Issues Fixed:
- Internet Explorer and MS Edge rendering fixed
- IE: Sign out is hidden by instructions
- Reviewer should not see filters for Reviewer and Review Status
- Reviewer Recommended Relationships determinations should not be seen by the reporter
- "Previous Versions:" label appears in non-test lane even though it is part of a feature that is behind a feature flag
- Reporter revise and respond not reset after sent back again
- 500 error when Admin changes FE-Project determination to SELECT (none) in an updated disclosure
- Validations on Travel relationship in Financial Entity are not displayed when user added invalid data
- COI reviewer gets 403 error message with view disclosure and view disclosure archives
- Management Plan is not viewable in Archived disclosure for Admin
- In Sent Back disclosure, Reporter response is recorded as a Reporter comment when user clicks done rather than on submit of revised disclosure
- Old project appearing in Submitted disclosure
- COI version number is not displaying
- COI disclosure status is not picking up when an FE has been inactivated when config set to not to require update if reporter has no entities
- Ability for Reporter to see previous responses after disclosure sent back and resubmitted multiple times
- Filter for disclosures assigned to reviewers
- Approved and Archived Disclosures for Admins
- Allow Admin to set the reviewer's comment as visible to the Reporter
Other improvements:
- Increase character length of disposition field
In-progress features behind a Feature Flag:
- Ability to filter admin list view whether a disclose is with an assigned reviewer
- Approved and Archived Disclosures for Admins
- Filter for disclosures assigned to reviewers