This module integrates Google tag manager code on every page after body start. It also adds conversion tracking to checkout and eCommerce tracking to success page.
Go to System->Configuration->Kirchbergerknorr->GoogleTagManager and configure the module that it fits your needs.
Here are some general configurations which are needed for the GoogleTagManager to work at all.
If this option is active, the GoogleTagManager snippet will be added to every page in the shop.
Here the GoogleTagManager ID needs to be configured. If the GoogleTagManager is active but no ID is configured, a JavaScript error in the frontend will occur because the script cannot be initialized correctly.
If this option is active, the following variables are added to the data layer:
- pageTitle
- pageUrl
- storeCode
- storeName
- websiteCode
- websiteName
- categoryId
- categoryName
- pageType [cms_page|customer_account|search|product|category|success|checkout]
If this option is active, general information about the visitor are added to the data layer. Possible options are:
- customerState
- customerId
- customerGroup
- browserLanguage
- ...
With this module it is also possible to add conversion tracking information to the data layer on the checkout page.
If this option is active, the Conversion information will be added to the data layer. These values are added:
- Nettowarenwert
- Bruttowarenwert
Here you should configure the path of your checkout page. The default magento path is checkout/onepage/index but it may vary depending on your checkout extension.
With this module it is also possible to add eCommerce tracking information to the data layer on the success page.
If this option is active, transactional information will be added to the data layer. Following variables are added:
- transactionId
- transactionDate
- transactionTotal
- transactionShipping
- transactionPaymentType
- transactionCurrency
- transactionShippingMethod
- transactionProducts (per cart item)
- id
- name
- sku
- category
- price
- quantity
Here you should configure the path of your success page. The default magento path is checkout/onepage/success but it may vary depending on your checkout extension.