Hello, you've found my private github. You may not use this for educational use. If you intend to use any of this projects for future use please email me, the creator, via my website.
🌱 I’m currently learning how to implement, design, and deploy work AI models
👯 I’m looking for collaborattion, and new and state-of-the-art AI trends.
🤔 I'm still exploring and curious about cool applets, software, and computer architecture!
⚡ I’m looking for help with just about everything else/ But, man do I really want to live my life.
You've found my page, and I find that exciting, but please mind my privacy.. Please connect with me
if you most certainly need to! But let's be real, I'm from small town USA; and you don't expect anything from me.
💬 Production Builds uniquely avaliable somewhere out there:
- "Trader": A knowledgable application that may assist with short-term, and long-term financial investments. It leverages cutting edge time forcasting predictions, and malleable strategy writers
- My website: _ (Check it out, it's basically me. Let me know how to change it but I dont want it to look any better).
- HomeAI: A dedicated application used to assist you in your everyday life. Focused on user create user based routines.
📫 How to reach me: (ill work this out later, but i think i included my email on my website)
🎒 Software salutations, please feel free to buy me coffee :link