This is the my lesson notes and exercises for a LinkedIn course, Spark-for-Machine-Learning-AI.
Created by Kevin Chao ([email protected])
Latest updated on Feb 14, 2024
The LinkedIn course:
- Spark for Machine Learning & AI by Dan Sullivan:
- Introduction to Spark and MLlib
- Data Preparation and Transformation
- Numeric:
- MinMaxScaler
- StandardScaler
- Bucketizer
- Text:
- Tokenizer
- HashingTF
- Numeric:
- Clustering
- K-Mean
- Hierarchical clustering with Bisecting K-means
- Classification
- Navie Bayes
- Multilayer perceptron
- Decision trees
- Regression
- Linear regression
- Decision tree regression
- Gradient-boosted tree regression (requiredd significant time to build the model)
- Recommendations
- Collaborative Filtering
- In Spark: Using Alternating Least Squares method
- Content-Based Filtering
- Collaborative Filtering
- Tips for using Spark MLlib:
- (1) Processing:
- Collect, reformat, and transform data
- Load data into Spark DataFrames
- Include headers, or column names, in text file
- Use inferSchema=True
- Use StringIndexer to map from string to numeric indexes
- Collect, reformat, and transform data
- (2) Model Building:
- Apply machine learning algorithms to training data
- Split data into trainging and test sets
- Fit models using trainging data
- Create predictions by applying a transform to the test data
- Apply machine learning algorithms to training data
- (3) Validation:
- Assess the quality of models built in step 2
- Use MLlib evaluators:
- MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
- RegressionEvaluator
- Experimeny with multiple algorithms
- Vary hyperparameters
- Use MLlib evaluators:
- Assess the quality of models built in step 2
- Other suggestions:
- (1) MLlibs Docs:
- Detailed API documentation and examples
- (2) Kaggle:
- Data sets and articles
- (3) AWS Data Sets:
- Big data and public data sets
- (1) MLlibs Docs:
- (1) Processing: