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TpuGraphs: A Performance Prediction Dataset on Large Tensor Computational Graphs

TpuGraphs is a performance prediction dataset on full tensor programs, represented as computational graphs, running on Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). Each graph in the dataset represents the main computation of a machine learning workload, e.g., a training epoch or an inference step. Each data sample contains a computational graph, a compilation configuration, and the execution time of the graph when compiled with the configuration. The graphs in the dataset are collected from open-source machine learning programs, featuring popular model architectures (e.g., ResNet, EfficientNet, Mask R-CNN, and Transformer).

Please refer to our paper for more details about the importance and challenges of the dataset, how the dataset is generated, the model baselines, and the experimental results. If you find this dataset useful in your research, please cite our paper as:

  title={TpuGraphs: A Performance Prediction Dataset on Large Tensor Computational Graphs},
  author={Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana and Sami Abu-El-Haija and Kaidi Cao and Bahare Fatemi and Michael Burrows and Charith Mendis and Bryan Perozzi},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track},

This is not an officially supported Google product.


The dataset consists of two compiler optimization collections: layout and tile. Layout configurations control how tensors are laid out in the physical memory, by specifying the dimension order of each input and output of an operation node. A tile configuration controls the tile size of each fused subgraph.

The dataset is located at You can use wget or curl command to download files.

To download all files, please follow one of these options:

  1. Download, preferably, to ~/data/tpugraphs (as our training pipelines read from there), then untar as tar xvf npz_all.tar. This can be done with bash commands:
mkdir -p ~/data/tpugraphs
cd ~/data/tpugraphs
curl > npz_all.tar
tar xvf npz_all.tar
  1. Download from Kaggle.

  2. Use our helper script From a clone of this directory:

python3 | bash

Removing the last pipe (| bash) shows the commands for downloading the dataset (a few curl commands followed by tar xvf).

To download {train, test, validation} data for layout collection, e.g., for layout:xla:random, run:

mkdir -p ~/data/tpugraphs
cd ~/data/tpugraphs

curl > npz_layout_xla_random_train.tar
curl > npz_layout_xla_random_valid.tar
curl > npz_layout_xla_random_test.tar
tar xvf npz_layout_xla_random_train.tar
tar xvf npz_layout_xla_random_valid.tar
tar xvf npz_layout_xla_random_test.tar

For a description of these files, you may scroll down to "Dataset File Description".

Running Baseline Models

This repo hosts two training pipelines: and, respectively, for training models on the collections tile:xla and layout:{nlp|xla}:{random|default}. Both scripts train for some epochs then infer predictions on the test set. By default, the trained models are saved and alongside a csv file containing inference on the test set.

To combine all five inference files into one CSV to submit to our Kaggle competition, run:


NOTE: The above command will look for files produced by and

Python environment setup with Conda

conda create -n tpugraphs python=3.10
conda activate tpugraphs

conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
conda install -c conda-forge tqdm

pip install tensorflow_gnn --pre
pip install tensorflow-ranking
conda clean --all

For subsequent runs, simply activate the same environment with conda activate tpugraphs.

Model on tile:xla collection

Train model

The following command will train a GraphSAGE model with the early join of config features on a small subset of data:

python --model=EarlyJoinSAGE --toy_data=True

To train on the full dataset, run:

python --model=EarlyJoinSAGE

The current code supports training on a CPU. Once the training is done, it will produce a jsonz file with the prefix "run_". This file will contain the overall top-K errors (see the definition in the paper) on kernels in the validation set. To view the result:

zcat run_xxx.jsonz > run_xxx.json

Search for:

"final_error": {"val": {"1": <top-1 error>, "5": <top-5 error>, "10": <top-10 error>}}

where 0.2 error means 20% error.

Further, the training code will output a .csv file containing top-5 rankings of configurations over test set. By default, the csv will be written to:


The path can be overridden with flags --out_dir and --results_csv. Please refer to for a list of flags.

Sweep hyperparameters

Run Apache Beam locally (for debugging):

python --debug

To run the pipeline on Google Cloud, please follow this instruction.

Evaluate model

To evaluate models trained on the tile collection, look for the model directory (the training pipeline defaults flag --out_dir to ~/out/tpugraphs_tiles) which should start with prefix model_. To evaluate model(s), run:

python --dirs <comma-separated list of model dirs>

This script will print out per-program top-K errors for kernels in the validation set in the following format:

  "K": {  # top-K error
    <program> : <error>,

Currently, the evaluation script does not produce the ranking .csv file.

Model on layout:{xla|nlp}:{random|default} collections

We provide baseline for the layout collections in this repo. You can train the layout baseline model by invoking:

# As a test.
python --epochs 10 --toy_data=True

# On xla:random
python --source xla --search random --epochs 10 --max_configs 1000

# On xla:default
python --source xla --search default --epochs 10 --max_configs 1000

# On nlp:random
python --source nlp --search random --epochs 10 --max_configs 1000

# On nlp:default
python --source nlp --search default --epochs 10 --max_configs 1000

NOTE: For training on the NLP collections, since the data is large, our trainer script cannot fit the data into memory. The flag --max_configs 1000 allows us to run. It samples only this many configurations per graph. However, you may write your own scalable implementation, or modify ours.

For an alternative implementation (that uses PyTorch), you may view our collaborators' Graph Segmented Training implementation (GST) at

Each (complete) invocation of python should train the model, followed by inference on the test set. The inference step produces a ranking .csv file, by default at:


Example: ~/out/tpugraphs_layout/results_1693169615975_xla_default.csv.

NOTE: You can run python to produces the final CSV that can be submitted to our Kaggle competition. The tool requires 5 input CSV files corresponding to collections tile:xla, layout:xla:default, layout:xla:random, layout:nlp:default, layout:nlp:random. You may specify them as flag arguments. By default, will choose the most-recent timestamp files, searching in the default directories produced by the training pipelines (i.e. ~/out/tpugraphs_layout for, and ~/out/tpugraphs_tiles/ for

Evaluate model

To evaluate models on the validation set of layout collections, please refer to tpu_graphs/evals.

Dataset File Description

Tiles Collection .npz files

We provide our dataset as .npz files. Download instructions are in Section "Copy dataset files".

Suppose a .npz file stores a graph (representing a kernel) with n nodes and m edges. In addition, suppose we compile the graph with c different configurations, and run each on a TPU. Crucially, the configuration is at the graph-level. Then, the .npz file stores the following dictionary (can be loaded with d = dict(np.load("npz/tile/xla/train/<pick 1>.npz"))):

  • Key "node_feat": contains float32 matrix with shape (n, 140). The uth row contains the feature vector for node u < n (please see Subsection "Node Features", below). Nodes are ordered topologically.
  • Key "node_opcode" contains int32 vector with shape (n, ). The uth entry stores the op-code for node u (please see the mapping of opcode to instruction name here).
  • Key "edge_index" contains int32 matrix with shape (m, 2). If entry i is = [u, v] (where 0 <= u, v < n), then there is a directed edge from node u to node v, where u consumes the output of v.
  • Key "config_feat" contains float32 matrix with shape (c, 24) with row j containing the (graph-level) configuration feature vector (please see Subsection "Tile Config Features").
  • Keys "config_runtime" and "config_runtime_normalizers": both are int64 vectors of length c. Entry j stores the runtime (in nanoseconds) of the given graph compiled with configuration j and a default configuration, respectively. Samples from the same graph may have slightly different "config_runtime_normalizers" because they are measured from different runs on multiple machines.

Finally, for the tile collection, your job is to predict the indices of the best configurations (i.e., ones leading to the smallest d["config_runtime"] / d["config_runtime_normalizers"]).

Layout Collections .npz files

Suppose a .npz file stores a graph (representing the entire program) with n nodes and m edges. In addition, suppose we compile the graph with c different configurations, and run each on a TPU. Crucially, the configuration is at the node-level.. Suppose that nc of the n nodes are configurable. Then, the .npz file stores the following dictionary (can be loaded with, e.g., d = dict(np.load("npz/layout/xla/random/train/unet3d.npz"))):

  • Keys "node_feat", "node_opcode", "edge_index", are like above.
  • Key "node_config_ids" contains int32 vector with shape (nc, ) and every entry is in {0, 1, ..., n - 1} i.e. indicating the indices of the configurable nodes. For these nodes, they can have an additional feature vector that instructs the compiler (described next).
  • Key "node_config_feat" contains float32 tensor with shape (c, nc, 18). Entry [j, k] gives an 18-dimensional vector describing the configuration features for node d["node_config_ids"][k] for the jth run (please see Subsection "Layout Config Features", below).
  • Key "config_runtime" contains int32 vector with shape (c, ) where the jth entry contains the runtime of the jth run (i.e., when nodes are configured with d["node_config_feat"][j]).

Finally, for the layout collections, your job is to predict sort the indices from best-to-worse configurations (i.e., ones leading to the smallest d["config_runtime"]). We do not have to use runtime normalizers for this task because the runtime variation at the entire program level is very small.

Optionally, you may access key "node_splits", which is a variable-length list of node IDs that are the starting of HLO computations in the graph (similar to functions in a program). Essentially, nodes d["node_splits"][i] to d["node_splits"][i+1] - 1 belongs to the same computation. If you want to partition the graph into multiple segments, this information may be useful, e.g., putting nodes from the same computation in the same partition. However, you may compute your own partitioning (e.g., using METIS) as well.


Node Features

To extract a node feature vector, we either copy values from various fields in an XLA’s HLO instruction (a node in an HLO graph) as they are, or convert categorical values using one-hot encoding. To convert an unbounded list of numbers (e.g. tensor shape) to a fixed-size vector, we truncate the list to six elements and include the summation and/or product of all elements in the list (e.g., the product of dimension sizes represents the volume of the tensor). In our dataset, none of the tensors has more than six dimensions.

The following describe each element at a particular index in the node feature vector.

0: is_root - whether this node is the output
1: element_size_in_bits - deprecated, always 0
// 2–20: One hot vector of shape_element_type.
2: shape_element_type_is_invalid_type
3: shape_element_type_is_pred
4: shape_element_type_is_s8
5: shape_element_type_is_s16
6: shape_element_type_is_s32
7: shape_element_type_is_s64
8: shape_element_type_is_u8
9: shape_element_type_is_u16
10: shape_element_type_is_u32
11: shape_element_type_is_u64
12: shape_element_type_is_f16
13: shape_element_type_is_f32
14: shape_element_type_is_f64
15: shape_element_type_is_bf16
16: shape_element_type_is_c64
17: shape_element_type_is_c128
18: shape_element_type_is_tuple
19: shape_element_type_is_opaque_type
20: shape_element_type_is_token
// 21–28: Size (number of elements) for each dimension, or an upper bound on the size if the dimension is dynamic.  In XLA, dimensions are numbered from 0 to N-1 for an N-dimensional array. The first element of 'shape_dimensions' is the size of dimension 0, the second element is the size of dimension 1, and so forth.  Empty list indicates a scalar.
21: shape_dimensions_0
22: shape_dimensions_1
23: shape_dimensions_2
24: shape_dimensions_3
25: shape_dimensions_4
26: shape_dimensions_5
27: shape_dimensions_sum
28: shape_dimensions_product
29: shape_tuple_shapes_size - for tuples only, the shapes of constituent shapes in the tuple sequence
30: parameter_number = K - indicating that is is the Kth parameter to the computation, only for Parameter operation
// 31–36: Dimensions present for some operations that require reshaping or broadcasting, including Reshape, Reduce, ReduceWindow, and Reverse.
31: dimensions_0
32: dimensions_1
33: dimensions_2
34: dimensions_3
35: dimensions_4
36: dimensions_5
// 37–92: Windowing information in an operation such as convolution. The window is moved across a base area and for each position of the window a computation is performed.
37: window_size_0
38: window_size_1
39: window_size_2
40: window_size_3
41: window_size_4
42: window_size_5
43: window_size_sum
44: window_size_product
45: window_stride_0
46: window_stride_1
47: window_stride_2
48: window_stride_3
49: window_stride_4
50: window_stride_5
51: window_stride_sum
52: window_stride_product
53: window_padding_low_0
54: window_padding_low_1
55: window_padding_low_2
56: window_padding_low_3
57: window_padding_low_4
58: window_padding_low_5
59: window_padding_low_sum
60: window_padding_low_product
61: window_padding_high_0
62: window_padding_high_1
63: window_padding_high_2
64: window_padding_high_3
65: window_padding_high_4
66: window_padding_high_5
67: window_padding_high_sum
68: window_padding_high_product
// 69–76: Dilation factor of the sliding window. A dilation factor of 1 means no dilation. window_dilation - 1 no-op entries ("holes") are implicitly placed between each kernel element.
69: window_window_dilation_0
70: window_window_dilation_1
71: window_window_dilation_2
72: window_window_dilation_3
73: window_window_dilation_4
74: window_window_dilation_5
75: window_window_dilation_sum
76: window_window_dilation_product
// 77-84: Dilation factor of the base area. A dilation factor of 1 means no dilation. base_dilation - 1 no-op entries ("holes") are implicitly placed between each base area element.
77: window_base_dilation_0
78: window_base_dilation_1
79: window_base_dilation_2
80: window_base_dilation_3
81: window_base_dilation_4
82: window_base_dilation_5
83: window_base_dilation_sum
84: window_base_dilation_product
// 85-92: Window reversal means that this dimension was logically reversed before the operation.
85: window_window_reversal_0
86: window_window_reversal_1
87: window_window_reversal_2
88: window_window_reversal_3
89: window_window_reversal_4
90: window_window_reversal_5
91: window_window_reversal_true_count
92: window_window_reversal_false_count
// 93–106: The dimension numbers used for a convolution.
93: convolution_dim_numbers_input_batch_dim - the dimension number that represents batch in the input
94: convolution_dim_numbers_input_feature_dim - the dimension number that represents features in the input
// 95–98: Dimension numbers for the spatial dimensions that the window moves through in the input.
95: convolution_dim_numbers_input_spatial_dims_0
96: convolution_dim_numbers_input_spatial_dims_1
97: convolution_dim_numbers_input_spatial_dims_2
98: convolution_dim_numbers_input_spatial_dims_3
99: convolution_dim_numbers_kernel_input_feature_dim - the dimension number that represents input features in the convolutional kernel (rhs)
100: convolution_dim_numbers_kernel_output_feature_dim - the dimension number that represents output features in the convolutional kernel (rhs)
// 101-104: Dimension numbers for the spatial dimensions that the window moves through in the kernel (rhs). window.strides(0) is the stride in the kernel_spatial_dimensions(0) dimension.
101: convolution_dim_numbers_kernel_spatial_dims_0
102: convolution_dim_numbers_kernel_spatial_dims_1
103: convolution_dim_numbers_kernel_spatial_dims_2
104: convolution_dim_numbers_kernel_spatial_dims_3
105: convolution_dim_numbers_output_batch_dim - the dimension number that represents batch in the output
106: convolution_dim_numbers_output_feature_dim - the dimension number that represents features in the output
107: feature_group_count - the number of feature groups, used for a convolution. Must be a divisor of the input feature dimension and output feature dimension. If not specified, it will use a default value of 1.
108: batch_group_count - the number of batch groups, used for a convolution.
// 109–120: [begin/start, end/limit) index range and stride for a slice operation.
109: slice_dims_start_0
110: slice_dims_start_1
111: slice_dims_start_sum
112: slice_dims_start_product
113: slice_dims_stride_0
114: slice_dims_stride_1
115: slice_dims_stride_sum
116: slice_dims_stride_product
117: slice_dims_limit_0
118: slice_dims_limit_1
119: slice_dims_limit_sum
120: slice_dims_limit_product
// 121 - 124: [start, start + size) range size for a dynamic slice ('start' is specified dynamically in the second operand of the operation).
121: dynamic_slice_sizes_0
122: dynamic_slice_sizes_1
123: dynamic_slice_sizes_sum
124: dynamic_slice_sizes_product
// 125–132: Padding configuration that describes the edge padding of a pad operation.
125: padding_config_edge_padding_low_0
126: padding_config_edge_padding_low_1
127: padding_config_edge_padding_low_sum
128: padding_config_edge_padding_low_product
129: padding_config_edge_padding_high_0
130: padding_config_edge_padding_high_1
131: padding_config_edge_padding_high_sum
132: padding_config_edge_padding_high_product
133: is_stable - whether this Sort operation should be stable
// 134–139: Physical layout used to pack the tensor shape.
134: layout_minor_to_major_0
135: layout_minor_to_major_1
136: layout_minor_to_major_2
137: layout_minor_to_major_3
138: layout_minor_to_major_4
139: layout_minor_to_major_5

Suffix _i, where i is an integer, indicates the information for the tensor dimension i. If a tensor has N dimensions, feature values of _i are set to 0 if i >= N (0 padding). Suffix _sum is the summation of the feature values across all dimensions. Suffix _product is the product of the feature values across all dimensions.

The source code of the feature extractor can be found here, which extracts features/attributes from HloProto defined here.

Tile Config Features

The following describe each element at a particular index in the tile config feature vector.

// 0–7: Tile sizes of the convolution kernel, only for a convolution operation.
0: kernel_bounds_0
1: kernel_bounds_1
2: kernel_bounds_2
3: kernel_bounds_3
4: kernel_bounds_4
5: kernel_bounds_5
6: kernel_bounds_sum
7: kernel_bounds_product
// 8–15: Output tile sizes.
8: output_bounds_0
9: output_bounds_1
10: output_bounds_2
11: output_bounds_3
12: output_bounds_4
13: output_bounds_5
14: output_bounds_sum
15: output_bounds_product
// 16-23: Input tile sizes.
16: input_bounds_0
17: input_bounds_1
18: input_bounds_2
19: input_bounds_3
20: input_bounds_4
21: input_bounds_5
22: input_bounds_sum
23: input_bounds_product

Note that input_bounds are usually set to 0 because they can be inferred by the compiler from output_bounds (and kernel_bounds). If a tensor has N dimensions, feature values of _i are set to 0 if i >= N (0 padding).

Layout Config Features

The following describe each element at a particular index in the per-node layout config feature vector.

// 0–5: Physical layout of the output tensor
0: output_layout_0
1: output_layout_1
2: output_layout_2
3: output_layout_3
4: output_layout_4
5: output_layout_5
// 6-11: Physical layout of the input  tensor
6: input_layout_0
7: input_layout_1
8: input_layout_2
9: input_layout_3
10: input_layout_4
11: input_layout_5
// 12-17: Physical layout of the kernel tensor, only for a convolution operation
12: kernel_layout_0
13: kernel_layout_1
14: kernel_layout_2
15: kernel_layout_3
16: kernel_layout_4
17: kernel_layout_5

If a tensor has N dimensions, feature values of _i are set to -1 if i >= N (-1 padding). A layout determines the order of minor-to-major tensor dimensions. For example, the layout of {1, 0, 2, -1, -1, -1} of a 3D tensor indicates that dimension 1 is the most minor (elements of the most minor dimension are consecutive in the physical space) and dimension 2 is the most major. We also include a tensor layout of {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1} to indicate the compiler to apply its default strategy of selecting the layout for that tensor.

Graph Feature Extraction

This section explains how to customize the node feature extraction. The raw graph data is saved in protobuf format, defined as ModuleTuningData in tpu_graphs/proto/tuning.proto. FeaturizeHloInstruction in tpu_graphs/process_data/xla/featurizers.h contains the main logic to extract node features from a raw graph. To customize node feature extraction, you can modify tpu_graphs/process_data/xla/featurizers.h and the corresponding size of the node feature vector defined in tpu_graphs/process_data/xla/hlo_opcode.h.

Then, build the following C++ file to create Python module for extracting graph features:

sudo apt install bazel-5.4.1
bazel-5.4.1 build -c opt tpu_graphs/process_data/xla/ --experimental_repo_remote_exec
cp bazel-bin/tpu_graphs/process_data/xla/ .

The function can be used in Python as follows:

import graph_features
node_opcode, node_feat, edge_index, node_config_ids, node_splits = graph_features.extract_graph_features("<path_to_raw_protobuf_data>.pb")

The directory structure and filenames of .pb files match those of .npz files. In particular, the original graph in npz/.../xxx.npz can be found in pb/.../xxx.pb. Therefore, you can use graph features produced by this function instead of (node_opcode, node_feat, edge_index, node_config_ids, node_splits) attributes from the .npz file.

Testing in C++

To test that your code is working properly within C++, you can run:

bazel-5.4.1 build -c opt tpu_graphs/process_data/xla/data_main --experimental_repo_remote_exec --sandbox_debug --verbose_failures
./bazel-bin/tpu_graphs/process_data/xla/data_main <path_to_raw_protobuf_data>.pb


If you get version GLIBCXX_3.4.30 not found during import graph_features, you can follow these steps. First, check if you have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ If not, install it. Then, fix your conda environment to use that version.

cp /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/google/home/{user}/miniconda3/envs/tpugraphs/lib/
rm /usr/local/google/home/{user}/miniconda3/envs/tpugraphs/lib/
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/google/home/mangpo/miniconda3/envs/tpugraphs/lib/ /usr/local/google/home/mangpo/miniconda3/envs/tpugraphs/lib/


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