The ArgParse aims to be a simple argument parser to c++11
Check out the source code
git clone
Build arg-parse
dynamic library
make arg-parse
Read more: API reference and examples.
Source files
./arg-parse.cpp # Copy from './src'.
./arg-parse.h # Copy from './src'.
A simple main.cpp
#include "arg-parse.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
argparse::ArgParse args;
args.def(argparse::Flag("--flag", "-f", "This flag is only setable, doesn't have value."));
args.def(argparse::Flag("--number", "-n", "Set a 'number', this flag does not have 'default value', but has 'name' and 'desciption'.", argparse::Value("", "integer", "An integer number.")));
args.def(argparse::Flag("--choose", "-c", "Choose a value with 'default'.", argparse::Value("A", {"A", "B", "C"})));
args.def(argparse::Flag("--pi", /* long flag */
"-p", /* short flag */
"Set 'pi' value, this flag has 'default value', 'name' and 'desciption'.", /* description for help */
argparse::Value("3.14", /* default string of value; if it is not set then value of flag needs to be set. */
"pi", /* name of value of flag, only for help */
"The pi number." /* description of value of flag, only for help */)));
args.def(argparse::Arg("first", "This arg needs to be set.", argparse::Arg::IsNeeded));
args.def(argparse::Arg("second", "This arg does not need.", !argparse::Arg::IsNeeded));
if (!args.parse(argc, argv)) {
// Show error messages.
std::cout << args.error() << std::endl;
// Show help.
std::cout << << std::endl;
return 1;
const argparse::Arg& first = args[0];
if (first.isSet) {
std::cout << "This first arg was set, value is: " << first.str << std::endl;
const argparse::Flag& pi = args["--pi"];
if (pi.isSet) {
std::cout << "The 'pi' was set, the new value is: " << pi.value.str << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "The 'pi' was not set, the old value is: " << pi.value.str << std::endl;
return 0;
mkdir -p build && g++ -std=c++11 -o ./build/main main.cpp arg-parse.cpp
Run: ./build/main
Build all tests
Run all tests