So, to get it running on locally and/or Heroku, here are the steps:
Clone our fork that has a few patches for version compatibility (Py 3.6, 3.8 and Sanic 2020+)
Create new shell locally:
pipenv shell pipenv install
Create a new Heroku app:
heroku create heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev # Add the remote DB url to a local .env file: heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -s > .env
Ensure the
file got created correctly:cat .env # Should see something quite long, starting with: DATABASE_URL=
Test locally:
heroku local curl http://localhost:5000/2020-03-05 # or wget -qO - http://localhost:5000/2020-03-05 # output: # {"base":"EUR","date":"2020-03-03","rates":.....
Launch to heroku:
git push heroku master
Try also:
pipenv install --skip-lock pip install gino==0.8.7 # Ensure older version of Gino ORM is installed
Try instead of "pipenv install" (in fresh venv):
pip install -r frozen_requirements.txt