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This project demonstrates how to make queries for blockchain data and conduct preliminary analysis


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Ekubo Protocol (v3) Market Depth Analysis and Profit/Loss Calculation

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Summary
  3. Ekubo Dataset
  4. Aggregated Dataset
  5. Market Depth Analysis
  6. Profit and Loss (PnL) Calculations
  7. Discussion and Conclusion
  8. References

1. About The Project

The goal is to analyze the market depth of Ekubo Protocol (v3)[1] and provide profit and loss (PnL) calculation. The Ekuubo Protocol is an automated market maker (AMM) designed for Starknet[2], which is a layer 2 network on Ethereum providing a decentralized platform. Its unique features include concentrated liquidity and an extensible, gas-efficient architecture.

The targeted tasks consist of two parts: (1) Providing market depth for the Ekubo Protocol for STRK/ETH, STRK/USDC, ETH/USDC, and USDC/USDT pools. (2) Calculating the Profit and Loss (PnL) for a set of hypothetical positions held by the most profitable liquidity providers.

The deliverable results include a comprehensive report that details the methodology, findings, and recommendations. This report would be supported by data visualizations and code within Jupyter Notebooks to enhance the analysis.

Project Link:

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2. Summary

Here is the summary of this report. Will update in the last.

Recommandations to the Ebubo Protocol:

  1. r1
  2. r2
  3. r3
  4. r4
  5. r5

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3. Ekubo Dataset

3.1 Dataset Structure

The entire Ekubo Protocol dataset is stored in a Parquet file (which is not an open dataset), containing various data such as transaction details, liquidity events, and price movements. Below is a detailed explanation for each column.

  • BLOCK_NUMBER: The block when the transaction occurred
  • BLOCK_TIMESTAMP: The timestamp of the block
  • TX_HASH: The unique hash of the transaction where the event occurred (a given transaction can include multiple events)
  • TX_ID: An identifier that indicates where in the block the transaction occurred
  • POOL_ID: A unique identifier of the liquidity pool
  • TOKEN0_ADDRESS: Starknet address of token0
  • TOKEN1_ADDRESS: Starknet address of token1
  • EVENT_NAME: The type of event (Mint, Burn, or Swap)
  • FROM_ADDRESS: The user’s address
  • TO_ADDRESS: The contract address
  • TOKEN0_RAW_AMOUNT: Raw (not decimal adjusted) number of token0 transferred
  • TOKEN0_DECIMALS: Number of decimal places of token0
  • TOKEN1_RAW_AMOUNT: Raw (not decimal adjusted) number of token1 transferred
  • TOKEN1_DECIMALS: Number of decimal places of token1
  • FEE_TIER: The fee rate of the pool (only Swap transactions pay fees)
  • LIQUIDITY_AMOUNT: The amount of liquidity added in a Mint or subtracted in a Burn between LOWER_TICK and UPPER_TICK (NB: This number is not denominated in either token. You need Uniswap-style constant product math to convert this to a token amount)
  • LOWER_TICK: The lower bound of the tick range that liquidity was added to in a Mint or subtracted from in Burn
  • UPPER_TICK: The upper bound of the tick range that liquidity was added to in a Mint or subtracted from in Burn
  • SWAP_TICK: The final price tick reached after a Swap (set to 0 for all Mints and Burns)
  • TICK_SPACING: Defines the intervals on which users are allowed to add or subtract liquidity in the given pool (not relevant to this assignment)

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3.2 Dataset Overview

  • 01a_dataset_overview.ipynb: This Jupyter Notebook includes the code used to generate the results presented in Session 3.2.

  • An updated dataframe table:

    • At the top of the raw dataframe, I added the following additional columns to provide a better overview of the dataset:
      • Token0_name: based on inforamtion from TOKEN0_ADDRESS, e.g., STRK
      • Token1_name: based on inforamtion from TOKEN1_ADDRESS, e.g., USDC
      • tag: for classify each trading-pair-type, e.g., STRK_ETH_Swap
  • An overview of the updated dataframe structure:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 3024741 entries, 71486 to 1779938
Data columns (total 27 columns):
 #   Column              Dtype         
---  ------              -----         
 0   BLOCK_NUMBER        int64         
 1   BLOCK_TIMESTAMP     datetime64[ns]
 2   TX_HASH             object        
 3   TX_ID               object        
 4   POOL_ID             object        
 5   TOKEN0_ADDRESS      object        
 6   TOKEN1_ADDRESS      object        
 7   EVENT_NAME          object        
 8   FROM_ADDRESS        object        
 9   TO_ADDRESS          object        
 10  TOKEN0_RAW_AMOUNT   float64       
 11  TOKEN0_DECIMALS     int64         
 12  TOKEN0_REAL_AMOUNT  float64       
 13  TOKEN1_RAW_AMOUNT   float64       
 14  TOKEN1_DECIMALS     int64         
 15  TOKEN1_REAL_AMOUNT  float64       
 16  FEE_TIER            float64       
 17  LIQUIDITY_AMOUNT    float64       
 18  LOWER_TICK          float64       
 19  UPPER_TICK          float64       
 20  SWAP_TICK           float64       
 21  TICK_SPACING        int64         
 22  datetime            datetime64[ns]
 23  timestamp           int64         
 24  Token0_name         object        
 25  Token1_name         object        
 26  tag                 object        
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(9), int64(5), object(11)
memory usage: 646.2+ MB
  • A quick view of the values in one randomly selected row:
BLOCK_NUMBER                                                     175738
BLOCK_TIMESTAMP                                     2023-08-27 14:57:12
TX_HASH               0x07c98ed05759e1b0047bf8eafa41e30065a6985f8d88...
TX_ID                                              5461067_0_175738_163
POOL_ID               0x00000005dd3d2f4429af886cd1a3b08289dbcea99a29...
TOKEN0_ADDRESS        0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c...
TOKEN1_ADDRESS        0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee...
EVENT_NAME                                                         Mint
FROM_ADDRESS          0x036fd071faaead90780ee4161eab85a9fc2598e8e8e6...
TO_ADDRESS            0x00000005dd3d2f4429af886cd1a3b08289dbcea99a29...
TOKEN0_RAW_AMOUNT                                  -11825645732386756.0
TOKEN0_DECIMALS                                                      18
TOKEN0_REAL_AMOUNT                                            -0.011826
TOKEN1_RAW_AMOUNT                                           -20000000.0
TOKEN1_DECIMALS                                                       6
TOKEN1_REAL_AMOUNT                                                -20.0
FEE_TIER                                                          0.003
LIQUIDITY_AMOUNT                                        8376507117481.0
LOWER_TICK                                                  -20350764.0
UPPER_TICK                                                  -20111484.0
SWAP_TICK                                                           0.0
TICK_SPACING                                                       5982
datetime                                            2023-08-27 14:57:12
timestamp                                                    1693148232
Token0_name                                                         ETH
Token1_name                                                        USDC
tag                                                       ETH_USDC_Mint
Name: 110352, dtype: object
  • In the Ekubo dataset, there are five types of trading pair (Token0/Token1) and three event types:

    1. STRK/ETH (Mint, Burn, and Swap)
    2. STRK/USDC (Mint, Burn, and Swap)
    3. STRK/USDT (Mint, Burn, and Swap)
    4. ETH/USDC (Mint, Burn, and Swap)
    5. USDC/USDT (Mint, Burn, and Swap)
  • Addresses and Contract shown in Ekubo:

    • STRK Token (in TOKEN0_ADDRESS and TOKEN1_ADDRESS): 0x04718f5a0fc34cc1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d [3]
    • ETH Token (in TOKEN0_ADDRESS and TOKEN1_ADDRESS): 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7 [4]
    • USDC Token (in TOKEN0_ADDRESS and TOKEN1_ADDRESS): 0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8 [5]
    • USDT Token (in TOKEN1_ADDRESS): 0x068f5c6a61780768455de69077e07e89787839bf8166decfbf92b645209c0fb8 [6]
    • Ekubo Contract (in TO_ADDRESS): 0x00000005dd3d2f4429af886cd1a3b08289dbcea99a294197e9eb43b0e0325b4b [7]
  • Plot % of rows for each tag among the whole dataset:

Bar Plot

  • Date range plot for each tag:

Date Range Plot

  • Date range for each trading pair:

    • The whole dataset: 2023-08-21 18:06:57 to 2024-02-25 03:57:43
    • ETH/USDC pools: 2023-08-21 18:06:57 to 2024-02-25 03:57:43
    • USDC/USDT pools: 2023-08-25 17:26:00 to 2024-02-25 03:57:26
    • STRK/ETH pools: 2024-02-08 12:27:13 to 2024-02-25 03:57:26
    • STRK/USDC pools: 024-02-11 11:21:18 to 2024-02-25 03:57:26
    • STRK/USDT pools: 2024-02-19 16:26:11 to 2024-02-25 03:36:21
  • Top five trading pair events in Ekubo:

    1. ETH/USDC-Swap (54.0%)
    2. USDC/USDT-Swap (24.6%)
    3. ETH/USDC-Mint (7.61%)
    4. STRK/ETH-Swap (4.38%)
    5. ETH/USDC-Burn (3.82%)

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4. Aggregated Dataset

In this sesson, I first present the methods I used to compute daily and hourly aggregated tables for the Ekubo Protocol dataset in Session 4.1. The computation includes (1) the aggregated token price for each trading pair and (2) number of tokens in the pool for a given day.

Next, I compared the daily aggregated ETH/USDC price with public available ETH/USD price to confirm the reliability of the aggregated tabels from this study.

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4.1 Method of Computing Aggregaed Data

  • The aggregated price for trading pair tokens, such as ETH/USDC, is computed with the median value within a time range (e.g., in a day or in an hour) from the token ratio (TOKEN1/TOKEN0) of the token amount.

    • To compute price of trading pair:
      • Pair_Price = median(RATIO_TOKEN1_TOKEN0)
    • To compute total token in the pool for a given day or hour:
      • amount_cumulative_buy_sell_swap: compute total cumutive amount of token (net amount) by adding cumulative buy and cumulative sell tokens on and before a given day or hour.

The outputs of the aggregated dataset include the following CSV files:

  • Daily Aggregated Datasets:
    • df_agg_daily_all.csv
      • df_agg_daily_STRK_USDC.csv
      • df_agg_daily_STRK_USDT.csv
      • df_agg_daily_STRK_ETH.csv
      • df_agg_daily_ETH_USDC.csv
      • df_agg_daily_USDC_USDT.csv
  • Hourly Aggregated Datasets:
    • df_agg_hourly_all.csv
      • df_agg_hourly_STRK_USDC.csv
      • df_agg_hourly_STRK_USDT.csv
      • df_agg_hourly_STRK_ETH.csv

Below are the columns included in the aggregated csv files:

  • token0: STRK, ETH, or USDC
  • token1: STRK, ETH, or USDT
  • date: Beginning Date and Time of that day or hour
  • timestamp: timestamp
  • token0_daily_price_median_mint: median price of token0/token1 for mint event
  • token0_daily_amount_mint: count of token0 for mint
  • token0_daily_price_median_burn: median price of token0/token1 for burn event
  • token0_daily_amount_burn: count of token0 for burn
  • token0_daily_amount_net_mint_burn: net amount of token0 by adding mint and burn
  • liquidity_daily_sum_mint: sum of liquidity for mint
  • liquidity_daily_sum_burn: sum of liquidity for burn
  • liquidity_daily_net_mint_burn: total net liquidity by adding mint and burn
  • liquidity_daily_cum_sum_mint:
  • liquidity_daily_cum_sum_burn:
  • token0_daily_price_median_swap: median price of token0/token1 for swap event
  • token0_daily_price_min_swap: min price for swap event
  • token0_daily_price_max_swap: max price for swap event
  • token0_daily_price_std_swap: std for swap event
  • token0_daily_amount_buy_swap: total buying amount of token for swap event
  • token0_daily_amount_sell_swap: total selling amount of token for swap even
  • token0_daily_amount_net_swap: total net amount of token by adding buy and sell
  • token0_daily_amount_cum_buy_swap: cumulative buy amount of token by adding all buy amount before the current day or hour
  • token0_daily_amount_cum_sell_swap: cumulative sell amount of token by adding all buy amount before the current day or hour
  • token0_daily_amount_cum_net_swap: cumulative net amount of token by adding cumulative buy and sell amounts
  • total_events_daily_mint: total mint events used to compoute the aggregated results
  • total_events_daily_burn: total burn events used to compoute the aggregated results
  • total_events_daily_swap: total swap events used to compoute the aggregated results
  • total_events_daily: total events (mint, burn, and swap) in a day or hour

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4.2 Comparison of Daily Aggregated Data for ETH/USDC

  • Example outputs of a row for the ETH/USDC file:
tag                                            ETH_USDC
token0                                              ETH
token1                                             USDC
date                                         2023-09-14
timestamp                                    1694649600
token0_daily_price_median_mint              1689.320632
token0_daily_amount_mint                     -12.798675
token0_daily_price_median_burn              1689.320586
token0_daily_amount_burn                       0.456841
token0_daily_amount_net_mint_burn            -12.341834
liquidity_daily_sum_mint             9630181268773528.0
liquidity_daily_sum_burn             -324302866910177.0
liquidity_daily_net_mint_burn        9305878401863352.0
liquidity_daily_cum_sum_mint         9630181268773528.0
liquidity_daily_cum_sum_burn         -324302866910177.0
liquidity_daily_cum_net_mint_burn    9305878401863352.0
token0_daily_price_median_swap              1629.834986
token0_daily_price_min_swap                 1292.546316
token0_daily_price_max_swap                 1645.132325
token0_daily_price_std_swap                   19.663286
token0_daily_amount_buy_swap                  11.273301
token0_daily_amount_sell_swap                 -7.499795
token0_daily_amount_net_swap                   3.773506
token0_daily_amount_cum_buy_swap              11.273301
token0_daily_amount_cum_sell_swap             -7.499795
token0_daily_amount_cum_net_swap               3.773506
total_events_daily_mint                              78
total_events_daily_burn                              10
total_events_daily_swap                             450
total_events_daily                                  538
Name: 22, dtype: object
  • Plot ETH price comparison between the aggregated ETH/USDC price from this study versus the ETH/USD price download with pycoingecko:

Bar Plot

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5. Market Depth Analysis

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6. Profit and Loss (PnL) Calculations

  • Feature 1
  • Feature 2
  • Feature 3
    • Nested Feature

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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7. Discussion and Conclusion

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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8. References

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This project demonstrates how to make queries for blockchain data and conduct preliminary analysis







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