I built this project for a company called dai ku moto in cambodia who fixes and sells used motos. I used this time to practice and implement some best practices when it comes to working in front end development in a small easy to understand project. I tried to keep to using basic Vue functionailty instead of expanding into all the amazing (heavier) features Vue has.
The main areas I was able to solidify my knowledge
- Styles
- SCSS structure
- Positioning with floats, flexbox and CSS grid,
- Animations
- General CSS Knowledge
- Proper ways to address SVG's and icons
- Responsiveness and mobile design
- Vue
- Working with the prototype model to manually create watched variables
- Simple Optimization techniques
- Using prebuilt components
- Passing data between components effectivly
- Event management
- Different bundling options
- Created a svg libary to use (simple)
- Lazy loading content
- Working towards best practices in vue
- Overall Website design knowledge
- Optimization of images inluding low quailty placeholders during load
- Explored optimization techniques that didn't seem to work
- How to catch user's attention
- Using SEO in a SPA without SSR (nuxt)
- Color pallete choices
- Setting up universal variables for easy changes
- Code struture for easy reuse
- Front end design ideas
- Browser and mobile support
This was my first project I didn't use a style package (boostrap, vuetify, etc ) and built most of the effects and animations myself. It was a great learning experience.
- Vue 2
- Javascript
## Project setup
npm install
### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
### Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
### Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
### Customize configuration
Kody Van Sloten - [email protected]