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Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32


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EnigmaIoT is an open source solution for wireless multi sensor systems. It has two main components, multiple nodes and one gateway.

A number of nodes with one or more sensors each one communicate in a secure way to a central gateway in a star network using EnigmaIoT protocol.

This protocol has been designed with security on mind. All node data is encrypted with a random key that changes periodically. Key is unique for each node and dynamically negotiated, so user do not have to enter any key. Indeed, all encryption and key agreement is transparent to user.

I designed this because I was searching for a way to have a relatively high number of nodes at home. I thought about using WiFi but it would overload my home router. So I looked for an alternative. I evaluated LoRa or cheap nRF24 modules but I wanted the simplest solution in terms of hardware.

ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers implement a protocol known as ESP-NOW. It is a point to point protocol, based on vendor specific WiFi management action frames, that works in a connectionless fashion and every packet is a few milliseconds long. Because of this, it eases to have a battery powered node so that it enables designing totally wireless sensors.

But use of encryption on ESP-NOW limits the number of nodes to only 6 nodes. So I thought that I could implement encryption on payload but I found many problems I should solve to grade this as "secure enough".

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Project requirements

During this project conception I decided that it should fulfil this list of requirements.

  • Use the simplest hardware, based on ESP8266.
  • Secure by design. Make use of a secure channel for data transmission.
  • Automatic dynamic key agreement.
  • Do not require connection to the Internet.
  • Do not overload my home WiFi infrastructure. Only Gateway may be connected to LAN.
  • Able to use deep sleep to run on batteries.
  • Enough wireless range for a house.
  • Support for a high number of nodes.


  • Encrypted communication using ChaCha20/Poly1305
  • Dynamic key, shared between one node and gateway. Keys are independent for each node
  • Shared keys are expired after a certain (configurable) time.
  • Number of nodes is only limited by memory on gateway (60 bytes per node)
  • Key is never on air so it is cannot be captured
  • Key expiration and renewal is managed transparently
  • Avoid repeatability attack having a new random initialization vector on every message. This is mandatory for ChaCha20/Poly1305 in order to keep cipher secure
  • Automatic and transparent node attachment
  • Avoid rogue node, rogue gateway and man-in-the-middle attack

Notice that network key used to implement this feature is stored on flash. ESP8266 do not allow flash encryption so network key may be recovered reading flash.

  • Pluggable physical layer communication. Right now only ESP-NOW protocol is developed but you can easily add more communication alternatives

  • When using ESP-NOW only ESP8266 or ESP32 is needed. No more electronics apart from sensor

  • Data message counter to detect lost or repeated messages

  • Designed as two libraries (one for gateway, one for node) for easier use

  • Crypto algorithm could be changed with low effort

  • Node and Gateway do store shared keys only on RAM. They are lost on power cycle. This protects system against flash reading attack. All nodes attach automatically with a new shared key after gateway is switched on

  • Downlink available. If deep sleep is used on sensor nodes, it is queued and sent just after node send a data message

  • Optional sleep mode management. In this case key and context has to be stored temporally. Normally RTC memory is the recommended place, and it is the one currently implemented. Note: There is the alternative to store context on flash memory so that node can be completely switched off between massages without requiring a new registering. Notice that on every received or sent message node updates this context so consider that a high number of writes in flash may degrade it in the medium term. If messages counters are disabled in configuration the number of writes is decreased drastically but this reduces security level as it makes possible to repeat messages.

  • Initial configuration over WiFi portal on each device

  • Node configuration while in service using control downlink commands

  • OTA over WiFi. Question: Is it really useful? Place an issue explaining an use case.


  • Node identification by using a flashing LED. This is useful when you have a bunch of nodes together :D

  • Broadcast messages that go to all nodes. This is implemented by sending messages to broadcast address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff in esp-now). Only nodes that are always listening are able to receive these messages, they are not queued. In order to send a broadcast message using EnigmaIOTGatewayMQTT you may use <network name>/broadcast/... as topi beginning. Any control or data message will arrive all nodes that have broadcast enabled. Control messages are processed normally except OTA and SET NAME, which are ignored. Data messages are passed to user code for processing.

    A shared encryption key is used to encrypt broadcast messages. It is generated automatically by Gateway on every restart.

    If a node registers with broadcast flag active, gateway sends broadcast key using this message just after successful registration. Broadcast key is automatically generated on gateway on boot, so it will be different after every restart. Nodes will be synchronized as soon they register again.

    A node may not send broadcast messages, only gateway can.

  • Both gateway or nodes may run on ESP32 or ESP8266

  • Simple REST API to get information and send commands to gateway and nodes. Check


System Design

System functions are divided in three layers: application, link and physical layer.

Software Layers

  • Application layer is not controlled by EnigmaIoT protocol but main program. User may choose whatever data format or final destination of payload. A good option is to use CayenneLPP format but any other format or even raw data may be used. The only limit is the maximum packet length that, for ESP-NOW is around 200 bytes.

  • Link layer is the one that add privacy and security. It manages connection between nodes and gateway in a transparent way. It does key agreement and node registration and checks the correctness of data messages. In case of any error it automatically start a new registration process. On this layer, data packets are encrypted using calculated symmetric key.

  • Physical layer currently uses connectionless ESP-NOW. But a hardware abstraction layer has been designed so it is possible to develop interfaces for any other layer 1 technology like LoRa or nRF24F01 radios.

EnigmaIoT protocol

The named EnigmaIoT protocol is designed to use encrypted communication without the need to hardcode the key. It uses Elliptic Curves Diffie Hellman algorithm to calculate a shared key.

The process starts with node announcing itself with a Client Hello message. It tells the gateway its intention to establish a new shared key. It sends public key to be used on gateway to calculate the shared key.

Gateway answers with Server Hello message that includes its public key for shared key calculation on node.

Once shared key is calculated, node send an encrypted message as Key Exchange Finished message. Poly1305 encryption tag is used to check message integrity.

If gateway validates tag correctly it answers with a Cipher Finished message.

This process is protected with a 32 byte shared network key, used for authentication. As in the first two messages shared key is not known yet, Client Hello and Server Hello messages are encrypted whit this network key. If network key is not the same on gateway and node this will lead to decryption errors and messages will be ignored.

In case of any error on node key negotiation gateway sends an Invalidate Key to reset to original status and forgets any calculated shared key for this node.

When key is marked as valid node may start sending sensor data.

Optionally, gateway can send data to node. As node may be sleeping between communications, downlink messages has to be sent just after uplink data. So, one downlink message is queued until node communicates. Node waits some milliseconds before sleep for downlink data.

If a new downlink message arrives, old scheduled data for that node, if any, is overwritten.

In case of nodes that do not sleep (like a mains powered relay), gateway can send downlink data in any moment. Sleepy node is signaled during node registration on a bit in Key Exchange Finished message. It is set to 1 to signal that node will sleep just after sending data.

Key is forced to change every period. Gateway decides the moment to invalidate each node key. If so, it sends an invalidate key as downlink, after next data message communication. This key validity period is configurable on EnigmaIoTconfig.h file.

After that node may start new key agreement sending a new Client Hello message.

All nodes and gateway are identified by its MAC address. No name is assigned so no configuration is needed on node. Function assignment has to be done at a higher level.

State diagram for nodes and Gateway

Sensor State Diagram

Gateway State Diagram

Message format specification

Client Hello message

Client Hello message format

Client hello is sent by node to start registration procedure. It includes the public key to be used on Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (EDCH) algorithm to calculate the key. Initialization vector (IV) is used for encryption. There is a random 4 byte field reserved for future use.

This message is sent encrypted with network key.

Server Hello message

Server Hello message format

After receiving and checking Client Hello message, gateway responds with a Server Hello message. It carries gateway's public key to let node calculate key using ECDH. There is a random 4 byte field reserved for future use. Gateway assigns node a NodeID. It is signaled as a 2 byte field.

Server Hello message is sent encrypted with network key.

Node Data message

Node payload message format

Node data is always encrypted using shared key and IV. Apart from payload this message includes node ID and a counter used by gateway to check lost or repeated messages from that node.

Total message length (without tag) is included on a 2 byte field.

Unencrypted Node Data message

Node unencrypted payload message format

In case that extreme performance is needed there is the possibility to send unencrypted data so processor spends a few milliseconds less. It is not recommended to do so unless you want to investigate crypto software performance. Use at your own data risk :D

This message also includes node ID and a counter used by gateway to check lost or repeated messages from that node.

Node control message (downlink)

Node control message format

Gateway can send commands to an individual node in a similar way as sensor data is sent by nodes. For nodes that can be slept between consecutive data messages this commands are queued and sent just after a data message is received.

Only last message is queued. In case Gateway tries to send a new message, old one gets deleted and overridden by the new one.

Possible values of first byte means:

02: SET command (unicast)

82: SET command (broadcast)

12: GET command (unicast)

92: GET command (broadcast)

Control message

Downlink Control Message

DL Control Command message format

Broadcast messages of this type start with 0x84.

Uplink Control Message

UL Control Command message format

Gateway and node can exchange internal control commands. These are used to set internal protocol parameters like sleep time. This type of messages are processed like normal downlink messages, but are not passed to higher level (user code) in Node.

Some control messages, like OTA update messages, require that they are processed immediately. Hence, it is required that node is not in deep sleep mode. This can be controlled, for instance, using another control command to set sleep time to 0.

Clock synchronization

Clock sync request

Clock sync request

Clock sync response

Clock sync response

In non sleepy nodes, it may be useful to send a message from time to time to let Gateway know that node is still active and let Node to check that is is still registered in Gateway.

Clock syncronization may be a very good feature if you need to coordinate actions on different nodes.

EnigmaIOT combines these two features into one request and response. Nodes may send clock sync request every some time to ping gateway and get common clock updated. Clock synchronization uses a mechanism similar to the one used by SNTP protocol.

Notice that this is not world time sync but a numeric clock.

Since version 0.9.2, if Gateway has its internal time synchronized using NTP it sends non sleepy nodes current real date and time in millisecond Unix format .

This feature may be disabled if needed.

Address to node name translation

Set node name

Set Node Name

Set node name result

Set Node Name result

In order to make node messages more readable for humans, this implements a way to let Gateway to translate EnigmaIOT addresses to custom names (for instance, "RoomBlindControl"). This eases node replacement in case of failure.

Node names can be up to 32 characters long and should avoid characters different of letters and numbers. Characters #,+ and / are specially forbidden.

Node name is configured by user during first configuration in WiFi Web portal.

Invalidate Key message

Invalidate Key message format

After every data message from nodes, gateway evaluates key integrity and validity. In case of any error decoding the packet gateways ignores data and reply with this message indicating the reason that caused error. Node must start a new registration procedure in order to send data again. After this new registration node resends the last data message.

A gateway defines a key validity period after that a node key is marked as expired. In a message is received after that is processed normally but an Invalidate Key message indicating key expiration as reason. Node then starts a registration procedure but does not retry communication.

Invalidate Key message is always sent unencrypted.

Protocol procedures

Normal node registration and node data exchange

Normal node registration message sequence

Incomplete Registration

Incomplete Registration message sequence

Node Not Registered

Node Not Registered message sequence

Key Expiration

KeyExpiration message sequence

Node Registration Collision

Node Registration Collision message sequence

Wrong Data Counter

Wrong Counter message sequence

Hardware description


A gateway concentrates communication from all nodes, manages their registrations status, negotiate session key with them and outputs their messages to an output protocol.

EnigmaIOT MQTT Gateway is the implementation for a MQTT gateway.

Since version 0.7.0 Gateway is a ESP32 or ESP8266 board with 4 MB of flash memory or more. ESP8266 gateways cannot use MQTT TLS encryption due to memory limitations.

Use of ESP32 platform is recommended. ESP8266 EnigmaIOT gateway code is less tested.

Thanks to modular design, other output modules may be easily developed by implementing GwOutput_generic.h. Examples of this may be LoRaWAN output gateway, COAP gateway or any other network protocol that is needed. Even an offline SD data logger could be done.

I've included a Gateway with dummy output module to show simple OutputGw module development.

In order to configure you need at least this data:

  • SSID: WiFi network to connect to
  • Password: WiFi pre shared key
  • Network Name: Name of the EnigmaIOT network. If you have several gateways it is convenient to set them to different network names. Gateway sets up an AP with this name to help nodes to find its address and WiFi channel.
  • Network Key: Encryption key to be used during node registration. It is used as Gateway AP pre shared key (not external WiFi). It must have from 8 to 32 characters long
  • Channel: Initial WiFi channel to communicate nodes and Gateway. This is not important if gateway is connected to your home WiFi as nodes and gateway will use same channel as you have configured into your router.

User code may add additional custom parameters.


A node is either a ESP8266 or ESP32 board with a number of sensors. A node may sleep between sensor readings, status is stored so that it may send data without reconnection.

Any ESP8266 or ESP32 board with at least 1 MB of flash may be used.

There are several implementations in examples:

EnigmaIOT Node: Basic node with deep sleep function. Sensor data is mocked up in example and sent using CayenneLPP encoding, you only need to replace it with your sensor reading code. Expected duration with 2 AA type batteries is more than one year, but a low power booster/regulator should be used in a custom board.

Enigmaiot Node MsgPack: It has same functionality as the example above but uses JSON and MessagePack as Payload encoding.

EnigmaIOT Node NonSleepy: Same functionality as previous examples but this does not sleep. This may be useful for sensors or actuators which are connected to mains, like light switches or smart plugs.

EnigmaIOT LED Flasher: On non sleepy nodes a common clock may be synchronized with gateway. This is an example of this. All nodes that include this firmware will flash their built in LED synchronously after successful registration.

For configuration, node needs this data:

  • SSID: corresponds to network name configured on Gateway
  • Password: You must use network key used in Gateway
  • Node Name: Human readable name for node. This must be unique in all nodes in same EnigmaIOT network. This may be changed afterwards using MQTT protocol
  • Sleep Time: If a node uses deep sleep mode this configures the initial period to be slept. This can be modified using MQTT commands.

User code may add additional custom parameters.

Data format

Although it is not mandatory at all, use of CayenneLPP format is recommended for sensor data compactness.

You may use CayenneLPP library for encoding on node and decoding on Gateway.

Example gateway code expands data message to JSON data, to be used easily as payload on a MQTT publish message to a broker. For JSON generation ArduinoJSON library is required.

In any case you can use your own format or even raw unencoded data. Take care of maximum message length that communications layer uses. For ESP-NOW, maximum payload length it is 217 bytes.

Since version 0.9 payload encoding is signaled on user data messages (both uplink and downlink) so new formats are possible. Currently CayenneLPP and MessagePack formats, in addition to RAW data, are possible. Check examples for usage instruction. MessagePack encoding and decoding are managed by ArduinoJSON library.

This change may produce incompatibilities with older versions so make sure you update your gateway and all your nodes to latest library version.

ESP-NOW channel selection

Gateway has always its WiFi interface working as an AP. Its name corresponds to configured Network Name.

During first start, after connecting supply, node tries to search for a WiFi AP with that name. Whet it is found, node will use its MAC address and channel as destination for ESP-NOW messages. It also gets RSSI (signal level) and reports it to gateway.

This information is stored in flash so node will use it to communicate in all following messages.

In the case that gateway has changed its channel (for instance due to a reconfiguration) node will not be able to communicate again.

If several (2 by default) transmission errors are detected by node, it starts searching for gateway again. When found it keeps sending messages normally and new channel is updated in configuration persistently.

So, node will always follow the channel configuration that gateway is working in.

Output data from gateway

Uplink messages

A user may program their own output format modifying gateway example program. For my use case gateway outputs MQTT messages in this format:

<configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/data <json data>

A prefix is configured on gateway to allow several sensor networks to coexist in the same subnet. After that address and data are sent.

After every received message, gateway detects if any packet has been lost before and reports it using MQTT message using this format:

<configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/status {"per":<packet error rate>,"lostmessages":<Number of lost messages>,"totalmessages":<Total number of messages>,"packetshour":<Packet rate>}

Downlink messages

EnigmaIoT allows sending messages from gateway to nodes. In my implementation I use MQTT to trigger downlink messages too.

To make it simpler, downlink messages use the same structure than uplink.

<network name>/<node address | node name>/<get|set>/data <command data>

Node address means destination node address. Configurable prefix is the same used for uplink communication.

Commands may be given in JSON format. In that case they are sent to node in MessagePack format. That makes that mode gets the complete JSON object. This implies that no change is needed on Gateway to add new node types. Gateway is transparent to user data.

This is an example of MQTT message that triggers a downlink packet.

enigmaiot/12:34:56:78:90:12/set/data {"light1": 1, "light2": 0}

If node uses a name, MQTT message may use of it.

enigmaiot/kitcken_light/set/data {"light1": 1, "light2": 0}

After sending that command node will receive a 'set' command with data {"light1": 1, "light2": 0}.

Commands can be sent in any other format different that JSON, even binary. In that case they are sent without conversion to node using MessagePack encoding format to reduce transferred data bits.

Control messages

Control messages are intended to set node specific settings, like sleep time, channel, trigger OTA update, etc. They are not passed to the main node sketch but gateway treat them as normal downlink messages.

Normally control commands trigger a response as an uplink message.

This is the list of currently implemented control commands:

  • Get node protocol version
  • Get/Set sleep duration time
  • OTA Update
  • Identify
  • Node configuration reset
  • Request measure RSSI
  • Get/Set node name
  • Restart node MCU
Command Response
Get version <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/get/version <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/version {"version":"<version>"}
Get sleep duration <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/get/sleeptime <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/sleeptime {"sleeptime":"<sleep_time>"}"
Set sleep duration <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/set/sleeptime <sleep_time> <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/sleeptime {"sleeptime":"<sleep_time>"}
OTA message <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/set/ota <ota message> <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/ota {"result":"<ota_result_text>,"status":"<ota_result_code>"}
Identify node <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/set/identify None
Reset node configuration <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/set/reset <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/reset {}
Request measure RSSI <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/get/rssi <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/rssi {"rssi":<RSSI>,"channel":<WiFi channel>}
Request node name <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/get/name <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/name {"address":<node address>,"name":<Node name>}
Set node name <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/set/name <Node name> <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/result/name {"address":<node address>,"name":<Node name>}
Restart Node MCU <configurable prefix>/<node address | node name>/set/restart None

For instance, publishing enigmaiot/12:34:56:78:90:12/get/version will produce enigmaiot/12:34:56:78:90:12/result/version 0.2.0.

Messages are encoded to reduce the amount of bytes to be sent over internal protocol, so that the air time is as short as possible.

Command Msg type Encoding
Get version 0x01 None
Version result 0x81 version as ASCII string
Get sleep time 0x02 None
Set sleep time 0x03 Sleep time in seconds (Unsigned integer - 32 bit)
Sleep time result 0x82 Sleep time in seconds (Unsigned integer - 32 bit)
OTA Update 0xEF OTA update specific format
OTA Update result 0xFF OTA result code (text and integer code)
Identify 0x04 None. Function to identify a physical node by flashing its LED
Reset node configuration 0x05 None. This will set node to factory config
Reset config confirmation 0x85 None
Request measure RSSI 0x06 None
Report measure RSSI 0x86 RSSI (signed integer - 8 bit), WiFi channel (unsigned integer - 8 bit)
Get node name 0x07 None
Report node name 0x87 Node name as string
Set node name 0x08 Node name as string
Restart node MCU 0x09 None
Send Broadcast Key 0x10 32 byte key

OTA Update

MQTT Gateway example includes plain Arduino OTA mechanism. OTA is protected using network key selected during initial configuration.

On nodes, OTA updates are transferred using the same mechanism. Firmware is sent over MQTT using a Python script. Then gateway selects the appropriate node and send this binary data over ESP-NOW.

As ESP-NOW restricts maximum payload to 250 bytes per message firmware is splitted in chunks. Every chunk is 212 bytes long, so that it fits together with message headers and is multiple of 4. This splitting work is done by script.


A requirement is to have installed Python3 in the computer used to do the update.

In order to run the update, you need to install paho-mqtt library. To do that you can follow instructions here.

$python3 ./ --help

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        File to program into device
  -d ADDRESS, --daddress=ADDRESS
                        Node address or name
                        Base topic for MQTT messages
                        MQTT server username
  -P MQTTPASS, --password=MQTTPASS
                        MQTT server user password
                        MQTT server address or name
                        MQTT server port
  -s, --secure          Use secure TLS in MQTT connection. Normally you should
                          use port 8883
  -D, --speed			Sets formware delivery speed [fast | medium | slow]. The fastest
                          the biggest chance to get troubles during update. Fast option
                          normally works but medium is more resilient
  --unsecure            Use secure plain TCP in MQTT connection. Normally you
                          should use port 1883

An example of this command could be like this:

python3 ./ \
             -f EnigmaIOTsensor.bin \
             -d 11:22:33:44:55:66 \
             -t enigmaiot \
             -u "mymqttbrokeruser" \
             -P "mymqttbrokerpassword" \
             -S mysecure.mqtt.server \
             -p 8883 \
             -D medium \

Notice that using ESP-NOW, device address correspond to MAC address of your ESP8266 or ESP32 node.

It is very important to configure user and password on you MQTT broker. Besides, if it is going to be accessed from the Internet you should activate TLS encryption and a certificate.

External libraries


Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32







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