Create Windows service from executable
Download and install the srvwrapper
package for python.
pip install srvwrapper
Use the srvwrapper
command and pass the service name and program path to create a service. Other optional commands are listed with the --help
usage: srvwrapper [-h] [--arguments ARGUMENTS] [--display DISPLAY]
[--description DESCRIPTION] [--start START]
[--depend DEPEND] [--obj OBJ] [--password PASSWORD]
name program
Wrap any applications to run as Windows Service
positional arguments:
name service name
program application path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--arguments ARGUMENTS
arguments for program
--display DISPLAY the display name of the service
--description DESCRIPTION
service description
--start START how the service starts
--depend DEPEND dependencies(separated by / (forward slash))
--obj OBJ the account used to run the service
--password PASSWORD password of the account
--failure-reset FAILURE_RESET
specifies the length of the period (in seconds) with
no failures after which the failure count should be
reset to 0 (zero).
--failure-command FAILURE_COMMAND
specifies the command-line command to be run when the
specified service fails.
--failure-actions FAILURE_ACTIONS
specifies one or more failure actions and their delay
times (in milliseconds), separated by a forward slash
(/). Valid actions are run, restart, and reboot.
When using --arguments
, make sure you added a double quote around it. Here are some examples:
- Create a service named
with command linepython log.txt
srvwrapper service1 python --arguments " log.txt"
- Use absolute program path to create a service.
srvwrapper service2 C:\Python36\python.exe --arguments "\\\"D:\test 1\\\\"" --display "Service 2" --description "A description" --start auto
- Use specific account.
srvwrapper service3 ping --arguments "-t" --obj "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService" --depend service2/service1
To start/stop the service, use the net
net start service_name
net stop service_name
Use Windows sc
sc delete ServiceName