Data collector for kotio sensors and switches.
Collects sensor and swich data from kotio REST API's and saves it to influxdb.
Written in clojure.
- Java
- leiningen
lein test
lein uberjar
Requires kotio REST API's for ruuvitag and tellstick, influxdb, Java.
Copy configuration file template to your preferred location and adjust configuration settings as needed.
Run the jar with configuration file parameter `java -Dconfig=your-config-file -jar data-collector-0.1.0-standalone.jar``
Edit kotio-data-collector.service to your preferences.
Link it to /etc/systemd/system/ e.g. ln -s /home/pi/kotio-data-collector.service /etc/systemd/system/kotio-data-collector.service
Check status systemctl status kotio-data-collector.service
Start as service systemctl start kotio-data-collector.service
Stop service systemctl stop kotio-data-collector.service
Copyright © 2017 Jori Lytter
Distributed under the MIT License.