2019.07 1.0pre版本
- 更新了第二章中mini-fix链接;
- 第三章中3.4字节序列,编码为整数2014的,修订为基于1024作为示例。
- libtrading 低延迟交易接口
- mfast FAST协议解析
- Philadelphia 基于JVM的低延迟FIX引擎
- FIX8 高性能C++ FIX框架
- onixs 低延迟FIX引擎产品
- fix-fast-tutorial 强烈推荐
- gotrade golang语言的fix 协议,属于POC阶段,目前还不能用于生产
- fasters 基于纯Rust的fix引擎
- quickfixengine fix引擎开源网站
- quickfix fix C++库
- quickfixgo fix Go库
- quickfixn fix NET库
- goFAST FAST Go库,看起来还不够完善,delta等操作符是TODO List
- QuickFIX Python Samples QuickFIX Python示例
- Financial Information eXchange protocol implemented in Rust FIX Rust实现
- fixio FIX Protocol Support for Netty
- simplefix Simple FIX protocol implementation for Python
- fixjs Financial Information Exchange protocol in javascript
- fix2jsonA command-line utility to present FIX protocol messages as JSON or YAML
- hffix Financial Information Exchange Protocol C++ Library 基于头文件的FIX库
- API信息 API客户端调用说明,部分FIX、FAST内容阐述比较细致
- 通过硬件加速FIX/FAST协议解析
- Artio - Resilient High-Performance FIX and FIXP Gateway
- erlang_fast FIX/FAST decode/encode facility
- fix-rsfix-rs is a FIX (Financial Information Exchange) engine written in Rust.
- pyfixmsg pyfixmsg is a library for parsing, manipulating and serialising FIX messages, primarily geared towards testing
- Spring Boot Starter for QuickFIX/J This project is a Spring Boot Starter for QuickFIX/J messaging engine for the FIX protocol. It simplifies the configuration required to create and start an Initiator or Acceptor, and handles the lifecycle of the Connector.