This is a gem for connecting to the TD Ameritrade API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tdameritrade_api', :git=>''
This is in the very early stages of development. It has very limited functionality in comparison to the entirety of the API. See the /vendor/docs folder for more details on the overall API.
To use this, you need to have 3 environment variables set:
TDAMERITRADE_SOURCE_KEY - this is given to you by TD Ameritrade
TDAMERITRADE_USER_ID - your username to connect to TD Ameritrade
TDAMERITRADE_PASSWORD - your account password for TD Ameritrade
To connect to the TD Ameritrade API using this gem, create an instance of TDAmeritradeApi::Client and then call the methods you need.
c =
#=> true
c.get_price_history('MSFT', intervaltype: :minute, intervalduration: 15, periodtype: :day, period: 10)
#=> [{:open=>41.75, :high=>41.87, :low=>41.71, :close=>41.85, :volume=>17955.3, :timestamp=>2014-07-07
09:30:00 -0400, :interval=>:day}, {:open=>41.85, :high=>41.92, :low=>41.84, :close=>41.9,
:volume=>7380.78, :timestamp=>2014-07-07 09:45:00 -0400, :interval=>:day},... a long hash array of
the price candles]
The only API features really supported right now are the ability to capture real time quotes, price history, and streaming of Level 1 quotes.
get_price_history # retrieves historical data
get_quote # gets realtime snapshots of quotes
c =
streamer = c.create_streamer symbols, request_fields: [:volume, :last, :symbol, :quotetime, :tradetime]) do |data|
# Process the stream data here - this block gets called for every new chunk of data received from TDA
# See what's in the data hash to get the requested information streaming in about the stock
The streamer also has the ability to read and write from a hard disk file for testing:
# This output_file attribute will cause the stream to be saved into a file as its being processed
streamer.output_file = '/Users/wkotzan/Development/gem-development/tda_stream_daemon/cache/stream20150205.binary'
# Run this code to read a stream from a presaved file
input_file = '~/stream20150213-should-have-WUBA-1010am.binary'
streamer = input_file)
If you would like to make a contribution, please submit a pull request. Feel free to email me Winston Kotzan at [email protected] with any feature requests, bug reports, or feedback.
- Made it official (no longer beta)
- Enhancement to the get_price_history function so that it can retrieve multiple tickers at a time