Version: | 0.7.5 |
This is the front end to the AXES research system. The software is a single page web application written in Python using the Django framework. The front end part is developed in HTML5, Javascript (with jQuery), and CSS3, and uses the KnockoutJS and SammyJS frameworks. It should be compatible with modern versions of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
This software was developed as part of the AXES EU FP7 project. This front end needs to be used in conjunction with the link management and search system developed by AXES.
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license.
Non-python dependencies (install in advance):
Python dependencies (installed by
- django 1.5.x or 1.6.x
- pymongo
- requests
- jsonrpclib
- pyyaml
- ffmpeg (for the video cutter service)
- celery
- django-celery
- supervisor
- paver (optional)
Setup your local settings:
(venv)$ cp axesresearch/settings/ axesresearch/settings/ (venv)$ vi axesresearch/settings/
Bootstrap the virtual environment and install dependencies:
$ ./
Create folders for media and static files:
(venv)$ mkdir -p /var/www/axes-research/media (venv)$ mkdir -p /var/www/axes-research/static (venv)$ chmod 777 /var/www/axes-research/media
Deploy the static files:
(venv)$ python collectstatic
Edit supervisor configuration:
(venv)$ cp conf/supervisord.conf.tmpl conf/supervisord.conf (venv)$ vi conf/supervisord.conf
The UI relies on several services, such as celery for performing background
tasks and mongodb as a document store. The recommended way of starting these
services is to use supervisor. Several paver tasks are provided to simplify calling
and supervisorctl
. Type paver help
for more info.
To start the services using paver
(venv)$ paver start
The above is just an shortcut for using supervisord
(venv)$ supervisord -c conf/supervisord.conf
Unless you're using Apache mod_wsgi, you'll probably want supervisor to start the WSGI application for you too. In that case, read the options below about how to do this.
There are several options for running the django user interface. In all cases, on production deployments, you'll need to host all media and static files using a standard web server like Apache. The code itself is a Python WSGI app, so can be deployed using any server capable of hosting WSGI applications. The following gives instructions for three alternatives for deployment
- Gunicorn
- The gevent WSGI server
- Apache mod_wsgi
If you choose to deploy using gunicorn or the gevent WSGI server, it's best to setup a HTTP proxy server for the services. If using Apache, a proxy server can be setup using mod_proxy. Otherwise, a standalone one like nginx can be used. An example proxy setup for gunicorn can be found here.
Install gevent and green unicorn:
(venv)$ pip install gevent (venv)$ pip install gunicorn
Edit the supervisord.conf
to enable auto-starting the gunicorn server. If
supervisor is already running, you need to tell it to re-read the config
file and start the services. Using paver
(venv)$ paver update
Or directly, using supervisorctl
(venv)$ supervisorctl -c conf/supervisord.conf update
Note that it also possible to run green unicorn with synchronous non-gevent
based workers. To do this, edit supervisord.conf
and remove -k gevent
on the gunicorn_django command line.
Install gevent:
(venv)$ pip install gevent
Edit the supervisord.conf
to enable auto-starting the gevent server. If
supervisor is already running, you need to tell it to re-read the config
file and start the services. Using paver
(venv)$ paver update
Or directly, using supervisorctl
(venv)$ supervisorctl -c conf/supervisord.conf update
Create the configuration:
(venv)$ cp conf/httpd.conf.tmpl conf/httpd.conf (venv)$ vi conf/httpd.conf
Enable the web application. E.g. on Ubuntu, you can use sites-enabled
(venv)$ ln -s /path/to/axes-research/conf/httpd.conf \ /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/axes-research
Then restart Apache.
If deploying the server using gunicorn, you probably want to proxy it using
Apache or nginx for security and static file hosting. This is relatively
straightforward if deploying the application under the web root path ('/'). If
you need to deploy the application under a non-standard path, you'll need to
make sure that the proxy server sets the SCRIPT_NAME
HTTP header to equal
the root path, as django uses this to figure out things like redirect URLs.
Here's an example of an nginx configuration for a gunicorn based deployment on port 8002. This goes in the server section:
location /axes-research-nisvpro/ { root /var/www; } location /axes/research/nisvpro/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:8002/axes/research/nisvpro/; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Protocol $scheme; proxy_set_header SCRIPT_NAME /axes/research/nisvpro; }
The above assumes that you want to mount the application under
and that the STATIC_ROOT
Note that the script name is appended to the proxy_pass
line above: for
gunicorn based servers, the SCRIPT_NAME
must be a prefix of the path sent
to the application.
Note that newer versions of Apache requires a different httpd.conf
, where Allow from all
is replaced by Require all granted
You can clear all caches using:
(venv)$ python clearcaches
Add the following to axesresearch/settings/
To run multiple instances of the UI on the same server using different data
collections, you'll need to use different MongoDB database names for each
instance. By default, the database name is set to 'axesresearch'. To change
this, set the DATABASE_NAME in axesresearch/settings/
. E.g.:
DATABASE_NAME = 'axesresearch_nisvpro'
Also, note that if you're using supervisor to launch the services, you'll need
to edit supervisord.conf
so that it doesn't try to autostart multiple mongod
can be used to apply regular
expression post-processors to the responses returned from LIMAS. For example, the
following rules re-write the thumbnail URL to redirect it to the thumbnailer
LIMAS_RESPONSE_POSTPROCESSING_RULES = { 'thumbnailUrl': [ (r'^(.*)$', r'http://<server>/thumbs/thumbnail?image=\1') ] }