OC_DMA: New fast method of output with timer's OC+DMA for the STM32F407VETx
- STM32F407VETx_OC_DMA_2: Method based on STM32F407VETx_OC_DMA using only 2 timers for the output
- F407VETx_BUF: Another method of output for the STM32F407VETx using buffer and timer's OC+DMA
- STM32F103C8Tx_OC_DMA: New fast method of output with timer's OC+DMA for the STM32F103C8Tx
- STM32F103C8Tx: First (non tested) version for the STM32F103C8Tx