Update Site for the Oomph Console Plugin 1.0.5
Navigate to https://a-langer.github.io/eclipse-oomph-console-site to access the update site. See source on GitHub.
Oomph Console Plugin for the Eclipse platform. Console version of Oomph installer (also called Eclipse installer). Implements a headless installation mode from command line.
If you have currently the "Eclipse" Oomph Console Plugin installed, it is recommended to uninstall that plug-in first and remove the corresponding update site from your Eclipse installation.
- Launch Eclipse,
- Click on "Help > Install New Software...",
- Click on button "Add..." to add an new repository,
- Enter name as "Oomph Console Plugin Update Site" and enter location as "https://a-langer.github.io/eclipse-oomph-console-site", then click on button "OK",
- Check "Oomph Console Plugin",
- Next, next, next... and restart.