# deploy to your k8s cluster
kubectl apply -f k8s.yaml -n sock-shop
# get public IP address of the service
kubectl get service --watch --namespace=sock-shop
# make sure you connect to it
curl http://<YOURPUBLICIP>/error
# install https://github.com/rakyll/hey
brew install hey
# load test the Flask API
hey -n 2000 http://<YOURPUBLICIP>/ping
# update the image of the deployment and use the image with APM Agent installed
kubectl set image deployment/flask-simple \
flask-simple=anthonynguyen334/flask-codestream:withNRApm \
-n sock-shop
# get your ingest license at one.newrelic.com
# mac/ linux
# windows
set YOUR_NR_INGEST_API=<Ingest Key>
# Set required env variables
kubectl set env deployment/flask-simple \
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME="Flask - simple" \
NEW_RELIC_METADATA_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/nvhoanganh/flask-python.git \
NEW_RELIC_METADATA_COMMIT=b2323343c12ae61ce3624ae80253f3483434780b \
# restart the deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment flask-simple -n sock-shop
# browse http://<YOURPUBLICIP>/ or http://<YOURPUBLICIP>/ping or http://<YOURPUBLICIP>/error
# go to NR One, you should see your app under APM
# install latest version of Codestream extension for VSCode and connect to NR One using User key
# reload Vscode and open this repository
# make sure you install the python extension for VSCode
# install k6 (https://k6.io/docs/getting-started/installation/)
brew install k6
# in VSCode , open app.py file, then in the background, run the load tests
k6 run -e PUBLIC_IP=<YOURPUBLICIP> loadtest.js
- you should see this after a minute or two
- click on the Telemetry on top of each method, will show this
- you can click on this link to jump directly to the APM service
- run
## download installer
curl -O https://download.newrelic.com/infrastructure_agent/integrations/ecs/newrelic-infra-ecs-installer.sh
./newrelic-infra-ecs-installer.sh -f -c YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME -l YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
# give execute permission
chmod +x newrelic-infra-ecs-installer.sh
# make sure you have aws cli installed and check version
aws configure get region
# list the cluster, note the cluster you want to deploy
$ aws ecs list-clusters
# give execute permission
./newrelic-infra-ecs-installer.sh -f -c YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME -l YOUR_LICENSE_KEY