This plugin integrates the Jitsi Meet conference software into KiwiIRC.
Features -
- Individual conference rooms for channels and private messages
- Video, audio, or both, directly within Kiwi IRC itself
- Continue using Kiwi IRC and other channels without dropping the conference call
- Channel operators automatically promoted to conference room moderators
yarn && yarn build
Copy dist/plugin-conference.js
to your Kiwi plugins folder
Add the plugin javascript file to your kiwiirc config.json
and configure the settings:
"plugins": [
"name": "conference",
"url": "static/plugins/plugin-conference.js"
"conference": {
"server": "",
"secure": false
By default, this plugin uses Jisti's public servers. It should be noted that by using these public servers, your conference calls are not secure in that anybody can join them if they can guess the room name.
Note that the "secure" option enables JWT authentication, but will not work on Jitsi's public server.
Jitsi Meet supports extra configuration to customise its interface and functions. You can configure these via the optional interfaceConfigOverwrite
and configOverwrite
config options.
The defaults are:
"conference": {
"secure": false,
"server": "",
"queries": true,
"channels": true,
"buttonIcon": "fa-phone",
"viewHeight": "40%",
"enabledInChannels": ["*"],
"groupInvitesTTL": 30000,
"maxParticipantsLength": 60,
"participantsMore": "more...",
"inviteText": "{{ nick }} is inviting you to a private call.",
"joinText": "{{ nick }} has joined the conference.",
"joinButtonText": "Join now!",
"showLink": false,
"useLinkShortener": false,
"linkShortenerURL": "{{ link }}",
"linkShortenerAPIToken": "API_KEY_HERE",
"interfaceConfigOverwrite": {
"microphone", "camera", "fullscreen", "hangup",
"settings", "videoquality", "filmstrip", "fodeviceselection",
"stats", "shortcuts",
"configOverwrite": {
"startWithVideoMuted": true,
"startWithAudioMuted": true,
The 'showLink' item, if enabled, will append a direct link to the broadcasted join message which opens the jitsi conference for non-Kiwi users. The 'useUseLinkShortener' item, if enabled (requires showLink to also be enabled), will shorten the link displayed using a link shortening service like Bitly. If you like, you can sign up for a free Bitly account to use the API ( Once registered, follow the instructions to generate an access token, then provide that in Kiwi's config @ "linkShortenerAPIToken". Note that some services, like do not require API tokens, in which case the token can be omitted.
Examples of linkShortenerURL data are:
If using Bitly:
Alternative shortener that doesn't require an API token:
`{{ link }}`
note: for link shorteners other than Bitly {{ link }}
is replaced with the conference url and the response is read from the body
More info about Jitsi's options can be found in these files:
You may also choose to hide the conference call icon in either channels or private messages:
"channels": false,
"queries": false
Running your own conference server allows you to secure your conference rooms. We make use of the Jitsi Meet server to handle the conference calls, the installation steps can be found here: