These systemd files are for starting roscore, a real time clock and a shutdown poller on Ubuntu for raspberry pi.
roscore.service - Start roscore when pi starts
rtchwclock.service - Set time from a real time hwclock.
pishutdown.service - Run a python daemon to poll for a shutdown event.
Edit the roscore.default and roscore.service files to set the user, ROS version and directories.
Edit the rtchwclock file to set your i2c device and address in the DEVTYPE and DEVADDR variables. These are currently set for a ds3231 at the address 0x68.
Edit the to set the GPIO pin for polling the shutdown signal. Info of this file can be found at:
cd ROS_rpi_systemd
sudo cp *.service *.py /etc/systemd/system
sudo cp roscore.default /etc/default/roscore
systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable roscore.service
sudo systemctl enable rtchwclock.service
sudo systemctl enable pishutdown.service
sudo systemctl start roscore.service
sudo systemctl start rtchwclock.service
sudo systemctl start pishutdown.service