Used Spring Boot v2.2.6 / Created project with Spring Initializr
This project is a showcase of not only hibernate optimistic lock mechanism, but also unit & integration test usage
This project is basically player withdraw / credit operations by api at its minimum.
You can use sample Player that created on start. ID : 5
It has unit tests & integration for all possible cases.
You need to have right authorization for requests.
USER Roled Api Account : USER / USER
ADMIN Roled Api Account : ADMIN / ADMIN
For Withdraw / Credit endpoints, you must have ADMIN role.
You can use log & balance endpoints with USER role.
You can use following postman collection for accepted requests.
Endpoint details:
http://localhost:8080/balance/{id} (GET) (Accepts Player ID) : Shows player balance
http://localhost:8080/log/{id} (GET) (Accepts Player ID) : Shows transaction history of player
http://localhost:8080/credit (POST) (Accepts TransactionDTO) : creates credit request
http://localhost:8080/withdraw (POST) : (Accepts TransactionDTO) : creates withdraw request