This is a Ruby wrapper around the TestLink XMLRPC API, thus allowing access to your TestLink test projects, plans, cases, and results using Ruby. We’ve added a few helper methods as well to allow for getting at more of your data a little easier. This supports TestLink APIs 1.0 Beta 5 (from TestLink 1.8.x) and 1.0 (from TestLink 1.9.x).
Basic wrapper around existing XMLRPC functions.
Allow for calling methods via Ruby style (#projects) or XMLRPC style (#getProjects).
Support for TestLink API versions 1.0 Beta 5 and 1.0.
Only one error/exception type: TestLinker::Error.
Limited set of helper methods, attempting to fill in gaps from the API.
Get results to a CSV file:
require 'test_linker' require 'pp' server = 'http://testlink' dev_key = "90b7941411928ae0a84d19f365a01a63" tl_project = "My nifty project" tl =, dev_key) # Write out the CSV headers csv_file_name = "report.csv" csv_file =, "w") csv_file.write "Build,Passed,Failed,Blocked,TOTAL,Overall %,Overall % (+B)\n" # Get the list of test plans that I want to report on project_id = tl.project_id tl_project test_plans = tl.find_test_plans(project_id, /^Component.+1.0/) puts "All test plans for project #{project_id}" pp test_plans # Get a list of all builds from those test plans builds = test_plans.collect do |test_plan| tl.builds_for_test_plan(test_plan[:id]) end builds.flatten! overall = {} overall[:pass] = 0 overall[:failed] = 0 overall[:blocked] = 0 results = {} # Total up results for each build and write to the CSV file builds.each do |build| results[:pass] = 0 results[:failed] = 0 results[:blocked] = 0 test_cases = tl.test_cases_for_test_plan(build[:testplan_id], { :buildid => build[:id] }) test_cases.each_value do |test_case| case test_case[:exec_status] when "p" results[:pass] += 1 when "f" results[:failed] += 1 when "b" results[:blocked] += 1 end end overall[:pass] += results[:pass] overall[:failed] += results[:failed] overall[:blocked] += results[:blocked] build_total = results[:pass] + results[:failed] + results[:blocked] overall_rate = "%2.2f" % (overall[:pass] * 100 / (overall[:pass] + overall[:failed]).to_f) overall_rate_plus_blocked = "%2.2f" % (overall[:pass] * 100 / (overall[:pass] + overall[:failed] + overall[:blocked]).to_f) csv_line = "#{build[:name]},#{results[:pass]},#{results[:failed]},#{results[:blocked]}," csv_line << "#{build_total},#{overall_rate},#{overall_rate_plus_blocked}\n" csv_file.write csv_line end csv_file.close
Rubies (tested)
jruby 1.6.1
ree 1.8.7
versionomy, ~> 0.4.0
Gems (development)
bundler, ~> 1.0.0
cucumber, ~> 0.10.0
fakeweb, ~> 1.3.0
rspec, ~> 2.5.0
simplecov, >= 0.4.0 (MRI 1.9.x only)
yard, ~> 0.6.0
Getting it all running (on the TestLink side):
Enable automation in the TestLink config file: => $tlCfg->api->enabled = TRUE;
The user that needs to run the automated tests needs to generate a API key
that will be used in creating the connection. This is accomplished by logging in to TestLink and going to “Personal -> API Key -> Generate a new key”.
$ gem install test_linker
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See LICENSE.rdoc for details.