2019-09-11 Andre Sailer (PR#237)
- CLIC_o4_v14: New CLIC detector model with DECal, based on CLIC_o3_v14. Ported from https://github.com/robbie-bosley/CLIC_DECAL
2019-05-23 Emilia Leogrande (PR#236)
- FCCee_o2_v01: new detector model with smaller beampipe radius (10 mm instead of 15 mm) and closer vertex subdetector
2019-02-20 Emilia Leogrande (PR#235)
- FCCee_o1_v04: Implemented changes the new sorting policy
- Analogous of #234
- FCCee_o1_v04: Implemented changes the new sorting policy
2019-02-19 Andre Sailer (PR#234)
- Plugin: lcgeo_LinearSortingPolicy : new plugin to set the sorting policy for surfaces identified by placement path based on their z position and a linear function, requires AIDASoft/DD4hep#486
- CLIC_o3_v14: add use of lcgeo_LinearSortingPolicy for TrackerEndcaps
- TrackerEndcapSupport_o1_v01: attach support volumes to different DetElements so we can attach different extensions to them
2018-11-07 Marko Petric (PR#232)
- Add vis attribute for better visualisation of VertexEndcap_o1_v06
2018-11-01 Marko Petric (PR#231)
- Add vis attribute for better visualisation of
- Add vis attribute for better visualisation of
2018-08-23 Oleksandr Viazlo (PR#229)
- new FCCee_o1_v04 detector model:
- update on MDI and shielding from Anna
- merge Materials_v01.xml and materials.xml into one file and remove unused items
- new FCCee_o1_v04 detector model:
2018-08-09 Andre Sailer (PR#228)
- ddsim program moved to DD4hep, AIDASoft/DD4hep#420
2018-07-05 Andre Sailer (PR#225)
- Tests: Using other cmake variables to be able to pick up the lcgeo tests from outside of lcgeo