This is an example with usage od DiffableDatasource with Combine framework at MVVM pattern.
- We create our DiffableDatasource
func makeDataSource() -> UITableViewDiffableDataSource<Section, User> {
return UITableViewDiffableDataSource(
tableView: tableView,
cellProvider: { tableView, indexPath, user in
let cell = UserTableViewCell.dequeueInTableView(tableView, forIndexPath: indexPath)
cell.configureCell(with: user)
return cell
- We make a Published response to use it for emiting changes over combine framework
@Published var response: ViewState<[User]> = .loading
- We hande the response over a ViewState enum
private func handle(response: ViewState<[User]>?) {
switch response ?? .loading {
case .loading:
loadingIndicator.isHidden = false
case .error(_):
case .loaded(let data):
loadingIndicator.isHidden = true
insert(list: data) }