Demonstrates the use of GPT to generate comments for GitHub pull requests.
To use this code, you'll need a personal access token from GitHub and an OpenAI API key.
- Go to
- Click on "Generate new token".
- Give the token a name.
- Select the "repo" scope.
- Click on "Generate token".
- Copy the token.
- Go to
- Click on "Create a new API key".
- Give the API key a name.
- Click on "Create API key".
- Copy the API key.
On Windows, you can set environment variables using the following command:
setx GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN "your personal access token from GitHub"
setx OPENAI_API_KEY "your OpenAI API key"
On Linux, you can set environment variables using the following command:
export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="your personal access token from GitHub"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your OpenAI API key"
Once you have your personal access token and OpenAI API key, you can create a new instance of the GitHubPullRequestReviewer
class and call its methods to create pull requests and generate comments for existing pull requests.
Here's an example:
var reviewer = new GitHubPullRequestReviewer(
// If you want to create a pull request
var pullRequestUrl = await reviewer.CreatePullRequest(
repositoryName: "your-repository-name",
baseBranchName: "main",
headBranchName: "new-feature-branch",
title: "Add new feature",
body: "This pull request adds a new feature.",
diff: "The changes made in the new feature."
// Scan for pull requests to add review, you can set this to poll periodically, or you can implment a trigger such as pubsub, or webhook if desired.
await reviewer.CheckForNewPullRequestsAndPostComments("your-repository-name");