Toolbox to evaluate Term Discovery systems.
Implements some of the metrics described in this paper.
This toolbox transcribed phoneticall each discovered interval, then applies NLP evaluation to judge the quality of the discovery. The metrics are:
- NED : mean of the edit distance between all the discovered pairs
- coverage: percentage of the corpus covered
- token/type: measure how good the system was at finding gold tokens and gold types
- boundary: measure how good the system was at finding gold boundaries
- grouping: judge the purity of the clusters formed by the system
Install the required packages using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
And install the package
python build && python install
The discovered intervals should be in the following format:
Class 1:
wav1 on1 off1
wav2 on2 off2
Class 2:
wav1 on3 off3
wav3 on4 off4
and finish by an empty line (which is important).
You can compute the measures using the script
python discovered_class corpus output/
where corpus is the corpus you want to evaluate (currently supporting ['english' , 'french', 'mandarin', 'buckeye'], where the first three are the corpora of the ZeroSpeech 2017 challenge).
You can also use the python API
import pkg_resources
from WDE.readers.gold_reader import *
from WDE.readers.disc_reader import *
wrd_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
phn_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
gold = Gold(wrd_path=wrd_path,
disc_clsfile = "/path/to/discovered/file"
disc = Disc(disc_clsfile, gold)
from WDE.measures.grouping import *
grouping = Grouping(discovered)