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Carsten Saathoff edited this page Jan 18, 2014 · 20 revisions

Smart Keywording for ResourceSpace

Welcome to the wiki of the Smart Keywording plugin for the Open Source DAM Software ResourceSpace! Smart Keywords supports the keywording process with more than 3 Mio. keyword completions, and many more millions of keyword suggestions. The plugin is fully integrated into ResourceSpace and thus very easy to use. The plugin is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, i.e. its free, so feel free to try it yourself. Smart Keywording relies on the Kreuzverweis Smart Keywording Webservice that generates keyword completions and suggestions. Utilization of the Webservice is free for a limited number of users. Kreuzverweis also offers a commercial version that includes support, user specific keyword suggestions, and more.

Download & Installation

  1. Download the most recent plugin package onto your harddrive.
  2. You now have a ResourceSpace plugin package that can be installed using the ResourceSpace plugin manager in the Team Center of ResourceSpace. Add the downloaded file to your installation of ResourceSpace at the Team center/Manage Plugins using the ‘Upload Plugin’ form.
    • Please make sure that your web server process can add files to the plugin folder, i.e. write-permissions are set correspondingly on the file system. If this is not the case, the uploading of plugins does not work.
  3. When the plugin shows up on the list of plugins, activate it. The plugin shows up at the list of active plugins. The plugin adds advanced keywording features to the field named keywords (standard name in ResourceSpace). Make sure that you haven’t changed the name of the field that stores keywords if you want to use the plugin.
  4. Setup the client id and secret on the setup page of the plugin, accessible via plugin options. See the video at YouTube on how to do this or directly create an organization and client at the Kreuzverweis Backoffice App. You will get a client id and client secret immediately there.
  5. That’s it!

Installation Requirements

  • Make sure you have a recent ResourceSpace installation, the plugin requires at least a version that dates after January 31st, 2012.
  • Your ResourceSpace installation requires access to the outer world. The plugin needs to access the Kreuzverweis Smart Keywording Web Service that generates keyword completions and suggestions. Therefore, it is required that the ResourceSpace installation can access remote servers using https, i.e. port 443.
  • The plugin requires the php cCurl and libcurl libraries on the server where your ResourceSpace installation is running. For ubuntu/debian just enter
    sudo apt-get install php5-curl libcurl3
    on the command line to install it. More info about that can be found at its documentation.

Windows/SSL remarks

  • A default PHP on Windows ships with the curl extension. Please follow the instruction on on how to enable extensions. By default curl is not enabled.
  • The default curl delivered with PHP does not ship with any root certificates, which means it will not be able to verify any SSL certificates. Our plugin, by default, now disbales SSL certificate verification. It will still encrypt all transfer, but not try to verify the validity of the certificate or the server. Usually that’s not a problem in this specific case. We will make SSL validation configurable in a future release, for servers where the appropriate root certificates have been installed. If you need this feature now:
    • We are using RapidSSL certificates.
    • Curl is configured in pages/sk4rs-functions.php in line 90.