This project puts myCBR into and provides the created REST calls through a Swagger API
- First clone the project
- To build it go into its root folder and run:
mvn clean install
- In order to deploy the Spring app, run:
java -jar ./target/mycbr-rest-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- After Spring has started, you can find the API documentation here: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#!/
- Greeting controller is the sample I used to build the app
- CBR Controller contains the myCBR bits
- ctrl + C shuts down the server
- The goal is to provide the entire retrieval, however, so far only the model is working
- /case provides the case content
- /concepts provides all concept names in the project
- /casebase provides the name(s) of the case bases associated with the project
- /retieval provides the similarity-based retrieval either by specifying symbols or an id of existing cases
- /attributes provides a list of attributes and their value types
- /values provides the list of allowed values for SymbolDesc attributes and min/max for IntegerDesc/DoubleDesc/FloatDesc
- /retrieval allows you to post a query with a number of attributes, e.g.:
{"Doors": 4, "Model": "e_300_diesel", "Manufacturer": "mercedes-benz","Color":"yellow, blue"}
- Currently only Symbol, Integer, Double and Float attributes are supported.
- Currently only Multiple Symbol attributes are supported
- the number of returned cases can be set, use -1 for returning all
- The app requires a myCBR project, which should be put into mycbr-rest-example/src/main/resources
- In order to detect the project file, has to be adapted:
- private static String projectName = "used_cars_flat.prj" should be changed to the project file's name
- The rest of the API is independent from the project, hence only the parameters such as case base and comcept names have to be adapted to the new project