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KoshiNuke server implementation by java


  • java7 or more tested by 1.7.0_02
  • gradle 1.0-milestone-9 (for development and build)
  • eclipse 3.7.2 (for development)


Apache License, Version 2.0

Install and Execute

  • download latest release from here
  • execute
    java -jar koshinuke.jar
  • access to localhost
  • default username and password is taichi/taichipass
  • if you want to add user, gradle script contains password utility
    • modify passwd task
    • execute passwd task
      gradle passwd
    • copy output to etc/

Setup for development

  • clone this repository
    git clone [email protected]:koshinuke/
  • clone koshinuke repository
    git clone [email protected]:koshinuke/koshinuke.git
  • checkout closure-library
    svn co closure-library
  • if you haven't use gradle yet
    • execute gradle installation shell script called gradle wrapper.
      gradle (Linux/Mac)
      gradle.bat (Windows)
  • make
    • add proxy entry if you need.
    • koshinuke_path to local koshinuke repository root dir
    • closure_path to local clorsure-library root dir
  • copy static contents from koshinuke
    gradle cloneweb sym
  • convert to eclipse project
    gradle eclipse
  • build executable jar
    gradle war
  • execute src/groovy/Debug.groovy for debug