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The SignificantNumber class represents a number with a significand and an exponent, enabling high-precision arithmetic operations that comply with calculation rules for significant figures. It provides a robust set of functionalities for mathematical computations and formatting.


  • High-precision arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
  • Support for significant figures and exponents
  • Integration with .NET numerical interfaces
  • Comprehensive error handling and validation

Table of Contents


To install the SignificantNumber library, you can use the .NET CLI:

dotnet add package

Or, add the package reference directly in your project file:

<PackageReference Include="" Version="x.x.x" />


Creating a SignificantNumber

You can create a SignificantNumber from various numeric types using the ToSignificantNumber extension method:

Supported Numeric Types

The SignificantNumber class supports a wide range of numeric types through the ToSignificantNumber extension method, leveraging the INumber interface for conversions. The following types are supported:

  • Integer Types:

    • int
    • long
    • short
    • sbyte
    • uint
    • ulong
    • ushort
    • byte
    • BigInteger
  • Floating-Point Types:

    • double
    • float
    • Half
    • decimal


You can convert various numeric types to SignificantNumber using the ToSignificantNumber extension method:


// Integer types
int intValue = 12345;
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromInt = intValue.ToSignificantNumber();

BigInteger bigIntValue = new BigInteger(9876543210);
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromBigInt = bigIntValue.ToSignificantNumber();

// Floating-point types
double doubleValue = 123.45;
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromDouble = doubleValue.ToSignificantNumber();

Half halfValue = (Half)123.45;
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromHalf = halfValue.ToSignificantNumber();

float floatValue = 123.45f;
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromFloat = floatValue.ToSignificantNumber();

decimal decimalValue = 123.45m;
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromDecimal = decimalValue.ToSignificantNumber();

Arithmetic Operations

You can perform various arithmetic operations on SignificantNumber instances:

var result1 = number1 + number2;
var result2 = number1 - number2;
var result3 = number1 * number2;
var result4 = number1 / number2;

// Square and cube operations
var squared = number1.Squared();
var cubed = number1.Cubed();

// Power operation
var powerResult = number1.Pow(3); // number1 raised to the power of 3

Comparison Operations

You can compare SignificantNumber instances using comparison operators:

bool isEqual = number1 == number2;
bool isGreater = number1 > number2;
bool isLessOrEqual = number1 <= number2;

Formatting and Parsing

You can format a SignificantNumber as a string:

string formatted = number1.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Console.WriteLine(formatted);  // Outputs the formatted number

Parsing is not supported and will throw NotSupportedException:

    var parsedNumber = SignificantNumber.Parse("123.45", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
catch (NotSupportedException ex)

Instead, you should parse the number as another numeric type and convert it to a SignificantNumber:

double parsedDouble = double.Parse("123.45", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromDouble = parsedDouble.ToSignificantNumber();

Extension Methods


Converts various numeric types to a SignificantNumber.


public static SignificantNumber ToSignificantNumber<TInput>(this INumber<TInput> input)
    where TInput : INumber<TInput>


  • input: The input number to convert.


  • SignificantNumber: The converted SignificantNumber.


double floatingPointValue = 123.45;
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromFloat = floatingPointValue.ToSignificantNumber();

int integerValue = 12345;
SignificantNumber significantNumberFromInt = integerValue.ToSignificantNumber();

SignificantNumber result = significantNumberFromFloat + significantNumberFromInt;
// result = 12468.45



Converts a SignificantNumber to the specified numeric type.


public TOutput To<TOutput>()
    where TOutput : INumber<TOutput>


  • None


  • TOutput: The converted value of the SignificantNumber.


SignificantNumber significantNumber = new SignificantNumber(3, 12345); // 12345e3
double result = significantNumber.To<double>();
Console.WriteLine(result);  // Outputs 12345000


The SignificantNumber class is designed to handle high-precision arithmetic operations with significant figures and exponents.

Here's how it ensures precision:

Significand and Exponent

A SignificantNumber consists of two main components:

  • Significand: This is the significant part of the number, stored as a BigInteger to accommodate a wide range of values with high precision.
  • Exponent: This is the exponent part of the number, which scales the significand by a power of ten.

Precision Handling

  • Maximum Significant Digits: When converting from a floating-point number to a SignificantNumber maximum number of significant digits is limited to 7 for float values, and 16 for double values.
  • Trailing Zero Removal: The class automatically sanitizes the significand by removing trailing zeros, ensuring that the number is stored in its most compact and precise form.
  • Rounding: You can round a SignificantNumber to a specified number of decimal digits, ensuring that you can control the precision of your calculations.

Example of Precision

Consider the number 123.456000:

  • When stored as a SignificantNumber, it will be represented as 123456e-3 after removing the trailing zeros and adjusting the exponent accordingly.
  • This ensures that the number is represented with the exact precision required for your calculations, without unnecessary trailing zeros.

By using the SignificantNumber class, you can perform high-precision arithmetic operations and maintain control over the significant figures and exponent, ensuring accurate and efficient mathematical computations.

API Reference


  • static SignificantNumber NegativeOne - Gets the value -1 for the type.
  • static SignificantNumber One - Gets the value 1 for the type.
  • static SignificantNumber Zero - Gets the value 0 for the type.
  • static int Radix - Gets the radix, or base, for the type.
  • static SignificantNumber AdditiveIdentity - Gets the additive identity of the current type.
  • static SignificantNumber MultiplicativeIdentity - Gets the multiplicative identity of the current type.


  • bool Equals(SignificantNumber other) - Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
  • int CompareTo(object? obj) - Compares the current instance with another object.
  • int CompareTo(SignificantNumber other) - Compares the current instance with another significant number.
  • int CompareTo<TInput>(TInput other) where TInput : INumber<TInput> - Compares the current instance with another number.
  • SignificantNumber Abs() - Returns the absolute value of the current instance.
  • SignificantNumber Round(int decimalDigits) - Rounds the current instance to the specified number of decimal digits.
  • SignificantNumber Clamp<TNumber>(TNumber min, TNumber max) where TNumber : INumber<TNumber> - Clamps the specified value between the minimum and maximum values.
  • string ToString(string? format, IFormatProvider? formatProvider) - Converts the current instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and format provider.
  • bool TryFormat(Span<char> destination, out int charsWritten, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, IFormatProvider? provider) - Attempts to format the current instance into the provided span.
  • TOutput To<TOutput>() where TOutput : INumber<TOutput> - Converts the current significant number to the specified numeric type.

Static Methods

  • static SignificantNumber Abs(SignificantNumber value) - Returns the absolute value of a SignificantNumber.
  • static bool IsCanonical(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is canonical.
  • static bool IsComplexNumber(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is a complex number.
  • static bool IsEvenInteger(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is an even integer.
  • static bool IsFinite(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is finite.
  • static bool IsImaginaryNumber(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is an imaginary number.
  • static bool IsInfinity(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is infinite.
  • static bool IsInteger(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is an integer.
  • static bool IsNaN(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is NaN.
  • static bool IsNegative(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is negative.
  • static bool IsNegativeInfinity(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is negative infinity.
  • static bool IsNormal(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is normal.
  • static bool IsOddInteger(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is an odd integer.
  • static bool IsPositive(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is positive.
  • static bool IsPositiveInfinity(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is positive infinity.
  • static bool IsRealNumber(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is a real number.
  • static bool IsSubnormal(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is subnormal.
  • static bool IsZero(SignificantNumber value) - Determines whether the specified value is zero.
  • static SignificantNumber MaxMagnitude(SignificantNumber x, SignificantNumber y) - Returns the larger of the magnitudes of two significant numbers.
  • static SignificantNumber MaxMagnitudeNumber(SignificantNumber x, SignificantNumber y) - Returns the larger of the magnitudes of two significant numbers.
  • static SignificantNumber MinMagnitude(SignificantNumber x, SignificantNumber y) - Returns the smaller of the magnitudes of two significant numbers.
  • static SignificantNumber MinMagnitudeNumber(SignificantNumber x, SignificantNumber y) - Returns the smaller of the magnitudes of two significant numbers.


  • static SignificantNumber operator -(SignificantNumber value) - Negates a significant number.
  • static SignificantNumber operator -(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Subtracts one significant number from another.
  • static bool operator !=(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Determines whether two significant numbers are not equal.
  • static SignificantNumber operator *(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Multiplies two significant numbers.
  • static SignificantNumber operator /(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Divides one significant number by another.
  • static SignificantNumber operator +(SignificantNumber value) - Returns the unary plus of a significant number.
  • static SignificantNumber operator +(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Adds two significant numbers.
  • static bool operator ==(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Determines whether two significant numbers are equal.
  • static bool operator >(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Determines whether one significant number is greater than another.
  • static bool operator <(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Determines whether one significant number is less than another.
  • static bool operator >=(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Determines whether one significant number is greater than or equal to another.
  • static bool operator <=(SignificantNumber left, SignificantNumber right) - Determines whether one significant number is less than or equal to another.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.