Consider it beta before it hits 1.0.0. It is undergoing major upgrades, as far as the time is found, in 2020 so let me know if anything is off.
For quick documentation see:
Simple converter of Mathematica notebooks to markdown.
It originates from, it didn't evolve too much but I'm open to feedback as it is not something I use on daily basis.
ResourceFunction["GitHubInstall"][ "kubapod", "m2md" ]
Go to 'releases' tab and download appropriate .paclet file.
Run PacletInstall @ path/to/the.paclet
If you don't have MPM`
yet, run:
and then:
Needs @ "MPM`"
MPM`MPMInstall["kubapod", "m2md"]
From now on there should be a M2MD item in your Palettes menu.