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Konveyor Community Site

This is the repository for The site was built using Gatsby, a React-based framework. The styling was done using Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework.



Your system needs to have the following installed to be able to build this website:

Cloning the repository

  1. Fork this repository into your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the site to your local machine:
    git clone [email protected]:your-username/website.git.
  3. Add the upstream remote to follow this repository's changes:
    git remote add upstream [email protected]:konveyor/website.git
    git fetch upstream

Building the site locally

  1. Run yarn to install all of the required packages.
  2. Run yarn run dev to build and run a development server.

If the site builds successfully, you can access it at http://localhost:8000.

To clear cache files, run gatsby clean. This is sometimes needed to ensure a clean build.

Submitting a pull request

After your changes are done and tested, you are ready to submit a Pull Request.

First, create a local branch on your local machine:

git checkout -b my-feature-branch

Then, add, commit, and push your changes:

git add files-that-you-modified
git commit -m "short message describing changes"
git push origin my-feature-branch

Finally, submit a Pull Request

Content types

Blog posts

Blog posts can be found under src/content/blog. To create a new post:

  1. Create a new directory. The name of the directory will be the base of the URL. Use lowercase letters and hyphens only — no upppercase or other punctuation allowed.

  2. In that directory create a file called index.mdx. The file have a frontmatter section containing various fields and the markdown section containing the actual blog post.

  3. Fill out the frontmatter fields. Example frontmatter:

author: tquinn
date: 2021-03-03T07:00:00Z
description: >-
  When we started providing professional services around enterprise Kubernetes, it became clear we needed a program-level framework for adopting containers that spelled out the activities of multiple project teams.
featured: true
image: banner.jpg
  - Metrics
  - OpenShift
title: Exploring a Metrics-Driven Approach to Transformation

The fields are:

  • author — the author identifier. Note: author field not currently used.
  • date — The publication date of the post. Must follow the above format.
  • description — The description will be used when the post is shared to social media.
  • featured — Should this post be displayed under Featured Posts? Use sparingly. It makes no sense to have every post be a featured post.
  • image — This is the main image of the post and the image that will be used on social media shares. Place image in the post directory.
  • tags — One tag per line, titlecase. Less is more with tags. These are only used to link to related posts. They are not SEO keywords. Do not attempt to come up with as many tags as you can think of and all of their synonyms. No, seriously, don't do it.
  • title — Title of the post.

Hello Bar

This is an optional call-to-action displayed at the top of each page. It is configured in src/content/hello-bar/hello-bar.yml.

Example file:

display: true
title: State of Application Modernization Report 2022 is out!
end_date: 2023-01-01T8:00:00-08:00
background_color: base
link_text: Read the report
link_url: /modernization-report/

Displays as:

Hello bar with link to State of Application Modernization Report 2022

The fields are:

  • display — Boolean controlling the display of the Hello Bar.
  • title — Title text to display.
  • end_date — The expiration date of the Hello Bar.
  • background_color — The theme color for the background. Valid values are base, primary, and accent.
  • link_text — the button text.
  • link_url — the URL to link to.

Community supporters

The supporters are displayed on the home page. These are configured by src/content/members/members.yml.

Example file:

- name: Red Hat
  logo: red-hat-logo.svg
- name: IBM Research
  logo: ibm-research.svg

The fields are:

  • name — used as the accessibility text for the logo.
  • logo — the logo file name. Files are in the same directory. Note: this should be in SVG format for the best results.

To support light and dark mode, use currentColor in the SVG for the main color. This will display as black in light mode:

Community Supporters section in light mode

and as white in dark mode:

Community Supporters section in dark mode

Code of Conduct

Refer to Konveyor's Code of Conduct.