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Knative Eventing release v0.7.0

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@knative-prow-releaser-robot knative-prow-releaser-robot released this 26 Jun 01:32
· 4 commits to release-0.7 since this release
Artifact Description
eventing.yaml The core knative/eventing components: Channel, Subscription, ClusterChannelProvisioner, Broker, Trigger, APIServerSource, ContainerSource, CronJobSource, EventType, Sequence
gcp-pubsub.yaml The GCP PubSub ChannelProvisioner
in-memory-channel-crd.yaml The InMemoryChannel CRD
in-memory-channel-provisioner.yaml The in-memory ChannelProvisioner
kafka.yaml The KafkaChannel CRD
natss.yaml The NatssChannel CRD
release.yaml Core knative/eventing components bundled with the in-memory ClusterChannelProvisioner


ClusterChannelProvisioners have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please transition to using CRD-based channel implementations instead.

Existing CCP Replacement CRD
in-memory InMemoryChannel
kafka KafkaChannel
natss NatssChannel
gcp-pubsub in

Action Required

  • The deprecated kafka-channel-dispatcher StatefulSet in the knative-eventing namespace is no longer installed. Please delete this StatefulSet. #1236.
  • The deprecated in-memory-channel ClusterChannelProvisioner is no longer installed. Please delete this ClusterChannelProvisioner and replace its usages with the in-memory ClusterChannelProvisioner or the InMemoryChannel CRD.
  • Broker ingress pods now use the eventing-broker-ingress ServiceAccount. If you are using a Broker in a namespace not annotated with eventing injection, then you will need to follow the manual setup instructions to create the required ServiceAccount and RoleBindings. Failure to do so could cause Broker ingress pods to crash on startup. #1241
  • The Deployment and Service objects implementing the Eventing webhook have been renamed to eventing-webhook. The webhook Deployment has been scaled to zero replicas and will be removed in a future release. #1269
  • The broker_ingress_messages_total metric is now called broker_events_total. The broker_ingress_dispatch_time is now called broker_dispatch_time. #1177

New Features

  • An InMemoryChannel CRD has been added to replace the in-memory ClusterChannelProvisioner. The in-memory ClusterChannelProvisioner has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. #1219
  • A KafkaChannel CRD has been added to replace the kafka ClusterChannelProvisioner. The kafka ClusterChannelProvisioner has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. #1261 #1316
  • A NatssChannel CRD has been added to replace the natss ClusterChannelProvisioner. The natss ClusterChannelProvisioner has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. #1327
  • A Sequence CRD has been added for defining a sequence of functions to execute in order with optional reply. #1239 #1406
  • Channel, Subscription, Broker, and Trigger objects are now annotated with the name of the users who created and last updated the object. #1111
  • Subscriptions can now have different Channel kinds referenced in their field. E.g. "InMemoryChannel", "KafkaChannel", etc. #1283
  • Addressable objects may now specify a URL as an alternative to hostname. #1296
  • Traces are visible coming out of Channel dispatchers. #1248
  • ClusterChannelProvisioners, Sources, and Broker data planes now support exporting traces to Zipkin. #704
  • ContainerSource now supports specifying the source container with a PodTemplateSpec in the spec.template field. The existing pod specification fields are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. #1321
  • CronJobSource now supports resource limits and requests fields. #1258
  • The Trigger filter now exports filter and dispatch metrics at :9090/metrics. #1177

Bug Fixes

  • Broker no longer drops messages with an incorrect "no TTL" error. This fix was also backported to v0.6.1. #1452
  • Subscriptions now detect more failure scenarios before becoming Ready. #1264
  • The EventType CRD is now installed in the first pass with other CRDs. #1298
  • The EventType CRD now has an OpenAPI schema. #1308
  • Channels and Subscriptions are no longer marked Ready before they are able to deliver messages. #1330

Other Changes

  • Eventing controller now explicitly disables istio sidecar injection for its pods. #1304
  • All Broker ingress and filter pods now retrieve observability config from cluster-wide ConfigMaps (normally in the knative-eventing namespace) instead of per-namespace ConfigMaps. #1426
  • Objects created during the install process are now labeled with the label and value equal to the installed release version or devel. #1467 #1470