A clj-template for a web app running on Heroku using datahike with postgres.
Ensure your newly generated app is backed with a git repo and commit the initial version, if isn't already
git init && git add --all && git commit -m "Initial commit"
Create a heroku app and a postgres database for it (hobby dev is free)
heroku apps:create --region eu --addons heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Make heroku use the latest Clojure CLI version
heroku config:set CLOJURE_CLI_VERSION=
git push heroku main
This will print the URL of you're newly created app at the end.
- deps.edn used for dependencies
- plumbing for deployment to Heroku, including a
and using depstar - datahike configured to use Heroku postgresql as the storage backend
- a ring webserver configured to listen on the port provided by Heroku
Copyright © 2020 Dieter Komendera
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.