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Modified from xtons' smart-pac.


Run npm i first.

Run npm test to run unit test. If test case fail, find corresponding js file in dist/_mytest and run it in corresponding engine.

Run npm run build to build for release. You can ignore error TS2448 shown in IDE.

This project used a special build system which IDE can't understand to fullfill it's special requirement. Put /// _file_path_1_,_file_path_2_ at start of file to include file (It works almost same as #include in C).


  • Windows (This project is somehow Windows only, because of JScript)
  • Node.js (with NPM)
  • JavaScriptShell
  • Visual Studio (because of JScript debugging)
  • VSCode is suggested

Side product

JavaScript not only means V8. We need consider SpiderMonkey and JScript/Chakra here. Node.js not always works. Although main part of this project is under LGPL, these part are under 0BSD.

Build system

I need a lightweight module system for ECMAScript 3, Babel and Webpack not works here, so I built one.

See util/buildsrc.mjs.

Test framework

No existing test framework met my requirement(running on JScript engines, has TypeScript support), so I built one.

See util/runtest.mjs(test runner), and util/testlib.ts(main runtime library).