Support for executing python zip files was added in Python2.6, and in Python3.6, emphasis was added through the zipapp module.
This module contains a buildout recipe and a command line utility to help package Python applications into a zipapp, complete with its dependencies.
One of the use-case for this module is for building complex Hadoop MapReduce
job in Python that relies in many dependencies. The zipapp can be distributed
easily to Hadoop nodes for execution, or packaged as a script for Hive's
pip install koslab.recipe.zipapp
The following example packages Spotify's Luigi daemon as a zipapp.
# Creates luigi zipapp as luigi.egg zipapp build luigi -m luigi.cmdline:luigid -o luigi.egg # Run luigid python luigi.egg
This recipe depends on collective.recipe.omelette
from Plone.
[buildout] parts = omelette zipapp [omelette] recipe = collective.recipe.omelette eggs = # Eggs to be included into the zipapp MyApp [zipapp] recipe = koslab.recipe.zipapp omelette-part = omelette main-function = MyApp.main:main output-file = MyApp.pyz
Output file will be created everytime buildout is run