Monitoring plugins and helper for Nagios/icinga/xxx
- check_printer
- addons for check_oracle_health from ConSol
- check_usv_*
- check_file_age.php
- (only for Unix/Linux)
- NetApp Check
- check_mssql_jobs - Microsoft SQL Server
- - Fortigate
- check_dwd.php - Check "Deutschen Wetterdienst" for weather warning
- check_sge.vbs - Check Safeguard Enterprise state via nsclient
- check_sgn_licence.php - Check Safeguard Enterprise licence state
- check_dns.ps1 - DNS Check for Windows Hosts, to be called via nsclient
- check_proxy_kerb.ps1 - Proxy check with Kerberos authentication, to be called via nsclient (Requiring PowerShell 3.0+)
- Nagios Email Repoter - Scheduled reporting mails
- MySQL Backup - mysql backup with nsca support for local and remote hosts
- SQLite Backup - sqlite backup with nsca support for local and remote hosts