npm install vue-wysiwyg --save
yarn add vue-wysiwyg
In your main.js
import wysiwyg from "vue-wysiwyg";
Vue.use(wysiwyg, {}); // config is optional. more below
Also make sure to load the stylesheet. The exact syntax will depend on what preprocessor you use.
@import "~vue-wysiwyg/dist/vueWysiwyg.css";
In your components:
<wysiwyg v-model="myHTML" />
hideModules: { "bold": true },
image: {
uploadURL: "/api/myEndpoint",
dropzoneOptions: {}
Available Modules:
- bold
- italic
- underline
- headings
- link
- orderedList
- unorderedList
- image
- table
- removeFormat
Note on the image upload API endpoint:
- Image is uploaded by
- Your endpoint must respond back with a string, the URL for the image - e.g.