This is an alternative framework for Passport.js that is designed to use JWT tokens for sessions. So that, instead of storing user's ID and metadata in a database (e.g. Redis), it encodes that data into a JSON Web Token and writes that token to a session cookie.
$ npm install jwt-passport
Note: It requires Node.js 6.11 or higher
const uuid = require('uuid');
const express = require('express');
const passport = require('passport');
const jwt = require('jwt-passport');
// We're using Knex.js database client in this examle,
// but it could be any other database driver.
const db = require('./db');
name: '__session',
secret: '<secret>',
audience: '<audience>',
issuer: '<issuer>',
expiresIn: '1 hour',
// Prepare payload for an ID token
createToken: req => ({
jti: uuid.v4(),
// Save user's token in a database
saveToken: token =>
user_id: token.sub,
token_id: token.jti,
// Revoke user's token
deleteToken: token =>
.where({ token_id: token.jti })
// Check if the token was not revoked and find the corresponding user
findUser: token =>
.leftJoin('users', '', 'user_tokens.user_id')
.where({ 'user_tokens.token_id': token.jti })
passport.use(new FacebookStrategy(/* config */));
passport.use(new TwitterStrategy(/* config */));
const app = express();
// Extend the HTTP request object with
// req.logIn() and req.logOut() helper methods
// Attemp to parse session cookie, validate the token
// and put the authenticated user object onto the contxt (req.user)
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send(`Welcome, ${req.user ? req.user.displayName : 'guest'}!`);
app.get('/login/:provider', (req, res, next) => {
passport.authenticate(req.params.provider, /* options */)(req, res, next);
app.get('/login/:provider/return', (req, res, next) => {
passport.authenticate(req.params.provider, /* options */)(req, res, next);
- Passport.js — Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
- Node.js API Starter — Boilerplate for authoring GraphQL APIs with Node.js and PostgreSQL
- React Starter Kit — Boilerpalte for authoring isomorphic web apps with React.js and GraphQL
- React Starter Kit for Firebase — React.js web app boilerplate for serveless architecture
Copyright © 2018-present Kriasoft. This source code is licensed under the MIT license.